The Elder Scrolls Online


Trakanon Raider
The reason bethesda games are still the top RPGs is because of mods. Skyrim without mods was a good game but not head and shoulders above games like witcher or divine divinity series. With all that moding it was prolly the deepest rpg game ever made. Same goes for oblivion, oblivion was barely even a good game without mods.

Its alot like a blizzard RTS, ya they are usually great games by themselves but its the mods that really take them and put them in a whole different class than the competition.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
But it would also be good to have a modern fantasy mmo more like old school EQ around that had less structure to it.
GW2 is that kind of MMO. You do have a main quest line, but outside of that, you pick where you go and what you do, with plenty of choices, and large heaping of lore, but no specific story.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
The healer side track is a major one I would like to see fixed for MMOs. I was not FOH, but I was on Veeshan in a T2 guild and even though our clerics were better than most, you could not count on more than two of them to do the correct thing at any point in time. In fact in every MMO I played, shitty healing has been at the core of every negative play experience I have had. I think the major issues with healers in MMOs are threefold:

1) The utter necessity of them. Every design team gets lazy and starts designing fights to bleed X mana from healers constantly healing.

2) Most standard healing mechanics are boring and reactive in most games.

3) Pursuant to 1, the class draw the dumbest cunts in the known universe because they know you need them to do anything in the game and that they are likely going to get geared immediately after the tanks do.

I think more MMOs should ape the heal system that was in place in Vanguard, as healing mechanics there were one of the things that they got right. Force Field Defenders from CoH were a good approach to it to. The way healing shamans worked in WoW around the time of BC was interesting enough to play with enough variety to have to use some degree of skill beyond "count to ten press 1" in large fights. The more proactive approach to healing in MMOs leads to less tedium. Also, some D3 style regen mechanics on classes would be nice so that you are not obligated to suck miles of healer dick to get anywhere in an MMO.

Unfortunately, all signs point to this game sucking copious amounts of equestrian phallus and I am guessing their heal system will be taken directly from the single player games, with heal spells that are boring as fuck to use. Fortunately the rest of the game is going to suck so bad that this won't ever be noticed before it shuts down.....


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
GW2 is that kind of MMO. You do have a main quest line, but outside of that, you pick where you go and what you do, with plenty of choices, and large heaping of lore, but no specific story.
Yep, GW2 did do a lot of things right. One of the best new mmos to come out in a long time. But there are many things they did that ultimately made it a somewhat forgettable experience.

The PvE is too easy for one, I much preferred the first beta when it was a bit more brutal and there was a need to think about how to win. Because the content is so easy there isn't any reason to learn how to use the depth they have designed into the gaming mechanics. It truly is a faceroll pve game. I also personally hate instanced dungeons. There are other things I would have done different but overall GW2 is still a good game.

I haven't really been following TESO that much but it is my understanding that it is a heavily instanced type of game. Which gives it limited appeal to me. I'll probably still give it a go when it is released but it doesn't sound promising.


Molten Core Raider
The best thing GW2 did was charge for the game, and that's it. Microtransactions for cosmetic crap, and probably a pay per expansion model. I wish the industry at large would adopt this model.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oh, you're one of THOSE guys. Now I'm starting to understand your hate for Firor a little more. Let's be real - ES games are fun, but they aren't the be all/end all of single player RPG. Especially since they've been more and more dumbed down to accommodate console kids in certain respects. Sure, it helped them get some massive sales, but in some ways they are less sandboxy than the old ones like Arena and Daggerfall and Morrowind. Don't get me wrong, I think I have close to 200 hours in Skyrim, but I think a lot of that is just because there aren't a lot of good RPG's released anymore. I think I put 50 or more hours into "Legend of Grimrock" and that thing was almost free.
Oh hey look who is back. Did you have a nice vacation?

Now that you are back you can reply to this: Let's review while you were away in the retard rehab zone.

I thought this was a legit forum.
It is. That's why your shilling isn't popular here.

Oh by the way... From a few pages back before PAX East.

Utnayan said: PAX East will have a canned playable demo available at their show, and then they will have a couple weekend beta events. Half the game isn't even finished yet. And is set (must launch) in November.

Blackshill said: Just for the record, can you confirm that your first quote there is a fact and not an opinion?

1/1. Soon to be 4/4. (Well, it might be 70% finished when it launches at least and we are going to have one hell of a tested character creation process.)

Your game sucks and is the epitome of what the genre has shit out for the last 6 years. After this, it's time to go where these people fly away to. Zynga. (Or get pulled off to work for Rich Vogel if they kissed ass enough and didn't ripple the water)

Bethesda doesn't even want this thing launched. Todd Howard is pretty pissed behind closed doors. And the majority of Zenimax/Bethesda thinks Matt Firor is a fucking idiot which will bring down the popularity of the Elder Scrolls IP.

Do you have anything else you would wish to share while drunk on a Friday night besides burying the ounce of credibility that may have remained?
I find it ironic that it is almost Friday night again.

Also, sorry Blackwulf, no one hates anyone. Matt Firor may be a great father, a good husband, a nice gay partner, I don't give two fucks. What I do know is he is a terrible producer, worse director, horrible president, and this game is the end result of more incompetence than your posts after 8 stolis last Friday night.


Trakanon Raider
Christ Ut, it's shit like this we just don't fucking need. Just fucking ignore the cunt, and move on.


<Prior Amod>
Ut, don't provoke him. He came back, was calm and is posting just fine. If you go down that path you'll end up in the same place as he was a week ago.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
"Bethesda doesn't even want this thing launched. Todd Howard is pretty pissed behind closed doors."

