The Elder Scrolls Online

Lost Ranger_sl

Does make you wonder how EVE simply skinned to a fantasy setting would have panned out.

*One handed sword level 3 completes in 2h 23m
*You have received an insurance payment for your wooden wagon mk2

I will say one thing, after the slew of MMO's that have released since everquest, EVE was the only one that made me feel as I did when I was a noob first starting up in west freeport. The fear of the unknown and that sense of accomplishment after a large fight. Sitting on a gate with 10 of your buddies as 20-30 enemy BS warp on top of you and TS suddenly lighting up.

"Inc 20 heavy knights 10 light melee and 5 casters!"
This is basically my idea of the perfect MMO. Ultima Online was something like this just no where near as in depth as it could of been. That is mainly just due to age though. A fantasy style game with all the complexity of EVE would be amazing I think. Instead of fighting over sectors of space for resources/whatever it would be fighting over dungeons/valleys/towns. Any setting that ends up with a community making its own politics is a winner imo. I'm not a fan of the space ship stuff, but reading about the political drama in EVE is extremely entertaining.


2 Minutes Hate
It's the only one that made you feel like it because it was a different type of game. When you start a new game that has the same UI, same content structure it'll never feel like that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maybe with a few things it won't feel so fresh, but if they mimic the combat and whats won or loss (whether it be horses, armor, wagons, castles/towers, or land) on a similar scale the fights should be just as thrilling, which is what kept me in EVE for as long as It did. The politics, alliances, enemies, etc are another area. Even people who didn't play EVE knew a lot about various alliances and their infamous leaders.

When the original Bob/Goon war broke out a lot of my WOW guild would talk about what happened in EVE between pulls/fights the day before and what was posted on the original war thread, and absolutely none of them played it.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Maybe with a few things it won't feel so fresh, but if they mimic the combat and whats won or loss (whether it be horses, armor, wagons, castles/towers, or land) on a similar scale the fights should be just as thrilling, which is what kept me in EVE for as long as It did.
Long pointless derail I guess, now that I looked at what I typed.

I think a fantasy game based on a similar design to EVE (sandbox, player crafting, economy, material farming instead of purple farming, high crafted item decay/recycle) might actually have a harder time finding an audience than a non-fantasy game. It's easier to imagine losing a ship + modules in a battle than it is to imagine dying in Fantasy PvP and losing all gear, adorns, etc. Part of that is Fantasy MMO players are only familiar with the current paradigm. Push button, receive purples. I would be willing to try it, easily, but not sure a lot of people would. Same with a lot of the design features. People would hear about a fantasy game like this and make an instant assumption that it would simply be a gankfest, they would imagine dying in such a game in terms of what they are familiar with ("I dont want to lose all the gear I spent so long acquiring"even if that isn't a valid concern based on the game's design, especially if you can just get more gear like you do ships and modules in EVE), and let's be honest - EVE is a difficult game for many to get into. Making a Fantasy EVE might make it even more difficult for the Fantasy MMO crowd to embrace.

Another advantage EVE has beyond the sci-fi space setting lending itself to the kind of game that it is, is probably the way that the star system/warp environment works. I think it would be natural to assume that in a Fantasy setting most would want a seamless, gigantic map instead of what are essentially individual "system" instances with gates that warp you to connected systems. You could do zones I suppose, but bear in mind that EVE has something like 7K+ systems, and I don't think that takes into account wormhole space. Personally I think that a gigantic general area (map with thousands of "hex" areas so to speak) or a gigantic number of individual zones would be necessary. If you ran with the number of zones that most fantasy MMOs run with it would never work (think possibly AQ opening event or even worse, on a daily basis), or you'd just have zerg versus zerg fighting for the same handful of zones nonstop. The other issue I would imagine would be how to create or populate that much area or that many zones. EVE has the luxury of being able to just plop a lot of stuff into mostly empty space (stations, planets, moons, etc) without really having to worry about much else other than some "mood" stuff like dust clouds, coloring, suns, and stuff like that. Now imagine how long it takes Fantasy Devs to create just a handful of zones - they would need a way to create thousands of zones, or a map the size of which we've never seen in MMOs, with enough polish and population (items, mobs, structures, POI, etc) so that it all wouldn't just look like a deserted wasteland. People posted some screenshots of a few places in Vanguard (if I am remembering correctly) that looked like they were in a hurry and just threw shit out, plus I remember a lot of complaints about the 'chunking' when I also thought Brad had said it would be a seamless transition.

