The Elder Scrolls Online


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Solution to zergs: AE + not having a cap or distribution on hitting people with AE. Being next to a lot of people in a fight should make you feel uneasy, not safe.


Silver Squire
Zergs really aren't a terrible thing so long as the game is designed to allow small groups content and make said content in the PVP field to be valuable enough to want to break up that zerg to hold or take. Your maps should be designed that moving 100+ people except for a Stone Mist type castle or a relic raid to be a terrible strategy. I also agree, AE with no caps is one way to deal with it so long as it doesn't turn into a BW insta gib on some narrow stair way up to the lord's room.

I'll say one more thing before shutting up.

100% without any doubt, they are making the game they want. End of story, feedback be damned what you get is going to be 100% what they wanted to make. No excuses.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Collision detection would also be good to combat zergs. Get rid of stacking that way. Yes to no AE cap, if anything have the AE get stronger with the more people it hits.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Zergs really aren't a terrible thing so long as the game is designed to allow small groups content and make said content in the PVP field to be valuable enough to want to break up that zerg to hold or take. Your maps should be designed that moving 100+ people except for a Stone Mist type castle or a relic raid to be a terrible strategy. I also agree, AE with no caps is one way to deal with it so long as it doesn't turn into a BW insta gib on some narrow stair way up to the lord's room.

I'll say one more thing before shutting up.

100% without any doubt, they are making the game they want. End of story, feedback be damned what you get is going to be 100% what they wanted to make. No excuses.
Doing it via map design works ok but it breaks down as soon as the player can get better rewards from just rolling up in a ball and traversing the environment.

In some ways there's this weird disconnect between:
1. What enables a player to get rewards the fastest.
2. What enables a large team of people to win a map.
3. What is easiest for lazy commanders to do (From experience this impacts me much more than it impacts you I think!)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oh shut up UT! I'll see you on your PS4 playing TESO in several months lol.
Never! (You need to let me know if you get your replacement today and add Utnayan to your PS4 list... I have Ned for Speed, Black Flag, 2k4 Basketball, and co-op resogun

PvP now is based on capturing Spawn Points all over a map. With an ability to also deploy spawn points when a side is trapped.


Doing it via map design works ok but it breaks down as soon as the player can get better rewards from just rolling up in a ball and traversing the environment.

In some ways there's this weird disconnect between:
1. What enables a player to get rewards the fastest.
2. What enables a large team of people to win a map.
3. What is easiest for lazy commanders to do (From experience this impacts me much more than it impacts you I think!)
I have a feeling Tuco is writing/gathering information or something with all the 3 is the magic number bulletin posts.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I can't think of anytime Beo has came around said NO X IS AWESOME, YOU'RE WRONG. Meanwhile, Ut has repeatedly bashed us in the face with NO IT'S SHIT IT'S ABSOLUTE SHIT YOU WILL NOT LIKE IT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LIKE IT.
Being a shill doesn't mean telling people they're wrong, and you trying to use that to refute that he's a shill just tells me that you don't know WTF a shill even is. He's been trying to blow rainbows up asses ever since he first bounced into this thread from F13, and as far as I'm concerned he can take his schtick back over there.

That's the difference.
I don't give a fuck. No one that I know of here is afraid of telling Ut to fuck off, so cry more about that.

BTW Ut, fuck off.

If you're going to spend months telling everyone how awesome a game is going to be long before release on nothing more than"I believe that it's going to be good because deep down inside I want it to be"then you deserve every iota of flak that you get. And when Ut starts pissing all over that, then tough shit. Want to know how to avoid Utnayan crawling up your ass and corpse-camping your kidneys? Don't consistently sling unsupported pixy dust fairytale bullshit, because that is guaranteed to get Utnayan's attention and annoy pretty much everyone else in the process.

If his name was qwerty he would have already been RRPed.
No he wouldn't have. And I say that after having actually RRP'ed Qwerty before (more than once if memory serves).


FPS noob
does TESO have big modding support like wow? it always bugs me that new mmos don't have a rich mod environment, half the reason I stayed in wow for years and years was because of cool shit like wow trivia, poker, gcg (raid gambling), ctraid, making a UI that felt personal, etc. I don't even understand how anyone could play stock skyrim or oblivion, like some console peasant who has never tasted the fear of being attacked by the Macho Man Dragon or witnessed Zoidberg crabs run amuck.


