The Elder Scrolls Online


I think the last time we talked about this Blackwulf or Resco or both of them were baddies who didn't know how to play ESO well enough to be aware of the way animations worked and didn't work.


2 Minutes Hate
Idk about you, but there's nothing on the planet like that release rush for me. Up late at night with the bros just jamming that login to get in and get going.

Kinda like tail-gating or whatever.

I'm a giant release whore I guess.
I agree 100%, but I was talking about the content specifically.


Res is and will always be a pussy for asking for a UT ban.. May as well hide on one of your alts... Shameful!

Any pve raid content yet??
Are you an Utnayan alt? You sound a lot like him and sure seem to have your panties all in a wad over the fact I compared him to Blank.



The difference is Utnayan was right.
What do you think Utnayan was right about?

I think Tuco made the best analogy. A ways back Tuco said something to the effect Utnayan threw about 100 darts predicting something dire about TESO and a few of them hit the target and now he claims he was "right" even though he only hit with 2 or 3 of his 100 darts. Of course the predictions he got right were the predictions anyone who plays MMOs would know to make because they are problems that plague pretty much all new MMO releases.


Question for those of you who have quit playing. How many of you successfully cleared any of the VR dungeons at the rank they were designed for? In other words, running the VR1 dungeon at VR1/2 with no VR10s helping you run the dungeon?


2 Minutes Hate
Rescorla, for fuck sake give it a god damn break. Jesus people, this game is not worth the time it takes to troll people about it. Let it die to the 2nd page and out of our lives.


Pay to play forum
Question for those of you who have quit playing. How many of you successfully cleared any of the VR dungeons at the rank they were designed for? In other words, running the VR1 dungeon at VR1/2 with no VR10s helping you run the dungeon?


Some really annoying guys interviewing Paul Sage here:

I guess he talks about how the "champion" system is going to replace the Veteran system. I'm listening now - don't know what he says yet. I'll edit later so you guys don't have to listen to these nerds if you don't want to.


Some interesting things:

Champion system will convert VR points into normal XP again, so you don't have two different xp systems. You'll gain champion points to be used in an AA system to customize your character. He gave the example that you could focus on spell crit if you wanted, or whatever.

XP through PVP will be made viable for leveling and for champion points.

Dueling is coming with the correct "rules" systems in place - he mentioned justice system and dark brotherhood, so I imagine it will have something to do with that update.

Supposedly: The option for nameplates have always been something they intend to put in, but are working to make sure they look right. Sounds like BS to me, because they were in early beta, and how hard could it be? Seems like someone is backpedaling on their nameplate hate to me.

Update 4 will have a 4 player arena challenge (PVE) among other things.

Better loot and gear sets are a work in progress.

Cyrodiil city is coming - a contested PVE area in PVP zone, and I'm sure there will be world bosses in there (to address Convo's question) - supposedly there might even be video of this at Quakecon next week.

There was a lot of other stuff, but I wasn't exactly taking notes, and don't remember it all

Someone on reddit did a better job with some of it:

So, still listening to the Podcast with Paul Sage, really amazing. He talked about update 4, but also about the long term goal of replacing Veteran system by what he called Champion System.
It'll be a long term goal account wide system to gain experience and points, and you'll be able to spent those points in a various way to buff your toon. Like increasing spell critical, weapon damage, etc... It'll be extensible enough that it'll take you years to collect everything.
It sounds really awesome, totally awesome in fact. There is no timeline or ETA, it was just an open discussion, I bet we'll see it in update 5 or 6 maybe.
Info I gathered
Champion points will be available and gathered only for level 50 char.
It'll take a very long time to earn them all (I love that!)
Veteran points will be converted to Champion point?
A certain amount of experience after level 50 will earn you a champion point.
If you stay logged out for a long time you'll get bonus when you log back to earn xp faster (like WOW)
It's like Diablo 3 paragon system in fact, and this system is totally awesome.
It still a work in progress, they're still shaping this thing. But this is what he said.
Other things regarding veteran ranks phase 2 changes.
PVP will earn XP at a better rate. So levelling a char from 10 to 50 in PVP will be fine, by playing campaign targeted for your toon level.
Veterans point will be converted to Champion point.
Veteran ranks will not be taken away, just veteran point. It's confusing ATM.
As I discovered all the map, did all the quests etc... I'm questioning on how I'll be able to gain more champion points. I'm worried.
All of that is huge, as it'll get in the console release, people on console will have a much much more complete experience from start. I bet in 1 year from now the game will look totally different. I'm still subbed and I'll stay in for a long time.


Some really annoying guys interviewing Paul Sage here:

I guess he talks about how the "champion" system is going to replace the Veteran system. I'm listening now - don't know what he says yet. I'll edit later so you guys don't have to listen to these nerds if you don't want to.
The champion system is going to be far superior to the current VR system. Think account wide legacy like SWTOR.


I agree 100%, but I was talking about the content specifically.
I had a blast in beta and release. It was fun to spam login and storm cyrodil. You realized quickly it was the people(guild) that rocked though.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
If the console version comes out, I agree with a B2P model.

I think a few things here. (No source)

* IF the console version is scrapped they should be moving forward with a B2P Cash Shop PC version of this game immediately.

* IF the console version is scrapped and we do not know about it, (Sometimes publishers delay a version of their game rather than outright let the public know they are cancelling to avoid causing negative attention to ongoing/recently released versions which could have it's sales impacted) see above.

* IF the console version is not scrapped and will be launched, they better change their launch window. They will get eaten alive in a holiday launch season as large and intense as this years line up is. They would be far better off launching in spring 2015. I agree here that it will be B2P without a sub cost. I would imagine a cash shop would exist on today's next gen platforms on an itemized level, and if not, blocks of in game currency to be bought to be able to be spent on cash shop items within the game itself. Although I would guess logistics would need to be ironed out on how that is done. Sounds complex, especially given Microsoft's track record here.


Probably Buy To Play once the console version is released. My guess is the console version will follow the DLC model for consoles and the PC version will have a cash shop and probably have a DLC model as well.
If they do go with cash shop, I hope they are smart about it like DDO and offer a premium, sub based model on top of the shop. You get access to all content and earn a monthly stipend of cash shop money for your sub. I also hope they keep the shop for cosmetics and consumables like xp potions - not for powerful weapons or bullshit.