The Elder Scrolls Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Your typical casual player ruffling his own feathers because API allows anyone to improve their gaming experience. "Hey I can't be arsed nor I have the time installing and managing all these addon thingies on my screen, please forbid others to do so !". My thoughts are : API wise forbid critical stuff (exploit, bot, megamacroing, etc) and let other people play with whatever information they want on their interface, you goddamn facebook tablet gamer.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The people denying it are misinformed - they are saying you can't send keypresses via the addon API - that is TRUE!
You don't need to send keypresses via the addon API, you can do it in other ways trivially easily. Such as: use the addon API to set the color of a square on the screen. Use AutoHotkey to get the color at that location. If it's one color, press X, if it's another, press Y.
Bam, now you've got an auto interrupt bot. Anyone who thinks this isn't possible simply does not understand what's involved in the slightest, and whether or not the API can send keypresses is entirely irrelevant.
Saw this over on Reddit. Is this true? I don't agree with this kind of functionality being in the UI if it is. I'm all for info being presented on screen that I have to react to, but any kind of autobot would be bad surely.

Edit: Reading a bit more, AutoHotKey is an external scripting program people are using to get into from the frame buffer which explains why they are using the UI to create coloured boxes on screen for certain conditions, so that AHK can react to them.


Golden Squire
As with most things, the developers will woefully underestimate what the playerbase is capable of achieving. Why do you think SOE is pushing out Landmark in advanced of anything EQ Next? At some point they had an extreme epiphany about the players being their biggest asset and are working to harvest that resource in a mutually beneficial way.


Molten Core Raider
The AD players said they allowed the EP player to farm them to prove the point that player kills should follow the rule of diminishing returns. The reason the EP player was able to become Emperor is because he got 100% points every time he kept killing the same AD players over and over. There was overwhelming agreement about this on the forums. AFAIK no official comment from Zenimax yet.
I'm digging like hell because I could have sworn I saw a developer quote that said there are diminishing returns.
You are probably thinking about this interview here:Elder Scrolls Online | Brian Wheeler Talks PvP and 'Darkness Falls' | MMORPG

MMORPG:Do you have any systems in place to deal with ?gaming? the Alliance War? E.g. trading or flipping keeps, Alliance Point farming, etc.

Brian Wheeler:For that, it hearkens back to some older mentalities, where flipping a keep or capturing a keep or resources are actually worth very very little on its own. But if a keep is fought over and lots of people are dying in it, and every time a player dies in the area of the keep or resource, its points are distributed not only to the people that killed you, or you know, you did the kill, but those points are also copied and put into the keep or resource, so when it?s actually captured, it?s worth more.
Also, conversely, when it?s defended, there?s a timer that?s going under the hood, where, if a keep is being assaulted and nobody is dying in a certain amount of time, the points are actually distributed to defenders. So, in terms of just running around and keep flipping for the most amount of points, that?s going to be a highly inefficient way of doing it. Also note that players, a solo player kill, at level 50, is worth more than flipping a keep, so it?s much more encouraged to fight other players and kill other players.In terms of worrying about the exploits of killing another player and getting tons of Alliance Points, there are obviously cooldown timers, so we don?t let you kill somebody repeatedly, over and over and over. They?re worth a zero amount for a while and then their value scales up over time, so you can?t just sit there off in a far corner in Cyrodiil and kill trade.It?s also gated on top of that by no resurrection abilities by players; you?ll need to resurrect them by using a Soul Gem.


Some good PVP points there:
MMORPG:How much do you rely on the three faction system to solve issues with population imbalance in a given campaign? Are there any systems in place to encourage players of a particular alliance to join a specific campaign?

