The Elder Scrolls Online


It's extremely difficult to carry on a converation about this game when the other side thinks you're shit posting and doesn't care about your opinion at all.

We've had some good discussion about this recently but you're getting off track in my opinion.
Here's the deal. If someone throws a punch at me, I am going to punch back. It's as simple as that. Jackdaddio thought he was being cute and knew he would get away with an attack because even the mods are bashing this game. I punched back by pointing out what Firor actually said and ever since he hasn't been able to come up with anything better other than arguing the date when the actual B2P kicks in. My guess is he is doing that to avoid admitting I was correct that no one has to pay anything while they wait for the DLC content to arrive.

Now if you really want to have an adult conversation, reread Blackwulf's comments about feeling screwed over because, based on how he interpreted Firor's comments, PC players were not going to be seeing any new content for 6+ months. Then reread what I wrote about PC players beta testing the new DLC. Firor clearly said a separate team is already working on it and they want to release it as soon as the console game is stable.

Put 2&2 together and unless you are an irrational hater it's easy to come to the conclusion the PC players are always going to be getting the new content first so that all the bugs and kinks get worked out before it gets officially released to the consoles as DLC. This assumption is based on my understanding of how console DLC works in that Microsoft and Sony have stricter QA standards on DLC compared to what PC MMO players are used to. When ZOS releases a patch/DLC to the consoles, it has to meet MS/Sony standards otherwise they won't allow it to be sold.

That is why I think PC players are going to be getting new DLC weeks and perhaps even months before the console will. Makes sense now?


Makes sense Rescorla thanks for the synopsis.

From what I can tell I think most of the people still in this thread think it's extremely fucked up that ZOS went this route. Forcing PC players to pay a subscription for what is essentially a console beta test.

They've publicly stated that PC players get no updates during the console push. Basically saying "thanks for testing our console version now we're cutting of support and switching gears, we'll continue support after console is up and running".

It's not a PRIVILEGE to get pre-release content. It's not a privelege at all. In fact the company is charging full price for sub-par content.

What a giant FUCK YOU to PC players.

*made some edits*


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This assumption is based on my understanding of how console DLC works in that Microsoft and Sony have stricter QA standards on DLC compared to what PC MMO players are used to. ?
After the Assassin's Creed Unity fiasco, I think it's pretty evident the certification process either of these two companies have is a joke. Although I agree with you that they are using PC players as the beta test to ship boxes on a console. My view is they are doing it to cash out as much as they can, recoup all losses or go in the black, and close the doors. Bethesda should be very worried about Battlecry Studios at the moment because the same poor management is going on with them as well.


I feel like ZOS thinks PC players are booty on the side at this point man... makes me sick.

"Hey girl look, I got something else to take care of, I'll be back in 6 months ... we can hook up then"

We all got played. The ones sticking around can't get over that dick.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If I were posting in the Archeage thread trying to convince people to play a game I stopped playing in alpha ( and thus unaware of what improvements were made to the game) Tuco would have likely banned me a long time ago.
You make a lot of assumptions here. I haven't banned Kedwyn and Vitality.

Then again the version they played a year ago in alpha was more up to date than the version I'm playing now in release, hahahaha =(


hahahaha =(
Sorry bud, it was a good game in alpha.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Okay I tried to sub again and their account page didn't let me update my payment method, so I made a ticket and the guy offered me 7 free days sub. I'm playing a Nightblade, level 17 and I have a VR10 Templar from my previous playtime, but this time I wanted to roll a fresh character to VR14 to see if leveling has improved (or not). Here's my first hand opinion, please bear in mind I capped VR10 during the first month and played a lot of AvA. I'm subbing back to see what mostly to see what patch 1.6 will look like.

- Woohoo Eu megaserver is finally here ! No more 250ms US megaserver latency bullshit for us proud europeans !
- On Ultra settings the game looks average and runs okay. Might give SweetFX a try.
- Some character animations are still a heavy turnoff (they reworked some in 1.6)
- Still no nameplates / guildplates in PvP, another major turnoff (no mention on them in 1.6).
- Blockcasting is still there and "spell weaving" (cancelling spell animations to max DPS) is still a thing.
- Leveling looks smooth at least in the 3-15 zone, no bugged quests so far and there's some people around to kill bosses and run instances (much less than during the first month's release where everyone was on the same instances though).

