The Elder Scrolls Online

Lord Blanco_sl

Here. Here is a better model and animation
That is a cool atronach animation, but the wall detail looks a little flat. What game did that design make its way in to? I can't say that the elder scrolls version looks bad, it seemed smooth and the tumble was cool. That first person view is driving me nuts though. I wish they'd shoot some thing fully 3rd. If this game does offer at least a small amount of fun (short duration) i can't wait to roll some pvp nerds that play in first person with no field awareness


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
That is a cool atronach animation, but the wall detail looks a little flat. What game did that design make its way in to?
It was oblivion. The art for it was designed 9 years ago.

I agree with you on the 3rd person, that is * if * RvR even makes it in at launch. That's the entire reason why people are tired of them trying to treat this as the next elder scrolls game. It isn't. If they want to twist it into an MMORPG on rails I doubt anyone will have a problem with that - hell everyone else is doing it. The majority of my problem, for what it's worth, is they are trying to fool the masses with 1st person garbage and "SEE? This is JUST LIKE Skyrim" when it isn't at all. It leads me to believe they are purely after box sales, and with the latest map we just saw, looks fairly limited at this point as to what will make it in the game. Add to that the console portion, and all I am seeing is Defiance in the elder scrolls world. Which fine, if it even wants THAT identity, go nuts. But the spin doctoring to paint it as something it isn't (Single player Elder Scrolls) is ridiculous. Especially when everything is designed around 3rd person view from the get go. I mean really, all they did was use a camera zoom ala WoW, and adjusted the field of view without doing anything to the world, gameplay mechanics, etc. You just cannot do that and get a good experience. What you can do though with it is try to spin it to gain support for a vocal majority on forums that were screaming about it not being Skyrim and rope them in for $59.99 before they know any better.

That's my main beef with it. The dishonesty.


...I don't expect him to come back here when this game is released and say you guys were right. I think his tune might change but more of a it's not that bad(enter redeeming quality here) So until NDA drops there is no point.

Tuco=Blackwulf alt!? =P
Actually, Convo, I'll be more than happy to honorably admit that I was duped if this game somehow turns into the pile of shit that people here say it will be. I've followed EVERY major MMO release, and I'll admit that I was wrong about 2 of them: WAR and AOC. I was pretty spot on with regard to the level of quality that all the others shipped with. (not hard in this industry as many of you have pointed out)

Here. Here is a better model and animation (believe it or not) initially designed 9 years ago for a 2006 launch that blows your last video out of the water.

Holy step back.

I think for your next animation link you should reference an 80's version of Monday Night Football for Amiga over anything this game has to offer.

Can't wait for your RvR video! (Crickets)
That image looks alright, but you can see that the ESO team is going with the Skyrim style Flame Atronach, trying to keep those fans feeling familiar with the monster and its lore. I don't make the animations, bro - just putting them here so that us members of the Rerolled community who are interested in this game can find things conveniently. Sorry you don't approve. I'm sure as we get nearer and nearer to release there will samples of RVR for you and I to critique, thought I doubt they'll be as entertaining as your pro football footage.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>

- I used to think that, but after seeing those beta leaks and more importantly, seeing that Zenimax has released jack shit as far as official gameplay vids go, I'm a lot more skeptical. Let this be a lesson to game devs: I was here fighting the good fight, trying to talk this game up, but your shitty communication and fucking gay FB updates (Developer questions the fans? WTF? How about we question the devs and they actually answer the tough questions? How about fuck that and just release some gameplay vids) have made me into a skeptic.
I think I will just repost this every time you write something.


Trump's Staff

I think I will just repost this every time you write something.
Sounds fun!

Utnayan on EQN player content design tools:

It will all be canned. If anyone has design experience, imagine basically having a tool which will place canisters and loot chests with a right click on a preloaded overhead map.

So much fun... Its... EMERGENT!

(4 people have already left leaving these idiot managers)



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Sounds fun!

