The Elder Scrolls Online


<Silver Donator>
Oh I wasn't referring to AH in a particular ESO way, it's just the first example that popped in my head of a game that copied a lot of wow stuff and yet failed at copying most of it and the AH in SWTOR was particularily often referred as a fucking abomination. I'm not saying ESO should have wow's AH or an AH at all, just was explaining what most people mean when they say "this should be like wow".


Oh I wasn't referring to AH in a particular ESO way, it's just the first example that popped in my head of a game that copied a lot of wow stuff and yet failed at copying most of it and the AH in SWTOR was particularily often referred as a fucking abomination. I'm not saying ESO should have wow's AH or an AH at all, just was explaining what most people mean when they say "this should be like wow".
I will say it then. ESO's AH is completely retarded. Making PvE players join a PvE guild who happen to own a keep in Cyrodiil to sell anything is idiotic at best. Some of the decisions this dev team have made are monumentally stupid.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I will say it then. ESO's AH is completely retarded. Making PvE players join a PvE guild who happen to own a keep in Cyrodiil to sell anything is idiotic at best. Some of the decisions this dev team have made are monumentally stupic.
Some of the comments made by posters in this thread are "monumentally stupic". Your guild(s) store can be accessed from any bank in the world. Its nothing close to a real AH but since you can join up to 5 guilds per character, I imagine something will come along that allows this, either by player implementation or eventually hard-coded.


Some of the comments made by posters in this thread are "monumentally stupic". Your guild(s) store can be accessed from any bank in the world. Its nothing close to a real AH but since you can join up to 5 guilds per character, I imagine something will come along that allows this, either by player implementation or eventually hard-coded.
Yeah, you only need a keep in cyrodiil if you want to sell to people outside your guild. I think it's a cool idea.


I shouldn't type messages while in a conference call.

The point I was trying to make is if you want to sell to anyone outside of your guild you have to own a keep. There are no centralized AHs so every keep will be it's own little decentralized mini-AH. So, if you want to buy potions, you have to hope you can find a guild who owns a keep who sells potions in your campaign or guest campaign. Oh and if you don't like PvP but you want to sell your crap you have to join a guild who owns a keep or shout in /zone until you are blue in the face. (Sorry, no global /auction channel)

Another fun part about the system is that the first person to the keep merchant can claim a keep. So, if your guild fights for 2 hours to take over a keep a_random_person01 can run straight to the merchant and claim that keep for his guild even though you did all the work.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I shouldn't type messages while in a conference call.

The point I was trying to make is if you want to sell to anyone outside of your guild you have to own a keep. There are no centralized AHs so every keep will be it's own little decentralized mini-AH. So, if you want to buy potions, you have to hope you can find a guild who owns a keep who sells potions in your campaign or guest campaign. Oh and if you don't like PvP but you want to sell your crap you have to join a guild who owns a keep or shout in /zone until you are blue in the face. (Sorry, no global /auction channel)

Another fun part about the system is that the first person to the keep merchant can claim a keep. So, if your guild fights for 2 hours to take over a keep a_random_person01 can run straight to the merchant and claim that keep for his guild even though you did all the work.
That sounds like shit. I'm sure they will change it eventually. Going to be a lot of keep merchant sniping.


Yeah, you only need a keep in cyrodiil if you want to sell to people outside your guild. I think it's a cool idea.
Yeah I got no words for this.

As a crafter, I usually give free gear/items to my guildies or make the items at cost (you supply the mats, free labor). It's usually those other schlobs in a game I make the money off of in auction houses who don't have any choice but to buy things there. The biggest customers inanymmo are the people OUTSIDE of your guild, not in it. So you're going to make people who either stink at PvP or hate it to join the biggest/best PvP guilds so they can do what they really like?

Have they no sense of idea that people will say 'fuck this' and pile onto the best guilds, who will only be happy to have those crafters? This just makes them even stronger down the line and the people who suck weaker and more apt to quit.

Why they would undercut the basic buying and selling of goods is pretty insane. This is the kind of things that I was saying before will drive off the casuals, but the hardcore people will defend idiocy like this all day so ESO is safe.


Rasterizing . . .
I will say it then. ESO's AH is completely retarded. Making PvE players join a PvE guild who happen to own a keep in Cyrodiil to sell anything is idiotic at best. Some of the decisions this dev team have made are monumentally stupid.
An even bigger challenge would be to find decisions made by Zenimax that weren't monumentally stupid.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This game keeps giving me every reason not to get it. Problem is I always regret not getting a MMO for that opening month clusterfuck. There are things I actually like about the game and think are well done. The engine, PVP, class system, megaserver in theory and crafting.


Rasterizing . . .
This game keeps giving me every reason not to get it. Problem is I always regret not getting a MMO for that opening month clusterfuck. There are things I actually like about the game and think are well done. The engine, PVP, class system, megaserver in theory and crafting.
I hear ya Abe and for myself, this will be the first time in a long time that I haven't participated in a launch and it's quite refreshing. I don't feel like I'm going to miss a thing this go around.


Have fun using zone chat for anything other than spamming WTS/WTB
So a likely path for a crafter would be to spendallyour time PvEing for skill points and hunting down racial gearstyles. Use those skill points to max out your crafting asap. Once done, spend all day /shouting for customers OR join thebestPvP guilds out, ignoring any small/medium ones because since they suck you'll never get to sell your items to any of them anyways... ever.

Once you finally find that good guild, proceed to bone the hell out of them for gold while they eagerly pay for goods. (I'm assuming special PvP gear styles or materials from keep victories only accessible for winners at some point like in Aion) Heh.

I still think ESO will be okay if the PvP is great, those defenders will hunker-down and probably even buy a second sub just to prove everyone wrong. But the idea that anyone else on the cusp will stick around for this type of stuff for a couple of months considering most people are casuals anyways is funny.


<Gold Donor>
This game would be a good notch above Neverwinter in the "I'll play this because its f2p and I'm bored as fuck" category, but $60 AND a fucking subscription?!? Who do these fucking retard developers think they're kidding?


FPS noob



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I shouldn't type messages while in a conference call.

The point I was trying to make is if you want to sell to anyone outside of your guild you have to own a keep. There are no centralized AHs so every keep will be it's own little decentralized mini-AH. So, if you want to buy potions, you have to hope you can find a guild who owns a keep who sells potions in your campaign or guest campaign. Oh and if you don't like PvP but you want to sell your crap you have to join a guild who owns a keep or shout in /zone until you are blue in the face. (Sorry, no global /auction channel)

Another fun part about the system is that the first person to the keep merchant can claim a keep. So, if your guild fights for 2 hours to take over a keep a_random_person01 can run straight to the merchant and claim that keep for his guild even though you did all the work.
Yeah this is a very good example of ZOS looking at a general desire by gamers to have meaning behind holding a keep in a PVP zone beyond just a generic banner and control of its defense. They look at this desire and address it with a misguided idea. "People like AH, and people want keeps to be meaningful. I remember there being cool trading cities in Shadowbane. Let's combine these!". The end result is Frankenstein's monster.

If I had my way, owning a keep would provide your guild with:
1. NPC bonuses to your faction resulting in better merchant prices / quest rewards.
2. A steady source of income, both in terms of alliance points and raw gold.
3. A temporary title for those in the guild (Ex: Sir Menion. With officers/leaders getting something like Duke/Lord Menion).
4. Easy access to a valuable and tradable resource. Ex: Some rare crafting resources, or some unique but one time bonus to your character. A good example is the commander rune in Shadowbane that only spawned near our great city. We monopolized this resource and had a distinct advantage over our enemies because only we had this rune (and thus only we could use trebs).