I'll try to give honest updates through my leveling, feel free to ask questions.


Here's the deal. If someone throws a punch at me, I am going to punch back. It's as simple as that. Jackdaddio thought he was being cute and knew he would get away with an attack because even the mods are bashing this game. I punched back by pointing out what Firor actually said and ever since he hasn't been able to come up with anything better other than arguing the date when the actual B2P kicks in. My guess is he is doing that to avoid admitting I was correct that no one has to pay anything while they wait for the DLC content to arrive.
I just pointed out you aren't sure, so I can't understand why you think someone else can't formulate their own opinion about it.

I mean, I guess we could just agree to two points you yourself aren't sure about as our own reasons. Pretty sure that would make you feel much better since you seem to think everyone's out to get you and the forum is rife full of idiots and morons.


Sorry bud, it was a good game in alpha.
Didn't we confirm Vitality is really Utnayan in disguse when he is on his meds? We should. I sense VPN snafu at work here.....

Rescorla, stop taking things about the game personally. For fuck sake, I can only imagine how you'd be if you were this invested in Pantheon, dude...

Tuco and PRX were big proponents of this game. I was optimistic and bought it pretty much on their recommendation.You can't really knock them for not giving this game a good shot and supporting it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Didn't we confirm Vitality is really Utnayan in disguse when he is on his meds? We should. I sense VPN snafu at work here.....

Rescorla, stop taking things about the game personally. For fuck sake, I can only imagine how you'd be if you were this invested in Pantheon, dude...

Tuco and PRX were big proponents of this game. I was optimistic and bought it pretty much on their recommendation.You can't really knock them for not giving this game a good shot and supporting it.
We are also great voice impersonators while playing the same game too on drunken game night! I can come in with my thick Minnesota accent, and then he er, sorry, me, I can switch voices and talk over each other at the same time. It's quite impressive.


We are also great voice impersonators while playing the same game too on drunken game night! I can come in with my thick Minnesota accent, and then he er, sorry, me, I can switch voices and talk over each other at the same time. It's quite impressive.
Jim Henson 4evah.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Okay, currently level 30 Archer Nightblade :

- From lvl 3 (tutorial skip ftw) to lvl 30 I had like 2 bugged quests where the NPC you have to follow did get stuck on some chair / table, nothing a quick logoff / logon wouldn't fix. There's also people around leveling, I've had no problem finding a dungeon / boss group.
- 5-20s lag sp?kes every now and then, Eu megaserver wise. Everyone seem to have them. GM tickets response are clueless and going to official forums is a massive pain in the butt. To be honest it's a scandal having such shitty lags when you're playing a 2015 MMO.
- Game feels responsive but character animations are still awful and you can cancel them to optimize your gameplay. It was clearly never intended but Zenimax seemed to "balance" things around them. You can still "abuse" dps cycles, they didn't fix it at all.
- Still no nameplates, guildplates, auction houses and social tools ; on the fly comm with any player requires due process, which is a lame as fuck. You still have to roll up in "trading" guilds to sell your shit. It's as intuitive as selling stones in Ancient Egypt.
- 1.6 update is massive regarding combat gameplay and balance, yet there's no real PvP / AvA / RvR real content, and they've stated there will be no major content release during the console release.

TL;DR: ESO is somewhat polished right now, I have no idea how 1.6 will really affect the game, PVE is Skyrim Lite, PvP is still the same castle switch / nightcapping boogaloo and B2P / cash shop features coming up aren't really game changing at all. I'd say some good ideas diluted in amateur game design decisions and hail mary production. Unless you're an avid ES / casual MMO fan, disregard ESO until 1.6 patch / console release lands. Right now, both PvP and PvE wise, there's a lot of MMO doing it way better.