The Elder Scrolls Online


The primary author of AD&D 2nd edition, Dave Cook, also works at Zenimax. I guess that Todd Howard guy likes hiring old school PnP guys.

Anyway, I think those vids are cheesy too, but there's probably a bunch of RP fanatics that love that kind of stuff.
Now that is interesting. Dave Cook's name is on all kinds of my old AD&D stuff. Nice.
And, yeah, it's pretty obvious that people like Utnayan and DMK are not the target market of the Loremaster vids. Hah.


Now that is interesting. Dave Cook's name is on all kinds of my old AD&D stuff. Nice.
And, yeah, it's pretty obvious that people like Utnayan and DMK are not the target market of the Loremaster vids. Hah.
Are you fucken serious? Are you not reading the several other post from people saying they don't like the video either? You and maybe 1 other person are the only weirdo's that like the video's.

Seriously Tuco you ask us to be 'nice' but this absolute moron continues to provoke us. It doesn't bother me that obvious troll is obvious. What pisses me off is I get told stop and I do and yet this gimp continues to antagonize and just make shit up and you don't do shit about it.
Are you fucken serious? Are you not reading the several other post from people saying they don't like the video either? You and maybe 1 other person are the only weirdo's that like the video's.

Seriously Tuco you ask us to be 'nice' but this absolute moron continues to provoke us. It doesn't bother me that obvious troll is obvious. What pisses me off is I get told stop and I do and yet this gimp continues to antagonize and just make shit up and you don't do shit about it.
Hey- I'm a weirdo and I didn't like the video either.


Unelected Mod
Are you fucken serious? Are you not reading the several other post from people saying they don't like the video either? You and maybe 1 other person are the only weirdo's that like the video's.
What he is saying, is that the video was designed for Elder Scrolls lore junkies. It has nothing to do with what people care about on this forum, gameplay. You may hate the video but there are far more than just 1 or 2 people loving that shit.

I can't stand fucking lore. Yet there is a huge legion of motherfuckers who go apecrazy on that shit. Even in competitive raiding guilds that you would think would be much more about gameplay, you still always had a decent amount of motherfuckers who could quote you the entire family history of random NPCS in the game.
Are you fucken serious? Are you not reading the several other post from people saying they don't like the video either? You and maybe 1 other person are the only weirdo's that like the video's.

Seriously Tuco you ask us to be 'nice' but this absolute moron continues to provoke us. It doesn't bother me that obvious troll is obvious. What pisses me off is I get told stop and I do and yet this gimp continues to antagonize and just make shit up and you don't do shit about it.
How is he 'provoking' you? This forum isn't in the target demo of those vids obviously. Who really cares if they make some corny RP vids using some old school D&D guy targeted to that type of crowd? Basically the type that posts in the suggestions forum threads like "game shouldn't have damage meters". They just wannaRP their female night-elf rogue.

Their money spends just as well as some hardcore min-max dude who posts a 10 paragraph tirade about how "Rogue damage is 6% behind Mage damage according to World of Logs". In fact, the RP dudes money might be preferable because they are unlikely to rage-quit over a 5% nerf to Mortal Strike damage.


Unelected Mod
You can really tell a lot about a game by leveling the same five levels over and over again. Either way, thanks for sharing her opinion. I can assure you the responsiveness of the Gcu/animation system has the same inherent problems swtor has, so she is full of shit.
I like how say "Thanks for sharing her opinion, but she is full of shit". Even though the comments we got didn't mention anything at all about the responsiveness or animation system at all.

The game is almost assuredly going to be shit. However, making over the top attacks on anyone that dares to say something positive about the game is fucking ridiculous.


What he is saying, is that the video was designed for Elder Scrolls lore junkies. It has nothing to do with what people care about on this forum, gameplay. You may hate the video but there are far more than just 1 or 2 people loving that shit.