Brian Wheeler:There are three things in play. One of them we're working on getting in right now. The first one is that each campaign has a population cap per alliance, but obviously, you can still run into the case where it's midnight and for some crazy reason the Australians are the Aldmeri players and the Ebonheart are the North Americans. You're always going to run into that problem.
There currently is a scoring imbalance check, where if one alliance gets about double the amount of points that the other two alliances own, then the other two alliances get bonuses against that alliance. So, if Ebonheart has 2000 points and Aldmeri and Daggerfall have less than a thousand each, they each get bonuses against that alliance when they take keeps from them. They don't get it against themselves, but against the enemy that has the most, as well as for holding onto their own. So it's a little bit of incentive to make sure you hang onto your territory as well as take territory from the "big bully" who has the most Alliance Points.

We're also looking at population imbalance scoring checks as well. I can't give too many details on that, because the system is getting implemented right now, but it's basically to handle those cases where your scoring can't catch up and your population isn't high enough. We don't want you to feel like you have to leave the campaign to go somewhere else. We want to give you scoring benefits to let you catch up and make the other team not feel like they can just always dominate somebody by pure numbers.

I'm really curious about that last paragraph. It sounds like they have some plans.


Did the new tutorial last night. I still can't figure out why the hell they turned the weapons racks into a table full of swords. You now get a 1h sword in place of choosing your weapons. So weird to take away options. The tutorial was much quicker this time though.
Did the new tutorial last night. I still can't figure out why the hell they turned the weapons racks into a table full of swords. You now get a 1h sword in place of choosing your weapons. So weird to take away options. The tutorial was much quicker this time though.
Was there anything else in the tutorial?


Avatar of War Slayer
Did the new tutorial last night. I still can't figure out why the hell they turned the weapons racks into a table full of swords. You now get a 1h sword in place of choosing your weapons. So weird to take away options. The tutorial was much quicker this time though.
it was a weird place to introduce the weapon sets.
too early. it might trick new players into thinking they are choosing at that point, and can't swap out. or things of that nature. (I think it even locked the others out after you grabbed one right?)
Giving everyone a single choice there. teaching them basic combat mechanics.

then LATER a new tutorial to teach each weapon set, and swapping makes more sense.
That said, notes didn't actually mention adding such a thing later. so, if that is missing. it should be added.

you arrive in the main city after the tutorial.
Npc runs up to you. welcome to so and so! wow your gear sucks. I'm surprised you survived with that crap. head over to the blacksmith trade area, and we can set you up. we'll let you practice with weapon type to decide which you like.
conveniently, we can also teach you crafting, shopping in the same set of quests we are going to walk you through!


Ya, none of that is there. Left the tutorial and went straight to Auridon to figure everything else out on my own. Giving everyone one weapon choice and making them rely on 1) Finding a vendor or 2) Waiting for a random drop to get their destro staff as a sorcerer is odd. I did get a 2H sword as a drop during the tutorial and a bow/heavy chest from the end box reward once I finished. So, maybe there is some coding in there to give you weapons or it all could just be random who knows.

The combat bug where you can't attack and you have to drop into and out of your character screen is alive and well in .181 still.
you arrive in the main city after the tutorial.
Npc runs up to you. welcome to so and so! wow your gear sucks. I'm surprised you survived with that crap. head over to the blacksmith trade area, and we can set you up. we'll let you practice with weapon type to decide which you like.
conveniently, we can also teach you crafting, shopping in the same set of quests we are going to walk you through!
That makes sense but it IS 3 weeks to release.


Avatar of War Slayer
Ya, none of that is there. Left the tutorial and went straight to Auridon to figure everything else out on my own. Giving everyone one weapon choice and making them rely on 1) Finding a vendor or 2) Waiting for a random drop to get their destro staff as a sorcerer is odd. I did get a 2H sword as a drop during the tutorial and a bow/heavy chest from the end box reward once I finished. So, maybe there is some coding in there to give you weapons or it all could just be random who knows.

The combat bug where you can't attack and you have to drop into and out of your character screen is alive and well in .181 still.
That is true. iirc it is also random/vendor in gw2 though.
Crafting a t1 weapon is REALLY easy. although, without a tutorial pointing you to do such a thing. a new player will not exactly leap at it.


