The Elder Scrolls Online


Trakanon Raider
I find it funny how they spent time saying "creatures DO THINGS. You just don't stand there attacking them!" then show a video of people just standing still attacking a spider with fire graphics. WHEEEE.
Typical MMO irony... I have a feeling (taking into consideration the Skyrim/console fans) this may be SWTOR all over again...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The movements do look rigid a la Rift, imo. Why can't devs just make their characters and environment flow like WoW? I'm not looking to start a WoW v. ESO or anything but the WoW characters, mobs and world seems to be so fluid. It's a tiny thing but it makes a huge impact.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Interesting video. The animations looked absolutely awful, like they looked ok in a vacuum but then the characters move at the same time and it's like all models sliding around and shit, like it's designed for static standing still and beat each other gameplay. Also even though they showed a lot of stuff, and for the most part it looked pretty good, they still haven't shown a single gameplay video yet I think? Like nothing in 1st person with the UI up. Features and shit I don't know it's a matter of seeing what content they have and shit. Don't really care if you can raid or not, as long as the existing content is fun.
Well, they have a tech demo they showed IGN for 1st person combat where they coulnd't show anything, nor did they see it in action, but they saw the tech demo.
Seriously, tech demo's of a 1st person combat view with 7-8 months to go before launch? I knew they were behind the 8 ball and overbudget but holy shit. But yeah that isn't in game, nor is the 6 hot bar combat system that goes along with the point/click combat.

This thing has been so horribly mismanaged. The train wreck that will ensue here is going to eclipse Vanguard launch.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Quoted for Posterity. Also taking bets. ;P
Well, maybe not AS bad. They have Hero Engine to collaborate and mass produce content. If they push their launch date until 2014, all bets would be off obviously. If they launch in 2013 which is what is planned, there is no way this thing will be worthy of even the box price.

Here is the trading system, oops, not implemented.

There will be a trading system, but the details are still a secret for now.The game's shardless megasever technology is making it a bit tricky to implement a trading system that doesn't completely blow the economy.
In other words, no clue what to do.

exploring will not only help you find quests (which provide experience and loot) but can also help you locate resources for crafting, which is an important aspect of the game.
Like, every other MMORPG in existence.

It's amazing when the journalists who preview games have absolutely nothing good to say, will try and make something so mediocre sound better than it is for the sake of more exclusive content / hits from the publisher/readers.

Based on the previous without the marketing speak:

* Instead of alts, you can join another faction, but you will not be able to group, and will see the story the same way if you had just made an alternate character anyway. Same grind, new terminology.

* No raiding.
* Crafting is the same as any other game.
* Resource gathering is the same as any other game. (Save SWTOR)
* The trading system is "Secret" because they have no clue what to do as that was a lack of foresight on their metaserver technology.
* First Person views are still in a tech demo video phase after 7 years of development.
* Action hotbar combat was not implented for the previewer after 7 years of development.
* They seem to have a quest split tree which impacts the gameplay on the next quest line. (This actually sounded pretty cool) At leats if it is actually true.

* They have beer at Pax East


Originally Posted by Utnayan

The train wreck that will ensue here is going to eclipse Vanguard launch.
Quoted for Posterity. Also taking bets. ;P

I just wanna add, The offical Sponor of this game is the Special Olympics.


Molten Core Raider
One of the Yogscast guys has a video up about it aswell. Basically no ingame footage at all, just a bad interview with one of the designers who keeps repeating that the game has an awesome synergy feature, which pretty much sounds like GW2s combo fields (i.e. a negligible feature nobody cares about really).

Here's the link if anyone's interested, but it's not showing much and the guy who's doing the interview thinks everything about the game is "cool cool", so don't expect any kind of criticism or juicy details.


Lord Nagafen Raider
One of the Yogscast guys has a video up about it aswell. Basically no ingame footage at all, just a bad interview with one of the designers who keeps repeating that the game has an awesome synergy feature, which pretty much sounds like GW2s combo fields (i.e. a negligible feature nobody cares about really).

Here's the link if anyone's interested, but it's not showing much and the guy who's doing the interview thinks everything about the game is "cool cool", so don't expect any kind of criticism or juicy details.
I foresee..