Any citation for this?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
"Bethesda doesn't even want this thing launched. Todd Howard is pretty pissed behind closed doors."

Any citation for this?
No. Hence behind closed doors.

With that said, this is how the majority of them feel. It's an IP that has a huge history, a lot of ups and downs, and a lot of long timers that were there when they almost didn't ship Arena. There is the normal animosity that would exist between any company that developed an IP from the ground up, being the sole company in charge of said IP for years (some of which are still there from the beginning) and seeing that control being put into another developers hands... For this I would say it is amazing they held onto it this long without anyone else squeeking in with a spin off. But also for this type of objection I would normally say tough, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

This goes further than that. They know Matt Firor and Paul Sage. They know how they promote(Obscurity - But unlike Bethesda, the reasons why they are obscure is because they have jack shit to show, and the game they do have to show they don't, because it would lift the veil of their Dog and Pony show which would hurt that awesome box sell), they know their poor management styles, and they have also seen $50 million in blown funding over the last 6 years and wonder what could have happened had they had that money to develop something worth a shit within their own IP. The three stop starts, the enormous let down of PAX, but above all else, the harm this does to the IP itseld. I think that is the biggest thing with these folks.

I dunno I try to put myself in their and his shoes and I would think the same thing. "I have been working on this IP from the ground up for over 15 years and built one of the most successful brands ever. And now I have to stand by while this completely incompetent management team screws all that over at the drop of a hat?"

And they cannot do anything about it. But watch the impending disaster. And pray it doesn't fuck with Black Marsh revenues.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, but that is the nature of the biz. If you don't want your IP taken over and abused by someone else then don't sell it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, but that is the nature of the biz. If you don't want your IP taken over and abused by someone else then don't sell it.
They never did. The founder of Bethesda Softworks also founded Zenimax Media, which originally was only supposed to be a company used to garner funding for Elder Scrolls games and a future Fallout title. The IP was never taken over. Everything went fairly seamlessly up until Zenimax Media decided it would be a good idea to try and chase WoW profits. The problem is no one in ZM is willing to take a chance that the Elder Scrolls IP will remain viable throughout the course of another 15 years. So, it's milking time.

Prepare to see the Rich Vogel heading up the milking phase of Fallout.

All good things must come to an end. That doesn't mean the people that created it in the first place have to like it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Work for hire is the bane of most creative types. It sucks but when you sign that contract you sign away your creations. They sold out the minute they signed the bottom line.


Molten Core Raider
GW2 is that kind of MMO. You do have a main quest line, but outside of that, you pick where you go and what you do, with plenty of choices, and large heaping of lore, but no specific story.
I coudn't take GW2 for more than 15 minutes at a time... I thought it was a horrible button mashing fest ( at least for mesmer which i played ) I guess i was missing something


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Work for hire is the bane of most creative types. It sucks but when you sign that contract you sign away your creations. They sold out the minute they signed the bottom line.
I do not think you are following me. There wasn't a signing, there was a "swallowing". The guy who owned Bethesda Softworks and owned the Elder Scrolls IP just transferred it to Zenimax Media, for which he also founded, and as it grew, it slowly became less autonomous when it came to IP protection decisions. I understand most creative workers have no control, but in this case, they did. It just grew up and out until now, and there have been some terrible hiring decisions made and, with that, really not caring.

If you have an organization that thinks the run of a successful IP is almost up (We know this isn't true... but let's say all they are doing is studying a product life cycle graph and are making predictions) the next stage of the cash cow before the decline to avoid a flat line growth is to milk the shit out of it before this happens.

Nothing can be done. It sucks.
We may see one more good Elder Scrolls game. I guarantee you it isn't the MMORPG.


Trakanon Raider
I do not think you are following me. There wasn't a signing, there was a "swallowing". The guy who owned Bethesda Softworks and owned the Elder Scrolls IP just transferred it to Zenimax Media, for which he also founded, and as it grew, it slowly became less autonomous when it came to IP protection decisions. I understand most creative workers have no control, but in this case, they did. It just grew up and out until now, and there have been some terrible hiring decisions made and, with that, really not caring.

If you have an organization that thinks the run of a successful IP is almost up (We know this isn't true... but let's say all they are doing is studying a product life cycle graph and are making predictions) the next stage of the cash cow before the decline to avoid a flat line growth is to milk the shit out of it before this happens.

Nothing can be done. It sucks.
We may see one more good Elder Scrolls game. I guarantee you it isn't the MMORPG.
kinda exactly like what happened with diablo.


Also, sorry Blackwulf, no one hates anyone. Matt Firor may be a great father, a good husband, a nice gay partner, I don't give two fucks. What I do know is he is a terrible producer, worse director, horrible president, and this game is the end result of more incompetence than your posts after 8 stolis last Friday night.

They released a silly little vid of an Ogrim.

Kinda funny, but nothing too awesome:

Edit: I like the way his belly jiggles, but I don't like how his leather strap is painted on.

And some new screens:

Looks like nice environments, but I'd sure like to see just some more straight up gameplay vids.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>

They released a silly little vid of an Ogrim.

Kinda funny, but nothing too awesome:

Edit: I like the way his belly jiggles, but I don't like how his leather strap is painted on.

And some new screens:

Looks like nice environments, but I'd sure like to see just some more straight up gameplay vids.
They just developed their first monster in the game everyone.

Holy shit why even put this out. This is a new low in mmorpg marketing.