The combat bug where you can't attack and you have to drop into and out of your character screen is alive and well in .181 still.
Priorities man, tutorial experience > over-all experience.
They are making the tutorial more robust, right? Taking away choice, removing whole sets of content. Seems robust and engaging to me.

I mean, are people in the CB forums telling Zeni how obvious it is that they're priority is working on the first 15 minutes of the game in order to sell boxes?

Utnayan's inside man is gaining more and more credibility each time they release patchnotes that indicate the majority of Zeni's resources are allocated to the 1-17 content.

Pretty obvious at this point they're just gunning for box sales. Which is sad because if they were gunning for "Fun" instead they'd embrace Wheeler's (cyrodil guy) designs across the board.

Pretty sad about those patch notes ;-(


The combat bug where you can't attack and you have to drop into and out of your character screen is alive and well in .181 still.
Haven't had that one affect me yet. How often does it happen and are there steps you can follow to repeat it or is it completely random?


Saw this over on Reddit. Is this true? I don't agree with this kind of functionality being in the UI if it is. I'm all for info being presented on screen that I have to react to, but any kind of autobot would be bad surely.

Edit: Reading a bit more, AutoHotKey is an external scripting program people are using to get into from the frame buffer which explains why they are using the UI to create coloured boxes on screen for certain conditions, so that AHK can react to them.
What they described can be done without the add-on they're complaining about.

Did the new tutorial last night. I still can't figure out why the hell they turned the weapons racks into a table full of swords. You now get a 1h sword in place of choosing your weapons. So weird to take away options. The tutorial was much quicker this time though.
Eh. I liked just picking up my weapon of choice in the beginning.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Priorities man, tutorial experience > over-all experience.
They are making the tutorial more robust, right? Taking away choice, removing whole sets of content. Seems robust and engaging to me.

I mean, are people in the CB forums telling Zeni how obvious it is that they're priority is working on the first 15 minutes of the game in order to sell boxes?

Utnayan's inside man is gaining more and more credibility each time they release patchnotes that indicate the majority of Zeni's resources are allocated to the 1-17 content.

Pretty obvious at this point they're just gunning for box sales. Which is sad because if they were gunning for "Fun" instead they'd embrace Wheeler's (cyrodil guy) designs across the board.

Pretty sad about those patch notes ;-(
This is Paul Sage for you. It's unbelievable how one very egotistical douche can take this much control away from the other teams and developers.

They need to work on the server arch, make sure PvP is working correctly and grind on that. If anything at this point, let people enter Cyro from Day 1 to bypass all that, call it a day and, undoubtedly, make money anyway, but put the resources where they belong. Also, from my understanding, they have already split the teams and over 40 or so % of resources have been switched to the live team. Which can happen if you have a solid working MMORPG months in advance. But in this shape, that call was pretty ridiculous.


Avatar of War Slayer
Priorities man, tutorial experience > over-all experience.
They are making the tutorial more robust, right? Taking away choice, removing whole sets of content. Seems robust and engaging to me.

I mean, are people in the CB forums telling Zeni how obvious it is that they're priority is working on the first 15 minutes of the game in order to sell boxes?

Utnayan's inside man is gaining more and more credibility each time they release patchnotes that indicate the majority of Zeni's resources are allocated to the 1-17 content.

Pretty obvious at this point they're just gunning for box sales. Which is sad because if they were gunning for "Fun" instead they'd embrace Wheeler's (cyrodil guy) designs across the board.

Pretty sad about those patch notes ;-(
I don't really see how that is much of a problem. did we not all bitch about how the 1-10 experience sucked balls?

1-17 being solid does buy them 3 months for the casual gamers.
Having that for launch IS the most important thing. and I fail to see how we can criticize them for it.

Getting the rest of the game solid within those 3 months after that 3 month period however is the next challenge and requirement.