The Elder Scrolls Online


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I was responding to Blackwulf who is referring to a specific thread on the forums. In order to increase TTK, ZOS stated a long time ago they were reducing damage, healing and shields in PVP by 50%. If that change got applied to normal PVE outside of Cyrodil (the subject of the thread Blackwulf's is referring to) then it is a bug. ZOS has commented in the thread and looking into it.

What remains to be determined is if the 50% decrease is by design supposed to be applied to the PVE mobs in IC and the two PVE dungeons inside IC. That is what Deltia is referring to.
Ah, ok. Gotchya.


Trump's Staff
Ok I'm loving this shit on console. Imperial city looks sweet and I can't wait to get in there. I've pumped 100+ hours into this game and it's getting better as time goes on. Tons of compelling content to keep someone busy for months and months.

If you aren't some intense EQ/UO purist, and like to MMO in the living room while your wife does yoga - this shit is for you.

Oh, and I'm gonna take back some of my earlier criticism about the world being boring. Turns out, Aldmeri Dominion lands are bland as fuck. Just started going through Ebonheart zones and they are 100% better. AD is all sub tropical forest and plains. Ebonheart is lava, giant fungal growths, mountains, birch forests, snowy areas. Lots better and more variety. The Ebonheart races make better 'local colour' conversation, too. Khajit and Bosmer are fucking annoying and destroyed the Dominion leveling experience for me.


There is not enough variety in the AD zones. I feel the same about the DC zones. I agree, Quiad, the EP have the best zones.

Im DC for life though, because thats where my Nightblade resides. Veteran level 7 and counting. This game has an EQ grind. Without power-leveling It takes months to hit max level.


Trump's Staff


Trump's Staff

To all bros: I'll be online tomorrow from around 11am-3pm. Hit me up. PSN: Quaid--


So they realized the error of their ways when it comes to nameplates. Finally. Looks like whoever was being stubborn about that lost out.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>


Ok so rescorla, I have to ask, do you believe me yet when Paul Sage was the reason behind no name plates? He goes bye bye and nameplates cometh!

Also, I asked him to post a pic of his wife and he posts about nameplates. He still wins.
Ummm, it was common knowledge during closed beta that Paul Sage was behind the decision to disable nameplates, which were already in the game and working just fine. Had you actually been in the closed beta with access to the forums, you would have known there was a very sizable contingent of beta testers who were hardcore TES single player fans but not MMO players. Their argument was that since there were no nameplates in Skyrim, TESO didn't need them either. I think I'm on record in numerous posts over the past 18 months stating how stupid a decision I thought it was.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Rich actually plays MMO's and knows TES games. The game is in much better hands now. Sage is such a shitty designer and person. His new company that he conned into getting hired will suffer for that soon enough.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ummm, it was common knowledge during closed beta that Paul Sage was behind the decision to disable nameplates, which were already in the game and working just fine. Had you actually been in the closed beta with access to the forums, you would have known there was a very sizable contingent of beta testers who were hardcore TES single player fans but not MMO players. Their argument was that since there were no nameplates in Skyrim, TESO didn't need them either. I think I'm on record in numerous posts over the past 18 months stating how stupid a decision I thought it was.
You are so full of shit. You never acknowledged that Paul Sage was behind the decision, and in closed door meetings it had nothing to do with skyrim, it was WoW. "WoW has nameplates and we need to distinguish away from WoW"

Give it up buttercup. Don't make me go back for the last 18 months through this thread.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Rich actually plays MMO's and knows TES games. The game is in much better hands now. Sage is such a shitty designer and person. His new company that he conned into getting hired will suffer for that soon enough.
Him and pitchford are two peas in a pod.