Resource collection would be harder to create too, unless they just recycled things like ore nodes and herbs (which is what I would expect almost any studio to do frankly). I want a COMPLETELY interactive world, one where if I own a large plot of land, I can choose to create a mine for ore and have to buy and equip minions to work it, or create and run orchards or ranches or farms or even coastal fishing areas. I know that what I want in an MMO in frankly impossible as things stand now, but at the same time I still am blown away when studios do SO LITTLE with SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY. I'd love to see an MMO where you can create not just a few different castle skins to represent "tiers" of castles and buildings, but actually choose to build in sections and have it actually go through a process of construction. And have your enemies be able to knock a hole in it.

Sometimes I think the genre needs to have a return to 2D or an almost "8-bit theatre" level of detail/graphics so Devs can afford to put in a higher level of detail elsewhere before we'll ever be able to see anything similar to what I dream of built within the framework of current MMOs. Maybe updated UO level graphics, or something like D2 graphics, I dunno. But surely someone will do something like this before I'm in the grave.

As this ties into TESO: I really am curious if they will be able to capture the feel of the ES franchise without it feeling like they reskinned a different MMO. Will I even want PvP? If I want to wander out into the middle of nowhere, will I be able to 'get lost' and discover new areas and dungeons, or will I get there and find shit camped? I mean I dunno, I can't imagine that they could make TESO large enough that they will be able to cater to thousands of people ON A SINGLE SHARD who might well be turned off if/when it ends up being too much like just another MMO with Elder Scrolls artwork. The single PvP zone seems meh to me, like they just threw in a PvP continent to appeal to that particular subset of gamers without basing their core game design around it. PvP points? Meh. One person can get elected as "Emperor"? I guess that's great for one person, but it sounds like it will be tied to whoever's "score" is the highest, so I picture something similar to the race to High Warlord, only worse. Beyond that, no real in-game reason to PvP at all. I get that the idea of PvP using ES-type characters will appeal to some, and it will be something that you can't do in the single player games, but it just seems really ticky-tack to me. I think I wouldn't have minded that 10 or 15 years ago (like DaoC RvR), but I kind of expect more nowadays. I'm probably not being remotely realistic, but damn. Where are the dreamers in the industry? Where are the people wanting to do [Big Things] instead of trying to capitalize on yet ANOTHER popular IP that will probably sell a million boxes at release due to name recognition and marketing alone?

Fuck, just thinking about this is depressing.


As this ties into TESO: I really am curious if they will be able to capture the feel of the ES franchise without it feeling like they reskinned a different MMO.
Well, seeing as how they've used the whole "there are certain gameplay preconceptions and standards of MMORPGs that we will be following that will be familiar and non-alienating to our users" type language already, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Another advantage EVE has beyond the sci-fi space setting lending itself to the kind of game that it is, is probably the way that the star system/warp environment works. I think it would be natural to assume that in a Fantasy setting most would want a seamless, gigantic map instead of what are essentially individual "system" instances with gates that warp you to connected systems.
You could do that setup in a fantasy environment too with floating islands. Each island could be hand-crafted goodness with no boring endless wastes of space in between. Could have gates between islands or, if someone really wanted, they could take 5-10 min to manually fly to a specific island. Random example from internet:


And for a pointless derail that was pretty good.






Golden Baronet of the Realm
A wall around territories would accomplish the same thing. There wouldnt be any, to very few walls in the beginning but after a few months a lot of the territories would have walls. Eve started somewhere, right? Coastal walls would just need a bit of thought. The more you weigh, the quicker your stamina goes down, the quicker you drown. No easy swimming around walls. You either use a Boat or use the Gate. None of that artificial wall shit that Horizons used.

The tech is here for everything you want Erronius. A form of it has been in games for a while now. Most notably, Shadowbane or Horizons. Newer games have had newer iterations of it, as well. Its just.. those games have generally sucked donkey dick. Not that the ideas are bad, but the game itself is. Archeage has a lot of good ideas as well, but Im slowly getting disappointed in how the game plays the more I read reviews and talk to people that are playing the Korean version of it. I only wish a company would come out with a truly epic type of Sandbox game with true PVP.

Just like I was really hoping this game would be better than what it looks to be turning out to be.




Land mass is useless when you can't do anything with it. In GW2, all you do is spend time running from keep to camp to castle to tower putting out fires. The terrain never changes, and it's just a playground that you run around in. This 3 sided war thing TESO is describing just sounds like a bigger version of Wintergrasp or Ilum, but limited due to the engine and 200 people on screen.
I agree to an extent. Land mass isn't so much fun if the developers aren't smart about it. You've got to have things there that people want. Either resources or PVE objectives, and you've got to have choke points for the traffic heading to these various things that people want. Bridges, passes, etc. That creates dynamic fun. We'll have to see how smart ZOS is about this.

