The Elder Scrolls Online


Musty Nester
I think you could create that atmosphere but it would be a slow paced multi faction pvp game and you would have to allow for occasional soft resets. Content wise you could cheat with some procedural stuff, you'd have to, but even still there would be more man hours in maintaining the system than a business is likely to find it worth.

So yeah, you're right. I don't think it's realistic that we'll see that sort of game beyond the scope of a few hundred people per game instance. Even then I don't think it's probable.


That doesn't look too bad, but what is it bringing to the table that will justify a sub I wonder? I'll be amazed if this is buy to play, and not sub based.

That trailer really made the game look more Elder Scrolls and less generic MMO which would be a very good thing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hate to sound like UT here but why didn't they have a playable build there and not a demo. For something that has beta invites going out soon you would think they would be farther along.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, its not looking too good for a game supposedly releasing later this year? Or was that just a rumor?


Hate to sound like UT here but why didn't they have a playable build there and not a demo. For something that has beta invites going out soon you would think they would be farther along.
I think this is the demo they showed people as they waited to play the alpha or whatever build was at pax. Firor has said that they are feature complete with betas in progress starting this week, ramping up to huge betas by the end of summer. My money is on a November release.


Golden Squire
I downloaded a podcast from This Week in MMO (never subscribed to before), but the guy who got to play a portion of the game did say there is a beta currently going on, but I don't know if he's confused with there being an internal build that developers play or friends & family beta or whatever. He got to do a few of the quests and only one dungeon if I recall. Said there are 16 zones and 16 dungeons, not counting the open area dungeons.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I think this is the demo they showed people as they waited to play the alpha or whatever build was at pax. Firor has said that they are feature complete with betas in progress starting this week, ramping up to huge betas by the end of summer. My money is on a November release.
Firor is so full of shit it's ridiculous. They are building this plane as they fly.

(Internal Alpha has been going on for a bit)

What you saw in the YouTube video was a glorified Tech Demo (With hastily added on instructions) What you saw in the actual gameplay streams before they were taken down is what is in the game currently in fairly unpopulated zones. For the brief time they were able to run around which is why it was limited to 20 minutes to make sure nothing broke. Seriously, the state of the game is fucking terrible. What will come out is (hopefully) what you saw in the tech demo. But to answer Abe Froman, the reason why it isn't in the real game as of yet is none of those systems are fully integrated/complete.

Basically they have 6 and a half months to finish the plane they started flying around in 2007.


Firor is so full of shit it's ridiculous. They are building this plane as they fly.

(Internal Alpha has been going on for a bit)

What you saw in the YouTube video was a glorified Tech Demo. What you saw in the actual gameplay streams before they were taken down is what is in the game currently. What will come out is (hopefully) what you saw in the tech demo. But to answer Abe Froman, the reason why it isn't in the real game as of yet is none of those systems are fully integrated/complete.

Basically they have 6 and a half months to finish the plane they started flying around in 2007.
Um, the short game play footage I saw looked exactly like that tutorial minus the on screen text, and with lower quality recording...


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You didn't see anything but the tutorial and a starting quest, then some guy running around and jumping in a town/some green wilderness with glowing aura NPC's everywhere to denote they have a quest. You saw absolutely nothing of 99% of the game because 99% of the game is fairly unpopulated and they still don't know what the hell they are going to do with that combat system. Which, honestly, was designed 4 months ago after fan outcry with MS Paint logos stuck on for Pax East. Which is also why a few months back their IGN sponsor journalist couldn't play it. It didn't exist.

The camera angle for the game in your demo video doesn't denote the actual terrain it was designed for in viewing angles, the PoV is going to be completely fucked. Almost to the point of what it is like when you try to play WoW in 1st person.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, hard to debate what Ut is saying here, bro. This just screams of a big ass fuck up and they are trying to hide it. There is no reason why they shouldn't of had a playable demo, especially when the game is supposed to hit later this year. The game at this point should be 85% complete with polishing, debugging going on.


