The Elder Scrolls Online


Trakanon Raider
I wouldn't mind a beta invite to this, I wasn't planning on playing it at all, then the NDA dropped and the PvP looks like it'll tie me over for 2-3 months.


Resto Staff deals damage to an enemy and spreads healing based on that damage to your group. Think of it more like a lifedrain staff.

Although you're also possibly not misremembering, because it used to work the way you describe, but it felt weird having one weapon that couldn't damage enemies and made solo-leveling resto staff skill in the early game pretty lame.


That explains it. I'm sure they kept the code for that around (one would hope!), so at some point we'll hopefully see staves like that appear again. I'd prefer targeted healing to AoEs, smart heals, etc in raids because they should allow for better agro control. Healing one target effectively should add up to overall lower healing per second than healing several people half ass in harder fights.

Since agro is weird in ESO anyway, this could be moot. Some enemies are scripted to change targets, and that implies that old ideas about it may not hold.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Resto Staff deals damage to an enemy and spreads healing based on that damage to your group. Think of it more like a lifedrain staff.

Although you're also possibly not misremembering, because it used to work the way you describe, but it felt weird having one weapon that couldn't damage enemies and made solo-leveling resto staff skill in the early game pretty lame.
The basic attack, light/heavy is that way. There are healing skills within the weapon tree that are straight-up heals, though.


Trakanon Raider
I've been signed up for ages, never heard shit. I swear if you put Australia for your location they just flush the beta sign-up.


So is this worth pre-ordering? Was never able to get into the Beta for it (Anyone have a key?)
Plenty of beta time left. Some love it. some hate it. I hated it last year, but ended up preordering it based on my very limited playtime recently which I enjoyed.


Trakanon Raider
So is this worth pre-ordering? Was never able to get into the Beta for it (Anyone have a key?)
I'd hold off on that until the next beta or two to hear if they have fixed the server issues at least.

Not going to pre-order this myself. Might even wait until it goes F2P as the PvP aspect really doesn't interest me, and that is the only reason I can think of as to why you would want to pre-order this game. To get a head start in Cyrodil. Didn't see anything about the PvE aspect that made me want it right away, rather the opposite. Didn't seem ready. But if you are in a PvP guild or want to do that, then sure. The PvP fights seem more fun than the PvE things I did, even if the PvP videos seem very far from being Elder Scrolls. Just seems like any random mmo, but maybe a fun random mmo.


This is not going F2P. Physical preorders were sold out within a week of sales opening, and Amazon has only caught up well enough to start selling them again as of yesterday. While people were throwing a temper tantrum because Imperial Edition preorders include a horse that's slower than sprinting on foot, all surveys showed that most people were preordering the Imperial Edition anyway. Those who insist it will be F2P are just trying to ride the hate train to masturbate their ego. Sorry, but it's the truth. Pure bluster; often from people who haven't ever played beyond the tutorial zone or first newbie quests. The last beta test had an estimated 2.5 million participants by the way.

The biggest problem this game had as of last session was lag. Server issues. Bear in mind that was during a stress test when Cyrodiil was more overfull than any one instance likely will ever be after release, and the server was under artificial load for the stress test. It follows that their server issues won't happen as often post-release. The biggest worry I have about release day is a login queue, but there has never been a MMO with a perfect release (ever).

Yes, it's worth preordering.

Tom Lightner

Molten Core Raider
Yeah I'm a little torn too, I can't really put my finger on this one. Is it AOC and WAR/SWTOR all over again? Is it mearely a GW2 rip off? From the vids and screen shots it looks like it has too much brown, I'm surprised we aren't hearing more about that quite frankly, why does the crafted armor all look the same? I am fearful since this isn't the first MMO we all have seen that looked like this, yes I read "It's worth it" or it "will be at launch"... I read that about I think every other western MMO for the last 8 or so years. How many have lived up to the hype? I might be with UT on this one, I remember Vanguard I remember the brown. I remember my $150 SWTOR CE too, I remember devs being let go or fired shortly after I remember it going F2P as well. I remember not ever playing AOC after about level 30ish, lol. Yeah it's not hate or ego, it's called being tired of uninspired, unready games being released based on hopes and promises that never come true, it's called tired of being burnt over and over!

But you never know, maybe this one will be different?