Hey would you look at that, 200 players on screen at once and it isn't a slide show. Done 12 years ago when the genre was emerging and barely anyone had computers to run these games.
Yeah, DAOC was awesome, but those figures were pretty low poly and res compared to modern games. Also, those zergs that got bombed were more like 50 players, not 200. In big zerg v. zerg fights where you had 100+ on your screen, framerates really did choke down.

Blackwulf, to answer your question, man to man, I can assure you, man to man, that you should not purchase this game until it is on discount and they actually fix/implement everything they want to about 8 months after the game launches.
So, basically the same thing anyone would say for any MMO nowadays. Yeah, I lived through all those crappy releases too, my friend. I'd offer that advice to people too, with one caveat: If I end up really liking the game, those first few months are the shit. Like, I wouldn't miss being on the leading wave of explorers for anything. I even enjoyed the first few months of Rift and SWTOR, even though they turned out to be pretty stale WOW clones. So, I probably won't take your advice - unless I get into a beta and it really sucks (like Vanguard did in beta) then I'll be buying this on release.

Long pointless derail I guess, now that I looked at what I typed.
I am enjoying this discussion. I wouldn't call that a derail because you tied it nicely to what you are hoping for from ESO. Some really cool ideas in the last couple pages. I never played EVE, but I'm starting to think I should have.




F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, DAOC was awesome, but those figures were pretty low poly and res compared to modern games.
It doesn't matter, because it was all relative to the power of the computers back then just as it is today. That post was to merely point out that ZOS is using the 200 players on screen at once as some sort of awesome feature. It isn't. It's been done before, and done a long time ago. I never counted the amount of people on the screen because frankly, it is a stupid feature to even be discussing because it doesn't matter, but in GW2 I am sure I came close to having the size and scope of the same. Of course it all amounted to everyone piling on top of a door and zerging. And GW2's RvR, aside from queue times, sounds exactly the same as this.

Yeah, I lived through all those crappy releases too, my friend. I'd offer that advice to people too, with one caveat: If I end up really liking the game, those first few months are the shit. Like, I wouldn't miss being on the leading wave of explorers for anything. I even enjoyed the first few months of Rift and SWTOR, even though they turned out to be pretty stale WOW clones.
Everyone who is an MMORPG fan will have a honeymoon phase with any new MMORPG. With that said, you'll be able to play it for yourself to see it in action. I'll be curious to see if you defend some of the horrible decisions. But this Pax Demo is a canned and controlled demo of one very small segment of the game, with cameras being banned from the booth area. (That won't stop people) but once it hits youtube, I am sure ZOS will have a team of folks scouring to make sure that all posted material gets yanked. Do you honeslty think that's a good thing after having a game in dev for 7 years?

Eve online is a fun game to read about. I wouldn't suggest playing it. But there is a 14 day trial so you can knock yourself out and give it a shot.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It doesn't matter, because it was all relative to the power of the computers back then just as it is today. That post was to merely point out that ZOS is using the 200 players on screen at once as some sort of awesome feature. It isn't. It's been done before, and done a long time ago. I never counted the amount of people on the screen because frankly, it is a stupid feature to even be discussing because it doesn't matter, but in GW2 I am sure I came close to having the size and scope of the same. Of course it all amounted to everyone piling on top of a door and zerging. And GW2's RvR, aside from queue times, sounds exactly the same as this.
MMO devs can't win this argument. If they make the game playable with 200 or more people on screen then they have to lower polygon counts and reduce graphics. So players then complain that the graphics are ass (and run back to WoW where the graphics are ass). If Devs go for all the shiny graphics then their game will be unresponsive and players will complain about that. It doesn't matter that comp power has improved, it hasn't improved as much as the polygon counts have.

The best option is to just have both graphics possibilities clearly and simply labeled in the ui and try to educate the players about the trade offs. Most players will go for the high graphics options unless they primarily pvp. When I pvp I don't care what my toon looks like, I want the best response possible so I lower everything except the view distance (or anything else that might be tactically important).