Golden Squire
I never refuted he was a shill. You were quoting him like "everyone form their opinions" is a bad thing to say simply because he's a shill. He can be a shill, and still be correct some times, just like Ut is crazy and can still be correct some times.

"People should form their own opinions" is the best way to approach all these games.

No one that I know of here is afraid of telling Ut to fuck off, so cry more about that.
I have no clue what you're even responding about here.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
UT is a total creep but I like him?!

If he wasn't here posting this stuff the thread would be pretty dead. It's good to have a little sass up in har!

Give me an open beta with full access to all the content then we can really talk. .Was kind of hoping they would be at that point by now.. Instead it's low level content stress tests. Wtf...

We can't even blame Obama for this mess bc he wasn't even in office yet when they started making the game...fucking Bush!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Want to know how to avoid Utnayan crawling up your ass and corpse-camping your kidneys? Don'tconsistently sling unsupported pixy dust fairytale bullshit, because that is guaranteed to get Utnayan's attention and annoy pretty much everyone else in the process.
I cannot even begin to tell you how true this is.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Give me an open beta with full access to all the content then we can really talk.
Does anyone even do this for any reasonable length of time anymore? The last significant open beta I can remember is WoW in 2004, was like 2 weeks maybe? My memories of that are hazy because I was in the closed beta for that for quite awhile. Rift had like a weeklong one that I remember. I don't recall anything other than weekends for the rest of them, though I haven't been paying as close attention to betas the last few years as I used to.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Does anyone even do this for any reasonable length of time anymore? The last significant open beta I can remember is WoW in 2004, was like 2 weeks maybe? My memories of that are hazy because I was in the closed beta for that for quite awhile. Rift had like a weeklong one that I remember. I don't recall anything other than weekends for the rest of them, though I haven't been paying as close attention to betas the last few years as I used to.
Yeah. They are now called "Alpha Access" on Steam for $19.99. Which, honestly, I do not have a problem with. As long as that $19.99 gets the consumer the actual release after and the game launches.

There have always been closed betas or friends and family for internal folks. Weekend testing, while it can be for stress testing, is more for viral hype. But we have seen that before with AoC. Polish the shit out of a low level area, give consumers the perception the rest of the game is this way, after the purchase finding out that the rest of the game was rushed. Fairly unethical, and I know you would agree.


Golden Squire
Does anyone even do this for any reasonable length of time anymore? The last significant open beta I can remember is WoW in 2004, was like 2 weeks maybe? My memories of that are hazy because I was in the closed beta for that for quite awhile. Rift had like a weeklong one that I remember. I don't recall anything other than weekends for the rest of them, though I haven't been paying as close attention to betas the last few years as I used to.
I know it's not an MMO, but D3's ROS beta is pretty unprecedented. It's a closed Friends & Family thing, the entire game except the final boss fight is there, and amazingly enough, there's no NDA.

Compared to D3 vanilla open beta or whatever, that ended after Skeleton King.

Generally I take "beta testing for 1-X" to mean "Because X+1 isn't even remotely finished or ready", or perhaps even "We haven't even started on it yet". So many betas aren't a case of "we're not letting you see it all" it's "we want your help checking out what we actually have done". From Ut's postings, it sounds like it's capped at 17 because nothing above that is presentable in the least, or just flat out missing.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
While the current test is limited to that the rest simply is false.
17-32 or so being implemented and some of it is playable. There is zero 35+ content aside from world build and a few pockets of NPC's sitting there. Unless you are playing an internal I do not know about.

Bruman is correct. Nothing above 17 is really presentable in it's current incarnation. Loot table errors, scripting issues with quests, etc. But again, that isn't the purpose of this. Sage thinks his 1-17 areas are polished enough to generate hype. Problem is, it isn't going to be an area that isn't polished which will tank the game. It's everything else.


Silver Squire
That isn't true. Cold Harbor is 45+ and mostly fully implemented among other zones (DF).

I'll gladly shit all over this thing but facts are facts.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
That isn't true. Cold Harbor is 45+ and fully implemented among other zones.

I'll gladly shit all of this thing but facts are facts.
Well, the only reason why Cold Harbor must be done then is because they needed a high end trailer for Molag Bal.

TESO Cold Harbour Trailer - YouTube

I gave up in between the gap where content isn't complete. Never made it there. So I had assumed it wasn't functional.