Lord Nagafen Raider
This is not going F2P. Physical preorders were sold out within a week of sales opening, and Amazon has only caught up well enough to start selling them again as of yesterday. While people were throwing a temper tantrum because Imperial Edition preorders include a horse that's slower than sprinting on foot, all surveys showed that most people were preordering the Imperial Edition anyway. Those who insist it will be F2P are just trying to ride the hate train to masturbate their ego. Sorry, but it's the truth. Pure bluster; often from people who haven't ever played beyond the tutorial zone or first newbie quests. The last beta test had an estimated 2.5 million participants by the way.
This is going F2P. There is just too many examples of F2P transitions in recent history (SWTOR, Rift, TERA, EQ2, LOTRO, DDO, AOC, etc.) that I don't see a scenario where it isn't F2P within 24 month of release. It's not to be construed as a negative either, as there have been games that have become successful after making that transition.

And yes, I'm preordering.


Trakanon Raider
This is not going F2P. Physical preorders were sold out within a week of sales opening, and Amazon has only caught up well enough to start selling them again as of yesterday. While people were throwing a temper tantrum because Imperial Edition preorders include a horse that's slower than sprinting on foot, all surveys showed that most people were preordering the Imperial Edition anyway. Those who insist it will be F2P are just trying to ride the hate train to masturbate their ego. Sorry, but it's the truth. Pure bluster; often from people who haven't ever played beyond the tutorial zone or first newbie quests. The last beta test had an estimated 2.5 million participants by the way.

The biggest problem this game had as of last session was lag. Server issues. Bear in mind that was during a stress test when Cyrodiil was more overfull than any one instance likely will ever be after release, and the server was under artificial load for the stress test. It follows that their server issues won't happen as often post-release. The biggest worry I have about release day is a login queue, but there has never been a MMO with a perfect release (ever).

Yes, it's worth preordering.
Pretty much no one was throwing a "temper tantrum" about the horse.....

Also didn't SWTOR crush pre-order sales also? Plus not sure I can think of a MMO in years that wasn't released F2P or moved to F2P, it is just how the MMO market is now.


You spent $150 on a CE and are worried about the game being good? That's like worrying about if the Champagne is spoilt on the Titanic..

It's a launch MMO. Roll the dice. I generally trust a majority of beta testers posting here, sans a few proven haters and shills. The buzz I'm getting is mostly positive from the people not in those categories.

Is it possible the game will suck? Sure. Does content seem finished? Yeah. Is it revolutionary to the point I'll play it for years? Highly doubtful.


Pretty much no one was throwing a "temper tantrum" about the horse....
People threw a temper tantrum about everything in the preorders, and then ordered anyway. If you didn't see that then you weren't paying attention at all.

SWTOR went F2P because it's a half ass single player game with MMO tacked on like an afterthought, it was rushed out the door, and their customers were treated like crap. Every concern people had about the game got them banned from the forums and customer support was incompetent. If it wasn't always meant to go F2P then it was simply incompetently designed and managed.

EQ2 went F2P because people expected it to be a prettier EQ and it wasn't, and that only includes the sliver of the EQ playerbase who went to it. EQ itself was still active. You can't have a sequel MMO live while the predecessor is still successful. EQN will do much better, even though it's designed to be F2P. (edit: I have big hopes and dreams for Pantheon, but sadly, not the best faith.)

ESO is not GW2, it's not AO, and it's not DAoC. You'll find commonalities between it and other titles, sure, because every MMO borrows from the legacy of the past. WoW did. Like WoW, ESO builds on that past legacy with its own innovations and style; unlike all of those F2P games listed here.

ESO is designed to be a subscription game building on one of the most successful franchises in the electronic entertainment industry (like WoW). It has an immense following (like WoW), and a body of lore that will ensure that new content storylines can only be messed up if the developers work hard to screw the pooch (like Blizzard didn't do). In PvP only, it does have some DAoC flavor but only if people actually play it that way. They don't have to. Cyrodiil can be played like GW2, DAoC, etc, but it can also be played like ESO.

It's not a MMO flavored Elder Scrolls. It's an Elder Scrolls flavored MMO.

Ultimately, it will go F2P if it's not successful with a subscription model, and judging by the immense number of fansites, guilds, and discussion, the ungodly massive amount of content it has (seriously, there are quests everywhere -- look under that rock. Hey, a quest!), and the variety of playstyles it caters to well, it *will* succeed. The F2P hate is how haters are grasping at straws after the "WoW clone" slander written before anybody even knew anything about the (then pre-alpha) game proved silly. One could write a thesis on the dysfunctional social psychology driving the F2P claims.

"Those other MMOs that weren't WoW went F2P," doesn't mean anything. ESO is not any one of those games. If that's the best evidence that can be provided to support that prediction, then it's beyond silly at this point.