The Elder Scrolls Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Eh about being "on rails", its about equal to every other quest based game. You follow the quest and pick up quest at each "Area" with the occasional quest out in the open, the big difference in this game is you only have like 2-4(counting main story) quest at a time, instead of 10-20ish. Otherwise its pretty much on par with most games, you can grind if you wanted(probably slow), pvp , craft, dungeons etc to break up the questing. Oh and you have Arrows instead of ! :p

Combat feels on avg but lacks some response time(try to interrupt with shield and it feels like there is a delay between my button and action and I miss the spell/ability),animations can be a bit wonky at times(templar with 1h/shield, mainly arms flailing). Jumping is horrendous though. The lock on ability really takes a lot from the combat though, turned what could be very fun aiming(especially in pvp) to usual combat.

This is up all to only level 9(I think I am) and I have no clue what the cap is(I know its 17 for beta but what live cap will be). Otherwise I see no reason someone wouldn't buy this, there's really not enough "Broken" to deserve a "no way in hell am I buying this crap". Again this is short term, I have no clue if this game has any longevity or things to keep people occupied(because if its like Gw2 WvW , it gets boring really fast).


FPS noob
level cap for live is 50, plus you are supposed to be able to take your character through the other two starting zones in "new game mode" and run all the quests and stuff against level 50 mobs, but I doubt that'll be in for launch. someone will have to try and get a team together and see how fast you can grind xp in RvR, at level 11 it was gonna take me about 4-5 hours to get 1 level which is a lot slower than PVE but I am a shitty PVPer who was playing solo and mostly just dying. I couldn't find anything like a battleground, just uninstanced? WvW/RvR.


<Gold Donor>
So my character just got stuck talking to a quest giver. The text ended and I was just stuck there. So I logged and now It wont let me back in. hehe


Mr. Poopybutthole
Haven't tried in a few hours but still haven't made it past the char creation I build a char, tell it to create and nothing.


Molten Core Raider
Loading screens loading screens loading screens. This game with huge times (90 seconds to 15 minutes so far) for each loading screen is making SWToR's system seem super fast. I swear I feel like I am playing a 1990's dial up game with these load times.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Late to the quick tangent on ISPs, but I wanted throw this out there since I'm also on Cox...

I was about to hit my 250gb cap, on my $73.99 50/10 connection, and I was upset, so I called em up and said I want to upgrade to the 150/30 $99 plan, but I don't want to pay $99 a month. They told me there are never any specials, even for new customers on their Ultimate plan. I whined a bit, and said I've been with you guys for 15 years, and there isn't anything you can do?

Got transferred to their "Loyalty" department, and 10 minutes later had 20% off my bill for 6 months. Now I'm paying $79.99 for their Ultimate. It pays to speak up I guess.

Alright... back to TESO!!


<Gold Donor>
Yeah I got stuck on a few loading screens too. Usually the ones that take you to other zones though, not the caves and shit. Those are pretty much instant for me. Also the combat seems fine. Aside the wonky animations, it works. A lot better than any elder scrolls game I played. But that's not saying much since combat in any elder scrolls game was shit. And it just fits with elder scrolls theme well. Im still low level so I cant comment too much, but the shit people are spewing here is way wrong so far. At least IMO. Maybe I have a higher tolerance for shit like this. Im quite enjoying this so far. Aside the quest driven shit its allright, but nothing special yet.

I kind of like the skill system they have. Again, it fits with the whole elder scrolls theme. I like how the skills you open up with points also level up too and do more damage and shit. Then you can morph them to a better higher tier skill. Also when I went from Lv1-6 it felt like I was getting more powerful, so that's a good thing too.

I also like how not everything has fucking names all over their heads and numbers floating everywhere. But when you mouse over them, it shows infos. I think that the min-maxers wont like this though without a combat log and all that. But I don't mid it. Its kind of refreshing actually. I think PvP will be a bit different because of this. Its not like you automatically have red names above people. Well see. Hopefully Ill get high enough to do some PvP shit.


Molten Core Raider
When I am not in a load screen the game is fine. Knowing that I have to /reloadui a lot does not bother me. It's the fact that every time I zone I have to wait between 2 and 20 minutes to do anything. And for me it is any load screen, be it into a house or a new zone. Sure I get lucky one out of 20 times and it loads in 15 seconds, but that is too long for a 2014 game too.

Outside of those two issues I have not run into anything else I dislike. So as long as the load screen crap gets fixed to where the longest is a rare 15 seconds I will be fine with it.