I can't stand fucking lore. Yet there is a huge legion of motherfuckers who go apecrazy on that shit. Even in competitive raiding guilds that you would think would be much more about gameplay, you still always had a decent amount of motherfuckers who could quote you the entire family history of random NPCS in the game.
First of all it doesn't matter who the video was designed for majority of people in this thread don't like it. Blackwulf has continuously brought the fact back up that I didn't like the video and ignored the 10 other people that don't like it.

Also you both clearly weren't here when Tuco gave a few of us warnings for having a go at Blackwulf because he would constantly bump the thread with some bullshit then try to create arguments to keep the thread relevant. So when I say 'provoke' i use words that were spoken to me about not getting involved and to stop having a go at Blackwulf. I've also clearly stated I have no issue with him being a wanker that tries to stir trouble. I have issue that we were all told to cool it down and everyone has except Blackwulf. He continues to try and create drama where there is no drama. Only people that aren't a huge fan of ESO that he has a problem with.

I have issue with double standards from mods on this forum. Blackwulf is simply a rabid fan boy and I expect nothing more from him.

Onto the video..Do you think Zenimax's PR dudes sit there and go "Most people are going to hate this video but it's for the small minority of people that LOVE lore" Ok green light it!! No they want everyone to like the video hence the attempt at humor. They are BAD at their job. The video is BAD even for what it is trying to be. For the record I actually really enjoy MMO lore. I read every quest etc etc.

If we applied your logic to all marketing campaigns there would be 0 percent failures because we could just chalk it down to it was only meant for a really small demographic! PR is to attract as much positive attention as possible. They don't spend resources to please an extremely small amount of people that enjoy shitty lore videos that are cheesy as fuck.


I like how say "Thanks for sharing her opinion, but she is full of shit". Even though the comments we got didn't mention anything at all about the responsiveness or animation system at all.

The game is almost assuredly going to be shit. However, making over the top attacks on anyone that dares to say something positive about the game is fucking ridiculous.
And yet you defend the guy that keeps bringing up people who have said negative things about a video. I didn't even mention Blackwulf and yet he continues to bring my name up because i said (Not to him) the video sucked... If you are going to take the moral high ground at least stick to one standard instead of different rules for different people.


99% of this guy's posts are in this thread and he registered specifically to post in it. I think it's more than obvious by now that the guy should just be flat out ignored. Don't engage the shills.


Sean, you are out of the loop, bud. Really, try to be more original or at least bring something interesting to the conversation. DMK, I specifically mentioned your name and Utnayan's when I said you weren't the target market for the Loremaster videos for a reason. Both you and Utnayan were the most vehement about how much you hated them:

I swear to the gaming gods anytime any of these people do one of these videosI want to throat punch whoever is speaking. It is THAT fucking bad. Who green lights this? Honestly!? Are they THAT out of touch with reality? What fucking planet are they from?Have they been on a permanent acid bender since 1965?Obviously this guy has. Does anyone look at these before they go out? Are they trolling the general public because they have nothing else to do because the majority of their studio knows this game will suck ass and are already polishing their resume? Do they even want their name attached?
Honestly... How behind the times are these guys. I seriously cannot fathom how the PR for ESO approves theseterrible videos. I try to think of every rational process that could possibly green light thisabsolute garbage.
It's nothing personal - you guys stuck out to me as people clearly not in the target market. Like others have mentioned, there are a lot of people who think this lore stuff is pretty cool, and they especially like Schick's smooth ass voice.I know, a lot of people here don't like them.It's not just you two. I've admitted that I'm not terribly fond of them. We aren't who they are aiming for. Check out some ES fansites and see the reaction, though, as it's quite different. Even the FB comments about Schick are pretty positive; ES nerds like this stuff.

I've already addressed your other points: I don't senselessly bump this thread. Never have, and certainly haven't any time in recent history. I don't even really try to spin positively here ("shill" to people like Sean, even though I've never been paid a dime or asked to do it), anymore. My positive spin posts are all done officially on a fan site. Sometimes I take issue with people here who are spouting pure bullshit, but that's just because I like a good discussion. What fun would it be if anyone who had something positive to say left? Here's a sample:

Utnayan: Jesus H. Christ, this game is fucking garbage. What a total trainwreck. I hate Matt Firor. All the employees at Zenimax hate the managers and they're all just hanging on so they can have a completed project on their resume!

