The Elder Scrolls Online


2nd hotbar? As in you have 2 out at once or 1 per weapon setup?
I'm thinking he meant the hotbar that switches based on what weapon style you're using. Later on you can hit a key to switch from a bow to a sword and your hotkey bar will switch for the new weapon abilities.



This guy starts raping after he becomes Emperor. No clue how that is considered fair but I guess it's just ESO version of Jedi.

This guy starts raping after he becomes Emperor. No clue how that is considered fair but I guess it's just ESO version of Jedi.
The very nature of being an Emperor is unfair. He shouldn't be invincible but yeah he should rape and pillage some. I imagine the uproar would be worse if there were no tangible benefits for the title.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the great info guys! So weapon switching is pretty easy? Do you need to switch hot bars to reflect active skills tied to your weapon? For example, if i'm using a staff as healer and then switch to a bow, do I need to switch to a hot bar with my bow skills? I'm guessing you can customize bars with the abilities you have learned and you use whatever bar works best with the weapon you are currently wielding?


Thanks for the great info guys! So weapon switching is pretty easy? Do you need to switch hot bars to reflect active skills tied to your weapon? For example, if i'm using a staff as healer and then switch to a bow, do I need to switch to a hot bar with my bow skills? I'm guessing you can customize bars with the abilities you have learned and you use whatever bar works best with the weapon you are currently wielding?
It switches your bars automatically.


Hmm I did one quest that was pretty rough as a templar. I had to kite the stupid dog looking mob around and around, heal myself , block etc. It took probably 1-2 minutes to kill the thing. I think was I was level 5 or 6 and this dog was guarding some books. I might of been under leveled not sure, but the bitch had a lot of HP compared to the usual mobs I was fighting before it and hit hard.
I think you're talking about a Mages' Guild quest that sends you to the Shivering Isles to retrieve some books held by Sheogorath and you have to fight a clannfear he calls "puppy." I liked that quest.

No game should start out this fucking easy.
See a lot of people on this forum will agree with that,but then there are these people.

Link summary: a chimp who works for fucking Polygon getscrushedby two normal mobs because he refuses to block or GTFO of the red area and then him and his idiot coworker end up saying the game has "balance issues." Game devs are fucked if they do (make the game easy) and fucked if they don't. At least with easy-as-fuck intro portionssomeof the chimps will end up playing for a while.

I was a templar but in PvP I did not really like it that much. I am going to give it another try but for some reason the healing was not real fun in keep battles.
Healing not being fun in Cyrodiil probably has at least a little to do with the fact that "smart" heals are actually pretty goddamn dumb.


Game devs are fucked if they do (make the game easy) and fucked if they don't. At least with easy-as-fuck intro portionssomeof the chimps will end up playing for a while.
This trend of game development is so disappointing. The majority of players are not chimps and get put to sleep by shit like this. They have to lose more players by inducing narcolepsy with mindless however-many-hours of tutorializing than they gain by holding their hand. If you attract a decent sized base of core players with a fun, challenging and competently made game, others that are less skilled or inclined will follow.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Bro Team just got banned from twitch for streaming ESO.

Video's 95% gameplay, 5% ban.



Trakanon Raider
Maybe I haven't played it enough or been exposed to much of the game but I can't help but like the abilities and the layout. (Not the UI) I guess it reminds me of LoL controls in a sense brought into a MMO world. I have no idea how this will impact the quality of life for this game but I'm not complaining as of yet...


Trakanon Raider
Since he was streaming the opening parts of the game, which they supposedly released the NDA for, why was he banned? Guessing using the closed beta content, so he might have played long enough to progress into.... broken stuff?

Paranoid companies make me paranoid about their products.


See a lot of people on this forum will agree with that,but then there are these people.

Healing not being fun in Cyrodiil probably has at least a little to do with the fact that "smart" heals are actually pretty goddamn dumb.
The problem is making an MMO that'll appeal to the Elder Scrolls people used to being superheroes in previous games. Plus, early game *should* be easy for everyone, not just vets who have played 32 previous MMOs and scoff at combat easier than Dark Souls bosses or pre fix EQ GOD Encounters. I'm hoping things get progressively harder and the 50+ stuff is very challenging.

My healing experience is extremely limited. Would you mind extrapolating on the 'healing' isn't fun statement, please? The group content/group PVP and how classes play are some of my concerns with the game.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Since he was streaming the opening parts of the game, which they supposedly released the NDA for, why was he banned? Guessing using the closed beta content, so he might have played long enough to progress into.... broken stuff?

Paranoid companies make me paranoid about their products.
It's really more about who and how rather than what, I think.



The problem is making an MMO that'll appeal to the Elder Scrolls people used to being superheroes in previous games. Plus, early game *should* be easy for everyone, not just vets who have played 32 previous MMOs and scoff at combat easier than Dark Souls bosses or pre fix EQ GOD Encounters. I'm hoping things get progressively harder and the 50+ stuff is very challenging.
Hyperbole aside, I kinda wonder about that. I kinda almost just flatout reject that idea. Since WoW hit, the MMO audience is fuggin' huge. And the genres players are nomadic. The vast overwhelming dearth of players for any MMO is gonna be vets and/or people that have at least played an MMO or two in their day. Are there gonna be newbies? Sure. Is a game with a single player pedigree as big as ES gonna pull in more rookies than normal? eeeee, I dunno - Some? Even so, that number has to be pretty damn small compared to the number of players that know what they're doin'.

How the fuck MMO developers churn out game after game after game with no fuggin' challenge to them whatsoever, is a complete goddamn mystery to me. It's depressing. While there are alotta moving parts to an MMO, alotta complex systems, doesn't just basic frickin' life lessons teach you that easy shit gets boring fast? That nothing in life that comes easy is worth a shit? That while it may be frustrating to overcome at first, the sense of satisfaction later is ohhh so much more rewarding? Do we not fuckin' get that? I dunno, it's just plain common sense. It confuses me. Grumpy old man, I guess.

I'd like to say that they know this (now), that they'll tune the game and make it harder, but I think we all know they won't.


I think most recent MMOs have wisely followed the Blizzard philosophy of easy to play, easy to progress, and difficult to master.

I also wouldn't assume an MMO vet is any better than a newblet. Recently playing WOW LFR has proven that point rather strongly to me.

My understanding is the endgame group content and a lot of the dungeons are very challenging. I hope this is the case. I'm fine with mowing through early mobs, and with minimal downtime. I respect the case for having both of those things, but I'd rather level of difficulty scale with content and progression. The dirty bad casuals gotta play, too.


How the fuck MMO developers churn out game after game after game with no fuggin' challenge to them whatsoever, is a complete goddamn mystery to me. It's depressing. While there are alotta moving parts to an MMO, alotta complex systems, doesn't just basic frickin' life lessons teach you that easy shit gets boring fast? .
There is challenging PVE content in ESO. The issue is how long it takes you to get to it. The first private group dungeons are tuned for 12-16 characters. Until you get to those, almost all of the content is designed to be soloed. From what I have seen, when soloing you have to create the challenge yourself, typically by fighting mobs higher level than you.

I'm not veteran level myself, but everyone I have spoken to says it is brutal. Mobs can easily 2 shot you and soloing is extremely hard.