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
just what the fuck. This looked bad when we were first hearing about it, but the more I hear, the worse it looks. How in gods name is Bethesda allowing their IP to get fucked in the ass so hard. Their world is literally perfect for trying new idea or bringing something exciting. Instead they've decided to fuck their fans over with terriblewowclone#53. I hope this explodes in the firey ball of failure it likely deserves.


Molten Core Raider
Great gaming companies and IPs can't necessarily make MMO's. Surprised we all haven't learned that yet. Blizzard was #1 in online gaming long before they made WoW, so it was a lot easier to transition and make a good MMO.

Other companies....not so much.

So when you get a group of people in WAY over their head with hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, you copy what you know: WoW.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Great gaming companies and IPs can't necessarily make MMO's. Surprised we all haven't learned that yet. Blizzard was #1 in online gaming long before they made WoW, so it was a lot easier to transition and make a good MMO.

Other companies....not so much.

So when you get a group of people in WAY over their head with hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, you copy what you know: WoW.
I guess my problem is that bethesda isnt even fucking this over themselves. They pawned it off like a cheap whore for someone else to fuck over. Isn't the point of bringing in an outside company that they wont be over their head? Fuck this game just looks disgusting on so many levels.
I still think the game will be OK if it is released feature-complete and well-polished following the example of Trion with Rift, despite whatever gameplay merits TESO itself exhibits.

However I must admit the state of the game and of its development does look increasingly troubled especially if UT you are right in your accusations of multiple start/stops, etc. These interviews and videos aren't helping their cause much either. Should be interesting to see what they show at E3.


<Gold Donor>
Too bad, like was mentioned, the mmo crowd is yearning for something new, and yet we will get another fail from another big name publisher.

From my understanding, Todd Howard has never been happy or approving of an Elder Scrolls Online. However, he's not the CEO or even on the Board as far as I know. Which is shit, because its entirely his studio and games that made Zenimax what it is today; they would be nothing without him. Nonetheless, you can guarantee that an Elder Scrolls Wow-game, i mean, MMO was a requirement the investors who gave Zenimax that $300m stipulated.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
As part of that 'MMO crowd', I'm not sure what I want anymore, lol. There are aspects I like from several games but none are just "OMFG I need to play this!". That feeling may be gone sadly. I'm not even that excited for FF14 even though I'm a "fanboy".


From my understanding, Todd Howard has never been happy or approving of an Elder Scrolls Online. However, he's not the CEO or even on the Board as far as I know. Which is shit, because its entirely his studio and games that made Zenimax what it is today; they would be nothing without him. Nonetheless, you can guarantee that an Elder Scrolls Wow-game, i mean, MMO was a requirement the investors who gave Zenimax that $300m stipulated.
The question I have is even if you can get the cash, why would Zenimax want to make this? As has been noted, if they really wanted to build a killer online game, wouldn't you leverage the company that has been doing it for 15+ years: iD software? Leverage the original Elder Scrolls team and pair them with Carmack's guys and engine to make that game. The current leadership really does not instill a sense of confidence that this game will be anything out of the ordinary.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
From my understanding, Todd Howard has never been happy or approving of an Elder Scrolls Online. However, he's not the CEO or even on the Board as far as I know. Which is shit, because its entirely his studio and games that made Zenimax what it is today; they would be nothing without him. Nonetheless, you can guarantee that an Elder Scrolls Wow-game, i mean, MMO was a requirement the investors who gave Zenimax that $300m stipulated.
Agreed completely.

Honestly, the one good thing to take from this would be the quest trees that game journalilsts are experiencing. But the fact that I am only reason about it and not seein git, is ridiculous. Also, the quest tree development seems to hit only during faction story quests. So that could mean it quite literally happens for about 2% of the game and the rest of the questing is the usual tripe we have all seen before.


Trakanon Raider
The worst thing about the game is the fact there is enough gullible or maybe a more fair label, curious people to make this game profitable at launch. It's going to sell plenty of boxes and i'm going to go out on a limb and say that there will be a lot of people either sub for 3 months to "give it time" or a "chance" (unless it's some F2P structure then i'm sure their shop will pull in cash just like every other game).

As long as this continues to happen, companies will continue to drag us through this routine. Here's hoping I'm wrong.