Utnayan on EQN player content design tools:

It will all be canned. If anyone has design experience, imagine basically having a tool which will place canisters and loot chests with a right click on a preloaded overhead map.

So much fun... Its... EMERGENT!

(4 people have already left leaving these idiot managers)

And that is wrong how? Landmark is exactly that. Tools to create content. With preloaded scripts to make it as easy as possible. You have not seen it in action yet. Minecraft is popular because of mods and a true ability to do what you want. If you don't think that landmark will be locked down to meet certain in game criteria and conditioned for certain access due to stress bugs on server load, I'm not sure what to tell you. But this thread is about teso. S we will stick to hypocritical remarks from Blackwulf and wait for something for him to post to actually be even somewhat excited about. A video of a monster six years into development doesnt impress anyone. in fact, him even posting that as a content nugget this far into the game is just flat out sad. Or trolling. Probably the latter.



I think I will just repost this every time you write something.
Tut tut, Utnayan. Let's not leave out what has transpired since I wrote that: The devs have released some gameplay, and I've actually laid my eyes on some game footage, and I've spoken, personally, with people I trust who have played the game. Keep in mind, I just said I was skeptical, not that I'd never believe my own eyes or believe anything the devs ever said again. Granted: I haven't seen the entire game. I've not seen RVR or end game content. I'm pretty sure they are going to do a good job on those based on what I've seen and heard, but I could be wrong. Only time will tell, fellah. Feel free to continue to peruse my old posts, perhaps you'll learn something here or there.


Trump's Staff
You just showed a tech demo. With canned graphical options just like I said. Your point?
Ya, ok, that's what you implied. Whatever. You implied a system like The Repopulation and you know it.

How about I dig up the quote where you said 'Landmark is a general code name for internal beta tests'. Or any one of the other countless predictions you made that turned out to be absolutely garbage.

You're already a delusional poseur, no need to add hypocrite to that. You know nothing about this game, just like you knew nothing about EQN. Leave those excited about it alone, and quit pretending to know more than you do. I have no idea what your motivations are here (disgruntled former insider?) but it's getting a little fucking weird.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ya, ok, that's what you implied. Whatever. You implied a system like The Repopulation and you know it.

How about I dig up the quote where you said 'Landmark is a general code name for internal beta tests'. Or any one of the other countless predictions you made that turned out to be absolutely garbage.
They have always traditionally used Landmark in the past to codename projects. Until you see this game I am not going to get into another penis longer argument with you. They just chose to name it that this time around similar to how they code named their EQ next game EQNext and then just ran with it anyway because it made sense. Quit arguing semantics. Until then, I emailed Draegen my source because I trust him. Ask him if you have questions on the validity of that source.

You have undeniable facts with this game:

1) It is instanced to hell and back.
2) You have seen a map condensed upwards of 60% of it's original content because they are so far behind schedule. (Sage already admitting minimal content on launch and also admitting it will be consumed rapidly, so they need to have a fast post launch content model (This is why they are using Hero Engine)) - This also failed with SWTOR.
3) You have a game director saying nothing innovative will ever come out of this genre again.
4) The staple end game of RvR hasn't even been talked about and they are releasing in Q1 of 2014 on multiplatforms.
5) They are building the plane as they fly.
6) You have proven ineptitude via the hands of the people in charge of the company time and time again. Or maybe you will care to show me where Paul Sage has ever been honest with his player base and never concentrated on box sales.
7) And then you have the Zenimax Online employees cheering gameplay with "WHOO!" in the background of a presentation while the other 95% of the audience is wondering what everyone is cheering about.

I would challenge you to show me one game in the history of this genre that followed the same dev cycle that wasn't a giant piece of shit. In fact, I'll give you the entire industry.

Ready? Go.


Trump's Staff
1) It is instanced to hell and back.

Like every other AAA MMO since WoW

2) You have seen a map condensed upwards of 60% of it's original content because they are so far behind schedule.

Their world map size is restricted by years of ES lore. It's just as likely that they have a 5 year development plan where more landmass is unlocked via DLC/expansion. It may have nothing to do with 'how far behind' they are.