If they do not fix that, forget it.
It's a ghetto version of Skyrim.
not quite



Some triggered spawns (some assassins I'm supposed to kill for a quest) spawned above my head, on a floor that's unreachable. So, I'm stuck in the quest with unreachable NPC's. Yesterday I fell through the world 3 times. There are so many other things, which need work or don't make sense. I just can't see this being released in 2 months, they have so much work to do still. Also, they really need to hire someone who isn't a completely shrub to rewrite dialogue, some of it is painfully bad.


Molten Core Raider
In it's current state no way I will buy the game. I think it has huge potential, but I am done with the box+ sub model for PC online games.
With vast improvements between now and launch, I might see buying the box if they drop the sub model.
If not beta will be the only way I play it till it goes free to play in 6 months or less IMO.


I'm not going to lie, I kind of had fun last night playing this. I'm still low level so there's plenty of time to hate it. But right now it looks like a buggy, unfinished, but somewhat fun game, stuck on a horrible engine. It's certainly more ambitious than Wildstar


I just started playing today, have all the graphics on max.

It's a pretty good looking game, and pretty smooth for being in beta.

I wish a could use a controller on this one tho, there isn't much stuff you need to keybind.


Trakanon Raider
Haven't tried in a few hours but still haven't made it past the char creation I build a char, tell it to create and nothing.
When you click create, there is a long lag before it registers if the name is used or not. Reclicking it will send the information again. So if you pick a name that is already taken, it can take up to a minute before you see a message that it is already taken, one message per click. If you click 4-5 times quickly, it registers that you are spamming the button and immediately boots you from the game with an error.

So pick a name, click create, then wait for a minute and it will either start loading or give you a message that it is taken. There will be a message even though you might think it is bugged out. Same with loading in where it says refreshing character list or somesuch. That can take a few minutes too, but will either eventually load you to the game or give an error message, in which case, try again (your character will be saved at that point, and you will only need to refresh that list once per character, so when you get past it, you shouldn't have any problem loading up the game again).


I'm not going to lie, I kind of had fun last night playing this. I'm still low level so there's plenty of time to hate it. But right now it looks like a buggy, unfinished, but somewhat fun game, stuck on a horrible engine. It's certainly more ambitious than Wildstar
I was reading the feedback in that a lot of the bugs and sticking are related to their server technology and what they're doing on the back end.

First person and the fresher graphics and far, far better level 10+ areas really are pushing me into Blackwulf territory.

I also like the class design and world. I'm not a huge fan of the combat, but after tweaking my hotkeys and G15 it's actually fun and tactical without too much clicking. I love Skyrim, but to be honest never was a fan of their combat. This one actually is better.

I get the feeling many of those complaining didn't make it past the entry island. Which is a bit lagged, ya know due to a few hundred thousand people on their new server technology...

They really should have started with First Person on this game, as it makes a world of difference.

There's supposedly a combat log, too, but someone more knowledgable than I would have to say how to set it up. I'm not too worried as I'm just trying to get to cap and do some PVP to get more information.

I didn't have any game breaking bugs. I saw one stuck NPC and just dropped that quest. I did encounter some heavy load lag, but the higher level I got, the less I saw.

Good article on PVE here:

Isarii comments on Hi, I'm Isarii of Tamriel Foundry and my media embargo went down today - AMA.

While respeccing is in game, unfortunately it's not available in the level 15 zones. I think it's actually publicly known that there are separate respecs for both skills and attributes though.

I have done several runs of the first three (level 12-15ish) dungeons in the game, and I have to say that I do enjoy them quite a bit, even if they are a little bit different.

The dungeons are less structured than your typical WoW-clone dungeon. Aggro is a bit wonky (by design), and most group members can expect to be getting attacked at some point - especially the healer. However, this is nothing like GW2's garbage PvE, and the tank does have the ability to maintain control over a few mobs (how many is skill and resource management depended) via there taunts. There is one taunt from One-Handed + Shield (Puncture), and another from the Undaunted skill line which is ranged and magicka consuming. I was never able to test this skill, but I could see it in the skill line after unlocking it.

The reasoning behind the lack of AoE control, I assume, is TESO's reactive combat system. A lot of what keeps TESO interesting is the way it engages players to block, dodge, and interrupt at the correct times, and if the tank were able to control all of the mobs, 90% of this would be eliminated for the other players in the group. It works well, in my opinion.

The trinity is alive and well in TESO. I figured I needed to reiterate this after that last paragraph. The inclusion of large, tank-oriented mobs for the tank to grab aggro on keeps them necessary and important, even if they aren't overly concerned with the adds.

Oh, and every class can indeed perform every role.


Vyemm Raider
I'm sure dodging the circles mobs put on the ground is awesome fun in first person. Do you stare at their feet the whole time?