DMK: Yeah I know, right? Fucken shit! It's so garbage! Whey do they do this!?

Utnayan: It's because all the old dogs are in charge, and they never learn from their mistakes. It's a good old boy club! None of them are half as smart as I am. I could make this game so much better!

DMK: I know, right!? You should be in charge!!

Utnayan: Yeah...

DMK: Uh huh...

Utnayan ...

DMK: ...

I'm sorry you got asked to "cool down" but, bro, you are really rustled.
Just for the record, I'm usually a lore junkie. I have no problem with lore, lore videos, and other assorted lore-based marketing. Its just that these ES lore videos, esp that "bedtime story" one is fucking cheesy and lame as fuck with a sprinkle of creepy. Like its fucking retarded but doesn't know it and thus is taking itself seriously. If it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek then it failed harder than Cory Monteith in drug rehab.


Yeah. I like lore, but that one missed the mark for me. I think it might be aimed at hardcore LARPers or something. Heh.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Just FYI I don't read these threads so addressing me in them might not b very effective. I'll have to watch the video but I'm sure it is awful. I don't see what is insufficient about calling it awful and moving on with your life


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I like how say "Thanks for sharing her opinion, but she is full of shit". Even though the comments we got didn't mention anything at all about the responsiveness or animation system at all.
that she enjoyed the different style of targeting gameplay
I took this to inherently mean the combat system. Which sucks so much blow hole right now (And most likely will never be able to be fixed at this point) that one would have to be outright full of shit or have their quality standards so low that SWTOR was the only other MMORPG they played when gauging combat responsiveness. Which would make sense since both will suffer the same combat problems as they are both native to hero engine. No matter how many other systems have been broken up on top.

However, making over the top attacks on anyone that dares to say something positive about the game is fucking ridiculous.
I didn't know that saying someone is full of shit was an over the top attack. Would you prefer has no clue? Falsifying information? Not being entirely honest about the situation? Politically correct hits Rerolled for Khalid and the hip hoppities.

She's full of shit


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Or maybe she genuinely enjoyed the game and how it plays. Who knows ? Sometimes people like what you hate, even if you're right hating it. Oh right, she liked the game, we don't like that kind around, please take your bucket of shit on the head right away.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
/\ You cannot take subjective opinion and stir the pot into making obvious objective fact fucking vanish. There is zero, and I mean zero, percent chance that anyone with experience in this genre sees the combat / targeting system of TESO fun. None. It is an unresponsive pile of garbage, with a lot of limited options, and a majority of the developers working on the game itself right now concur. Especially those that have already left to move on to greener pastures.

In hindsight, it's GCD's based on animations, and they never match them up to the GCD so basically, as of right now, you are mashing some abilities that simply won't fire because the animation from the last ability is .8 seconds longer than the GCD from the last fired ability.

Does that make it clear enough for you? I can show you some videos of other problems when relating to this if you like? And the worst part? Action combat oriented animations hamper the special abilities when they flag off.

There is * No * Fix. The fix is breaking animations for abilities which guess what? They can't do here. The only thing to do is try to match the GCD/Animation sequences which always have inherent lag inbetween, forcing constant UI Unresponsiveness. If you want an example, go play WoW, then go play SWTOR. Report back.

So yes, after reading that, all credibility went out the window and her opinion of what is fun or not went out with the baby bath water as well. As of this point I think I may trust Blackwulf more than that "friend", and that should put us at a scale somewhere between the credibility of Richard Nixon and Curt Schilling.


Trump's Staff
Bleh, this game looks bad. Has there at least been any word on TES VI (or is this going to count as TES VI?).


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Nothing official on TES 6. I have heard Blackmarsh will be the focus.