The E-cig Thread


Silver Knight of the Realm
Is it cigarettes that effect blood flow and therefore erections, or just nicotine? I've had the weirdest throbbing boners lately since switching to e-cigs...


Got something right about marriage
Welcome back to the world of non-smoker boners. They're supposed to throb my bro.
Okay, so I just found this thread. I breezed through most of it, but I didn't see the below info offered, so forgive me if I'm repeating anything:

CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association

This organization is a collection of manufacturers and vapers that are fighting to keep vaping legal, dispel the tons of myths surrounding vaping, and provide scientific information and research into the benefits and hazards of vaping.

CASAA - Fact & Science - Electronic Cigarettes
CASAA - Fact & Science - Tobacco Harm Reduction - Nicotine Facts

There is a huge disinformation campaign in play right now against vaping, sponsored by multiple sources. The tobacco companies will lose profits to vaping over lessened tobacco sales, obviously. When tobacco sales go down, the government will lose a huge revenue source (they get around 1/2 the price of every pack of smokes sold in taxes). Plus, Big Tobacco has a lot of lobbying money, so they have all the politicians in their pocket, which is why tobacco is still legal in the first place. The government also likes it when people die early of lung cancer, because then they don't have to pay social security benefits. The pharmaceutical cartels don't want vaping in play because it competes with their FDA-approved and utterly useless cessation techniques, like the patch/gum and prescription drugs. Hell, even the medical industry makes a ton of money from treating all the victims of lung cancer.

So, what happens is the tobacco companies sponsor anti-vaping legislation, and the government puts it through. There is a bill on the floor of my state's legislature (SC) to heavily tax and regulate e-liquid in the name of "public safety" sponsored by R.J. Reynolds (Camel's parent company -see here). Tobacco companies are also donating to anti-smoking organizations to get them to oppose e-cigs, which drives nicotine addicts back to smoking (oh, the irony). Media outlets are also getting paid to do articles (often falsified) on the "dangers" of vaping to sway public opinion and whip people into an anti-vaping frenzy - because if the media says it, it has to be true. Their latest claim is that e-cigs are a gateway for youth to actual smoking, which is bullshit - 99% of vapers are ex-smokers. The government has also employed the FDA and the CDC to spread disinformation with studies that are scientifically unsound, inaccurate, and sometimes outright falsified. If you want what REAL info there is out there, I suggest the links above.

I'm of the opinion that Izo is likely a stooge for one of these organizations, judging from how fervently he's trying to put people off of vaping.

I was a pack-a-day smoker for 20 years. I lived with not being able to breathe, having to clear my throat every five minutes due to drainage, having my nose constantly clogged, yellow teeth and stains on my hands, and smelling like my car's tailpipe for 20 years. I spent 20 years standing out in the cold and rain to support my addiction. I picked up a couple of 1100mah EGo-C Twists and a Kanger ProTank 2 last May, and I haven't even wanted a single cigarette since. I'm no scientist, but I can see the results for myself:

-Greatly improved breathing and clear airways
-Return of taste and smell senses
-Improved energy
-Don't stink
-No more teeth/hand stains

Plus, my nicotine intake is GREATLY reduced. A cigarette has approximately 0.9mg of nicotine in it; I used to smoke 20 of those a day. My 30ml bottle of juice contains 12mg of nicotine total and lasts me a WEEK or more.

Are vaporizers a cessation technique? NO - they are an alternative nicotine delivery system. They may aid in cessation for some people, but that is not their intended purpose.

Are vaporizers safe? NO - they still contain nicotine, which BY ITSELF is about as harmful as caffeine, and is NOT PROVEN TO CAUSE CANCER. Also, the long term effects of propylene glycol inhalation have yet to be scientifically tested.

Are vaporizers safer than cigarettes? ALMOST CERTAINLY - not only judging by their chemical ingredients, but by my own personal experience with them.

Keep calm and vape on.

EDIT: And for a forum populated with people MUCH more educated and experienced in this subject than me, go here:ECF: The E-Cigarette Forum

EDIT 2:A Forbes editorial on e-cigs by the executive and medical director of The American Council on Science and Health ( in New York


Tranny Chaser
Read this
WHO | Questions and answers on electronic cigarettes or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)
Read the in depth publications, latest is 955, here
WHO | WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation (TobReg)

You should at least educate yourself as to what the World Health Organization has to say on the subject before you willingly spread misinformation about the cancer risks of nicotine, vapors and their fluid. You're wrong in your assumptions in this regard, simple as that.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
MCP, no offense but that was the most shill sounding post I've seen in a while. It's like you attempted to hit every catchphrase you'd find in a powerpoint made by an ecig vendor.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
How about you start posting on topic instead of trying to criticize someone smarter than you, Mr. I-don't-know-what-freely-available-means. Talk about thread crapping...

Let me help you get started:
Do you smoke, vape or otherwise abuse nicotine? What are your thoughts on e-cigs?
Be nice izo, he had obamacare so it's understandable.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So, 5 days vaping. I can't see myself going back to analog cigarettes. I'm using medium strength at the moment. I bought some cheap chinese knock off and plain juice from a local tabaco shop. Now that I know I like it and want to stick with it, I'm going to order a Kanger Mini Protank 2 starter kit and a variety pack of juices.


Got something right about marriage
The Provari and Kanger protank 2 have arrived, this thing is awesome. I bought a 24mg straight tobacco flavored juice, that shit is harsh, its a PG/VG mix but it doesn't say what percentage of each. How do you guys clean out the tank after each use? Just rinse it under warm water?