With that said, you'll be able to play it for yourself to see it in action. I'll be curious to see if you defend some of the horrible decisions. But this Pax Demo is a canned and controlled demo of one very small segment of the game, with cameras being banned from the booth area. (That won't stop people) but once it hits youtube, I am sure ZOS will have a team of folks scouring to make sure that all posted material gets yanked. Do you honeslty think that's a good thing after having a game in dev for 7 years?
Well, that's all speculation at this point. A week more and we'll have something to talk about. Hopefully they'll release more footage themselves, and the camera ban is more so they can control the quality of the video being released that shows their game. We'll have to see. I'll tell you right now, if they are blatantly lying about the features they've advertised, I'll be the first one to call them on it. SWTOR went from an okay game in my book to a piece of shit developed by a bunch of lying assholes because of Ilum.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I wouldn't mind a WoW clone if it offered the same quality and content WoW vanilla provided.

Problem with most "WoW clones" is lack of options (races, starting areas, classes, zones, dungeons..etc)

Emphasis on various starting areas and multiple zone options, we're bored of following one linear path to do a game and worse part is that, usually, this path is riddled with quest-hubs.

WoW, as a sub-genre of MMORPGs wasn't THAT bad. Rift, SWTOR and other similar MMORPGs offer far less than what WoW managed to deliver.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
SWTOR missed a golden opportunity to do exactly that. It could have had an open ended start zone based on races with class specific storyline and really needed no factions except maybe some soft jedi/sith factions for force users. Toss in some smugglers or BH type guilds and really zero need for factions.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
It doesn't matter that comp power has improved, it hasn't improved as much as the polygon counts have.
Most players will go for the high graphics options unless they primarily pvp.
I agree with the first quote, but I think the first quote also goes some way towards why I disagree with the second quote. Performance is still an issue across the board and even people who build super-rigs are going to see a performance drop most of the time; it's unavoidable. Also, in regards to might be true for you that you only go for performance in PvP, but just about everyone I know turns their graphics down to some degree. I'd be willing to bet that most raiders turn graphics way down, if not as far as possible. I usually bottomed them out after a short time period myself. About the only time I remember really seeing people turn their graphics back up (once they have their fill of graphics after their first month or two) is when someone would get a new piece of gear and they wanted to see what it looked like, especially if there was some special graphic or effect. Used to see this in raids a lot - first time some awesome item drops, person equips it, then you get to watch the people who care look to see how it looks with settings maxed. After that, setting get cranked back down and the raid resumes.

It's been forever since I played EQ1, but I remember people changing back to the original char models, partially for performance. Not to mention the classes that could afford to do so, permanently looking at the walls or floors while fighting and only actually looking around when moving to the next target.

I don't doubt it when you say that you only turn the graphics down when PvPing, but I have to disagree that this represents "most" people.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
A little update:

Animations at 2:00. Paging Icy Hot. Was the person who animated the movement constipated when they did it?

Also, more information (a lot of marketing speak) is being let out about how to level. Basically you will play through the faction story content (1-50) and then you can pick a new faction and play through the next story content, and then a 3rd faction and play through that content. So basically this is clever marketing speak for "This is just like making a new character." Here is the twist. It's a new game + type of system where rewards will scale. So this means par for the course on dynamic pregenerated loot in these instances. A very clever marketing spin, but the same as creating a new character none the less without the added benefit of being able to group with anyone while you quest in the next faction. So you may as well not even go to NG+ with your original character, and create an alt with your friends so you can group together - and concentrate on real loot upgrades with (Not Raiding - see edit) Without grouping, you will obvously miss out on any public dungeons and group content which makes this system fairly worthless. At least you get to see the semblance of the faction story, hopefully without going through all the mundane side quests. So I guess that is a plus.

From PC Gamer:

The hotbar includes six slots for abilities plus an additional ultimate skill - I didn't get to use these
Obviously not since they do not have any of these systems implemented yet, 8 months from launch.

Holy cats this is about ready to implode.

Oh, also, no raid game will exist. End game is PvP and 4 mans.

I wonder if they locked 4 man's when they were copying SWTOR's flashpoint features.


Registered Hutt
It's Elder Scrolls, I'm surprised you can do more than use a mouse click to swing/cast. Hotbars are wowfagezmode.


<Silver Donator>
Interesting video. The animations looked absolutely awful, like they looked ok in a vacuum but then the characters move at the same time and it's like all models sliding around and shit, like it's designed for static standing still and beat each other gameplay. Also even though they showed a lot of stuff, and for the most part it looked pretty good, they still haven't shown a single gameplay video yet I think? Like nothing in 1st person with the UI up. Features and shit I don't know it's a matter of seeing what content they have and shit. Don't really care if you can raid or not, as long as the existing content is fun.


2 Minutes Hate
I find it funny how they spent time saying "creatures DO THINGS. You just don't stand there attacking them!" then show a video of people just standing still attacking a spider with fire graphics. WHEEEE.