The E-cig Thread


Been a smoker for over 30 years, started using one of these e-cigs 2 weeks ago and have cut my cig consumption in half already, another month and I will have quit for good. Having something that replicates the muscle memory of holding/smoking a cigarette is huge imo. If you know a smoker buy this for them. All of the people I know who wanted to quit smoking and used this have succeded, its not a miracle cure, nothing will replace the will to quit but this is a big help.


Smoked for 10 years. Back in August I decided to switch to e-cigs. Used the Blu brand they sell at Walgreens and I guess they were so terrible that after about 2 months I stopped cold turkey and haven't had a cigarette since. So mark one more down that quit due to these things.

Fighting the urge to smoke when drinking is still there though but I've somehow managed. New Year's was definitely the hardest.


FWIW, this class of product enabled me to break my addiction to cigarettes. I'm still basically addicted to Nicotine and my behavioral patterns haven't changed greatly, however i'm not stinking the place out, causing so much harm to those nearby or to myself. This was a very easy transition to make, within 2 to 3 days of vaping I got my sense of smell and taste back, cigarettes now smell and taste disgusting to me. This could save millions or even billions of lives.


<Gold Donor>
I agree, after a year and a half now I have not touched a cig. Still vaping but not as much.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm convinced the reason these things are so effective in getting you to quit smoking is because it can replicate the throat hit. I missed the throat hit way after I got over the Nicotine addiction and no amount of patches or gum could satisfy that.


<Gold Donor>
Yep, and lets not forget its the ritual you miss as well. The smoke after dinner, smoke while having morning coffee, getting up from work and taking your smoke break.. etc... The electronic cig replicates these rituals, and the throat hit and the smoking part as well.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yep, and lets not forget its the ritual you miss as well. The smoke after dinner, smoke while having morning coffee, getting up from work and taking your smoke break.. etc... The electronic cig replicates these rituals, and the throat hit and the smoking part as well.
That's pretty spot on. You are so used to doing something and that ritual missing usually gets replaced by something like snacking and becoming a fat turd.


Here's another good, unbiased briefing. This time from the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training in the UK.

E-cigarette briefing

TL;DR the current advice to medical practioners in the UK is the product category is broadly safe, but there is not enough scientific evidence to make that provably so (but there's nothing to suggest initial evaluations are incorrect). There's no evidence beyond anecdotal evidence that it is more useful than other approaches to smoking cessation. Given the lack of regulation and evidence, medically the advice should be there is a lack of regulation and evidence - but someone using this approach to giving up smoking should not be discouraged.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I seem to have the worst luck with these things. The first one I bought was an E-Vic that would constantly go into sleep mode in the middle of use. Chucked that one. The 2nd one I bought was a big Kangertech model that I dropped, which bent the interface between the tank and mod and rendered it unusable. Fuck. Went back to the store for a 3rd time, told the neckbeard hipster I wanted something smaller/lighter, because I can't look like some special needs adult that wears it on a string around their neck. Got a Kangertech Evod VV and mini protank 3 and I think I've finally hit the sweet spot. At a minimum it doesn't look like I'm carrying a massive dildo in my pocket anymore.


Got something right about marriage
I stopped using my provari for that exact reason. The thing is awesome but it's just way too cumbersome to carry around with me.


<Prior Amod>
Glad that you guys could drop your habits with something as little as an ecig. If only these things were around decades ago we may have millions of fewer smokers by now.


Trakanon Raider
Glad that you guys could drop your habits with something as little as an ecig. If only these things were around decades ago we may have millions of fewer smokers by now.
I'm pretty sure we do, in any case!

Was this an appropriate cancer joke?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm pretty sure we do, in any case!

Was this an appropriate cancer joke?


<Gold Donor>
Im still using my kamry K200. This thing is pretty beefy, but damn if it does not work good. Takes the normal 18650 batteries which I since replaced with some nice 3000mah samsung ones. Those things fully charged last me like a day and a half. In fact I was so impressed with this setup I ordered another K200 from ebay to have a backup in case this one takes a fall or just breaks. But quite honestly i have dropped it several times now and it keeps on ticking. The thing is sweet. controls wattage and voltage and can even change the color of the display when im in a dark room watching a movie or something and dont want a flashlight shining in my face when I vape.

Still using the protank 2. I find that the protanks are like the best tanks. Ive tried many of them, but I still prefer the protank. The coils usually last me about 2-3 weeks depending on how much I vape, but overall im happy with my setup now. Ive been ordering the coils in bulk from ebay.

Ive been mixing my own peppermint flavored juice for a while now. about 6mos? I buy the stuff from RTS vapes in bulk sizes, including the 100mg nic base. I mix up 2 30ml vials of the stuff, takes like 15 min to mix, and it lasts me like a month. Never have to worry about being out or running low anymore and having to deal with ordering it online for like 10x the cost. I mixed up a good recipe that serves me well and i like the flavor a lot. I know it by memory now. Its like $2 for a 30ml vial, compared to paying $15-$20 online. I wish there was a vape shop around me but I have yet to find one. I would like to try some of the other flavors, but im not spending $$ on shit that I probably wont like.

If you are still smoking cigs, give it a shot. Buy a cheap kit at the gas station and give it a few days try. Its worth it even if you just cut down on the analogs.