<Gold Donor>
The Provari and Kanger protank 2 have arrived, this thing is awesome. I bought a 24mg straight tobacco flavored juice, that shit is harsh, its a PG/VG mix but it doesn't say what percentage of each. How do you guys clean out the tank after each use? Just rinse it under warm water?
Yeah the tobacco flavors are shit im afraid. You need to try some other flavors and see if you like them. I personally liked the peppermint, "ice" and menthol flavors when I began. But now I like the fruity flavors the most.

The tank, yeah you can just rinse it under water and then try to get as much of the moisture out with a paper towel. I personally dont clean the tank. I just fill it with some new juice. But I use fruity flavors so it does not matter. If you are going from a tobacco flavor to a fruit flavor, yeah I would rinse it out so you dont get a fruit flavored tobacco flavor.

But you can also clean the coil as well. You will notice that after a few weeks the shit wont be dragging and vaping like it used to so its time to clean the coil. You will need to clean it eventually, maybe once a month, because the coil will get all gummed up. What you do is take the little metal tube and the silicone grommet off the base. It pops right off. This will expose the coil. There will be a little flavor wick there you need to remove rinse and save. Then run the thing under water until its clean. Pat it dry as best as you can and then put it on your battery still all taken apart. Then you will dry burn it in 3 second increments. Put your voltage on 3.7-4 or so and burn it counting to three then stop and blow into it. Burn it 3 sec and stop and blow into it to expel the burnt crap. Do this until you see the coil glowing. Then it will be as good as new. Put a few drops of juie on the coil, put the little flavor wick back, then put the metal tube with the grommet back on and install the tank back on and you are good to go.

There are youtube videos showing the cleaning procedure. Just do a search on cleaning a protank.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Plus, my nicotine intake is GREATLY reduced. A cigarette has approximately 0.9mg of nicotine in it; I used to smoke 20 of those a day. My 30ml bottle of juice contains 12mg of nicotine total and lasts me a WEEK or more.
I'd imagine it's actually 12mg/ml.


Tranny Chaser
It was the numbers that got to you with this post, Azrayne, huh? Not all the blatant lies, conspiracy theories or 'you can have your cake and eat it too'? I think my favorite was this one:
The government also likes it when people die early of lung cancer.....
If it's on the internet, it must be true :)


Irenicus did nothing wrong
couldn't be bothered with the rest, but I'm sure he at least has a point re: tobacco companies not being keen on the concept of e-cigs and doing whatever they can to prevent them being a viable option. That's just common business sense.


Tranny Chaser
Correlation alone does not mean causation. Conspiracy nuts fail to recognize this. Read here if you're so inclined:
Bradford Hill criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Strength: A small association does not mean that there is not a causal effect, though the larger the association, the more likely that it is causal.
Consistency: Consistent findings observed by different persons in different places with different samples strengthens the likelihood of an effect.
Specificity: Causation is likely if a very specific population at a specific site and disease with no other likely explanation. The more specific an association between a factor and an effect is, the bigger the probability of a causal relationship.
Temporality: The effect has to occur after the cause (and if there is an expected delay between the cause and expected effect, then the effect must occur after that delay).
Biological gradient: Greater exposure should generally lead to greater incidence of the effect. However, in some cases, the mere presence of the factor can trigger the effect. In other cases, an inverse proportion is observed: greater exposure leads to lower incidence.
Plausibility: A plausible mechanism between cause and effect is helpful (but Hill noted that knowledge of the mechanism is limited by current knowledge).
Coherence: Coherence between epidemiological and laboratory findings increases the likelihood of an effect. However, Hill noted that "... lack of such [laboratory] evidence cannot nullify the epidemiological effect on associations".
Experiment: "Occasionally it is possible to appeal to experimental evidence".
Analogy: The effect of similar factors may be considered.


Trakanon Raider
The Provari and Kanger protank 2 have arrived, this thing is awesome. I bought a 24mg straight tobacco flavored juice, that shit is harsh, its a PG/VG mix but it doesn't say what percentage of each. How do you guys clean out the tank after each use? Just rinse it under warm water?
Vodka or Everclear (or any clear flavorless alcohol) do great at stripping away old flavors. Take it apart and let the glass and the metal parts soak.

Tobacco flavors unfortunately suck (at least everyone I've tried). I did find though that "richer" flavors like peanut butter, coffee and chocolate were pretty good at filling in for tobacco for me. Now I'm a fruit convert preferring a slightly mentholated grape most of the time. I prefer 18mg with a pg/vg of 60/40.

Oh I'd also recommend going to and ordering a big bulk shipment of pro-tank coils. They come on the slow boat from China, and by slow I mean fucking slow, but free shipping and you can buy a 10 pack for 10 bucks. Most local shops are charging 15-20 for 5. I just bought in bulk (100 for 100 bucks) and change them roughly once a week.


<Gold Donor>
You just have to shop around. I got a pack of 5 with my protank 2 for like $6.


To each their own, but IMO its a waste to be throwing those things out every week. Dry burn clean them like I mentioned a few posts back and quit wasting.


Trakanon Raider
You just have to shop around. I got a pack of 5 with my protank 2 for like $6.

To each their own, but IMO its a waste to be throwing those things out every week. Dry burn clean them like I mentioned a few posts back and quit wasting.
Want me to mail them to you frugally mcfrugalpants? Dry burn clean your vagina and don't worry about what the fuck I do.