<Prior Amod>
Hate to sound like UT here but why didn't they have a playable build there and not a demo. For something that has beta invites going out soon you would think they would be farther along.
This. You all should have learned your lesson from Aliens: Colonial Marines when it comes to watching videos. Give us a playable demo or gtfo.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This. You all should have learned your lesson from Aliens: Colonial Marines when it comes to watching videos. Give us a playable demo or gtfo.
Also, nice dialogue options. One reponse or done.

This reminds me of when I was younger and would program text adventures in basic. And I never wanted to give more than one input variable because it would side step me 50 minutes into a branching story arc of extra if-then lines.

Obviously they will have more dialogue options. You would think. But it goes to show just how incomplete this game is if they do not even have * that * in a tech demo.
I remember the gaming community shitstorm after their initial Gameinformer and subsequent reveals. It was frankly the biggest I'd ever seen for a just-announced MMO. Would have liked to been a fly on the wall over at Zenimax at the time. I'm certainly not against them retooling the game for the better, but to imagine they are doing so whilst keeping the same project schedule and release date seems to me a decision of disastrous proportions.

an accordion_sl

As bad as things have been I would welcome a realWoW vanillacopy at this point as long as there are plenty of races, a huge world, classes with complexity and open world pvp servers.

It's amazing really for me to even say that but with the drivel that has been released since its like yeah, I will take it!!
Yeah I'd have to agree. There has been so much casual shit released recently, ridiculously, that a true step back to Vanilla period might be a welcome change.

I think people see Elder Scrolls and think "Oh yeah how can that suck" and don't realize its not the same people making it.

Are you guys for real? Are people really starting to get nostalgic about vanilla WoW? I don't play WoW anymore, but I can assure you that current WoW probably has better and more content than vanilla...


<Silver Donator>
Vanilla wow had some things that were better than modern wow(well last time I played). Most of it was absolute fucking bullshit and anyone with an ounce of memory remembers, it's like how when people talk about good ole EQ times.

Consumables situation, 40man raiding, molten core, 50g respecs, servers crashing and burning for pretty much all of vanilla until BC besides a few servers, faction massive imbalances in pve and pvp(windfury pvp, blessing of salvation in pve), alterac fucking nonsense, terrible terrible class tree design(LACERATE SUP), molten core, tranq shot rotation fights, downranking heals, chinese farmers EVERYWHERE, flying for 10mins to go to Silithus, tier 1 and 2 stats until they were entirely redone, molten core, onyxia cloaks, taunt resists, fear based raid bosses, fury warriors threat control aka "k I'm pulling aggro to reset threat, someone rez me please", raid wide curses that have to be removed 1by1 with shitty UIs then nerfing the mod that made it easy, world bosses actually mattering for progression(green dragons) and molten core. Probably forgot a bunch of bullshit, but that's just what I remembered in 3mins of thinking of the good ole times.

On the plus side, world PvP(BRM camping, killing farmers in tyr's, AQ gates opening wars on silithus), more competitive BGs due to not being cross server(sadly double edged due to shitty queues and people dodging), fun and new leveling experience in a mmo, continuation of the WC3 story, AQ(20 and 40) and Naxx, etc.

There were some good things, but fuck there was a lot of terrible shit I wouldn't want to play ever again.


I don't think many people would recognize vanilla wow if someone released an identical game to it today. TOR was actually pretty close if not better in a few ways and everyone but Toxxulian could tell that game was shit for its time.

That said what makes a high quality MMO in 2013 should be different from what made one in 2004/5


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So the first small wave of beta invites went out. The instructions are telling people it will be a 3 hour beta event, where they will test the character creation and one starter area.




Silver Baronet of the Realm
So the first small wave of beta invites went out. The instructions are telling people it will be a 3 hour beta event, where they will test the character creation and one starter area.
That sound was Bioware laughing...yes Bioware laughing. We may have a new low bar.