3) You have a game director saying nothing innovative will ever come out of this genre again.

Will it? The only 'innovative' game on the horizon, EQN, is just a mishmash of features from other games.

4) The staple end game of RvR hasn't even been talked about and they are releasing in Q1 of 2014 on multiplatforms.

Who exactly do they owe the information to? If it is their competitive advantage, why wouldn't they keep a lid on it until zero hour?

5) They are building the plane as they fly.

Again, based on what? You really need to start backing some of this shit up, because you just sound like a snake oil salesman these days.


There is no end game content. It's RvR. You know they already talked about that right? Firor also said it isn't an mmorpg.
Uh, so basically you don't know shit? First of all, if RVR were the end game, that would be PERFECT for me. It's what I'll be doing. DAOC was the best MMO ever because of that type of end game. However, secondly, you are wrong. They've stated many other types of end game activities: Adventure zones, high level dungeons, "dark anchors", questing for various guild factions, questing in high level versions of your opposing realms. Please stop trolling and shitting up this thread.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
1) It is instanced to hell and back.

Like every other AAA MMO since WoW
Not like every game since WoW. The Secret World had a static world. WoW had static server based PvP battlegrounds. Wow didn't instance their over lands did they? They did however design cross server overland population which is just as bad.

Their world map size is restricted by years of ES lore. It's just as likely that they have a 5 year development plan where more landmass is unlocked via DLC/expansion. It may have nothing to do with 'how far behind' they are.
Oh come on now. Skyrim has been cut. It wasn't just 6 months ago they were talking about what parts of Skyrim would be in at launch detailing which areas and known POI's. According to that map, it doesn't even show up as content any longer.

3) You have a game director saying nothing innovative will ever come out of this genre again.

Will it? The only 'innovative' game on the horizon, EQN, is just a mishmash of features from other games.
Yes? Eve Online just merged a free to play FPS on an entirely different platform to have major impacts on the Space game on the PC mixing two genres into one. To the point where those designers ripped the shit out of Firor and said if they ever said that, their bosses should fire them. (And anyone that says that should be out of the industry - anyone with a pulse agrees with this and the fact that you are actually trying to debate it is ridiculous)

4) The staple end game of RvR hasn't even been talked about and they are releasing in Q1 of 2014 on multiplatforms.

Who exactly do they owe the information to? If it is their competitive advantage, why wouldn't they keep a lid on it until zero hour?
Oh this is getting rich. Instanced RvR is now a trade secret? Come on you can do better than that Quaid.

5) They are building the plane as they fly.

Again, based on what? You really need to start backing some of this shit up, because you just sound like a snake oil salesman these days.
Based on 6 years of development and we have their lead shill on the forums posting videos of animation of Elder Scrolls mobs with a game that's gone through 3 stop starts since inception and they are rushing to content lock? Are you trolling or being serious here?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Uh, so basically you don't know shit? First of all, if RVR were the end game, that would be PERFECT for me. It's what I'll be doing. DAOC was the best MMO ever because of that type of end game. However, secondly, you are wrong. They've stated many other types of end game activities: Adventure zones, high level dungeons, "dark anchors", questing for various guild factions, questing in high level versions of your opposing realms. Please stop trolling and shitting up this thread.
You just listed high level dungeons and rep grinds as end game content.


Trump's Staff
Dude I don't even really care. I'm not going to play this, or any other ES game because I think the combat is atrocious and the lore is less than compelling.

My point is that you really aren't presenting anything concrete enough to justify how hard a time you are giving people who are excited about this game.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So wait... Only raids are end game content? What's the implication here? Cuz in that case, EVE has no endgame content.
When did I say that? I said rep grinds and heroic dungeons using the same content you have already seen before isn't end game content. And it goes to RvR for end game content. Which is an instance copy of cyrodil without any static server repercussions. So as stated, it's defiance meets ES. Just call it what it is and that's all there is to discuss.