The Elder Scrolls Online


Golden Squire
I heard dungeons weren't instanced. That's a possible positive to readers of this board, right?

Although, I only got to level...2 before I was bored, so I wouldn't know.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Or a VPN. But that would be ridiculous if he is going through that much trouble. But hey, it's internet people, and a shill at that... I have seen more outrageous things. Although I think they are different people. They probably work for the same viral marketing firm on their off hours for quick cash working from home.

Either way, Lord Blanco lost * ALL * credibility when he said using a bow and arrow in PvP was awesome for hours on end. The bow and arrow is the most unresponsive portion of combat next to sword and board which is just about as bad.

And that there lies the final conundrum. They could have the best PvP in the world (Which they most definitely do not) and it wouldn't matter because the combat is so atrocious - and the PvE game is about as bland and uninspired as one can get.

With that said, I have really never had a problem with the backdrop graphics and music. But that was clearly given a lot of attention to because they need to sell boxes and make it look like an Elder Scrolls game to fool the casuals as much as possible, before they all figure out how shitty the game is.

This definitely will hurt the IP like I have stated before... Because people here are way more informed than the general public ZO is looking to sucker into buying this box. 90% of the people that buy this will think it is the new Elder Scrolls. And when they play it, will think it is a major deviation from the single player games. Especially when it hits console. And the poor product of this will definitely impact TES 6 sales because they had such a poor experience with this title. If anyone needs proof of that, look at the medal of honor series after EA acquisition (After Allied Assault - and it's expansions) All it took was Rising Sun to come out and that took care of the entire IP. And it will never recover no matter how hard they try.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Well i wasn't just standing still, I was chasing casters or standing on the ramparts mowing kids down with my bow - yes, everything was smooth as butter
Thanks for the fanfic, Legolas.

I heard dungeons weren't instanced. That's a possible positive to readers of this board, right?
I'll be waiting to see what kind of gameplay this generates in general. And on paper this is something I've wanted to see more of - more open world PVP where players aren't immune to retribution from others (discounting training and the like). But we know that there's always the risk of it getting out of hand, and to be honest that isn't what I envision when I think of Skyrim. For me, TES was always about the single player experience and exploring. And while people always liked to dream about a TESO MMO, the reality is that some people may be put off by having an ES world filled with other chucklefucks.


Golden Squire
I'll be waiting to see what kind of gameplay this generates in general. And on paper this is something I've wanted to see more of - more open world PVP where players aren't immune to retribution from others (discounting training and the like). But we know that there's always the risk of it getting out of hand, and to be honest that isn't what I envision when I think of Skyrim. For me, TES was always about the single player experience and exploring. And while people always liked to dream about a TESO MMO, the reality is that some people may be put off by having an ES world filled with other chucklefucks.
Yeah, on SA a lot of people were complaining about seeing other people around them at all at any point. It kind of made me boggle - I mean, it's an MMO. That's kind of the point. I'm not sure what the expectations were exactly.

Some went on to explicitly call out dungeons where everything was already looted or quest givers with people around it, although some of those hardly seemed liked negatives. Some people I guess will never be happy - seriously, one of the largest signs of a dead MMO is noone around you.

Not that I'm trying to defend TESO or anything, but some of the complaints just lead me to believe people thought the entire game should be instanced to you unless you hit the "group in a dungeon" button or something.


I think I'll be imposing another ban on myself. I need a break from the level of full bore retard around here. Toodles for now.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
some of the complaints just lead me to believe people thought the entire game should be instanced to you unless you hit the "group in a dungeon" button or something.
I still wouldn't have an issue with a purely multiplayer TES instead of an MMO. Really anymore I'd prefer running a 'group' with friends I know and have it be akin to a PNP RPG than I'd want to do anything truly as an MMORPG. Especially with the Skyrim IP. That's just me though.

I think I'll be imposing another ban on myself. I need a break from the level of full bore retard around here. Toodles for now.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Silver Squire
Dungeons are instanced

Adventure things, like mini dungeons have a part that are not and a part that is.

Over land poi are not instanced.


2 Minutes Hate
I don't think Beowulf or Blanco are shills. They're just uberuber fanbois. Ridicule them all you want but at least classify them properly.


I wish I had enough money to blow on the box price for the first month just to see how many times someone asks in chat,

"How do I save my game".

And it will happen , many many times.


Vyemm Raider
I don't think Beowulf or Blanco are shills. They're just uberuber fanbois. Ridicule them all you want but at least classify them properly.
Who needs shills when there are diehard fanbois that'll do it for free?

My brother-in-law was playing it this weekend and he's a pretty big TES fanboi. I watched him for about 15-20 minutes play it while explaining how he feels about it. The whole time he was playing it while telling me how promising it looked and I was thinking to myself "This is going to suck, this is going to suck..." the whole time. I could tell he was being optimistic though. Deep down he probably knew where this game is headed.


Molten Core Raider
My Impressions

The first areas after the prison were great. I had time to do a winter island and a desert island, quests there were nice and non linearly arranged. Hitting the mainland, however, it quickly becomes on-rails wow questing at least till I got to Ebonheart and had enough. Didn't get a chance to try pvp and see if it was a decent way to level.

The game looked great and ran really well on an amd card on ultra (which I wasn't expecting.) I played in first person, third person could have put some bad animations in your face and give the world a less flattering top down perspective. Characters looked significantly better then Skyrim despite the animations.

Combat, while having a reasonable skillset, felt outdated. General mmo unresponsiveness and animations really hold it back. Fps elements of ES are now just target locked after casting.

Also removed are rag-dolls, physics, and npcs no longer feel the need to eat or sleep, this leaves the game world feeling stale way too fast.

Unless this game gets some real combat reworking I can't see it worth subbing past the first month, and with a main world on rails a lot of people won't keep playing that long. The game engine and servers have the capacity for an easy 9/10 game, but if it gets released in spring without a bit of an overhaul in combat/questing that's not very likely to happen.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Next time just run in a direction and you'll find 38 more quests or bosses or a cave or just something shiny worth exp.
Isn't this the exact opposite of what most people are complaining/reporting. That in reality it's not at all open-world like TES typically is where you just pick a direction and start adventuring. I swear I read one guy who said he tried this and there was level-inappropriate content every direction but one, so he had to go that way to progress. The reports of a closed, on-rails sort of quest-got-you-by-the-balls world is the reason I didn't even bother trying to see for myself.

And I must thank everyone because your posts shitting on this game have been far more entertaining than had I gotten into the beta to shit on it myself.

I'll just keep waiting for the game they'll never make. Skyrim was practically a ffa pk game where your sole purpose was to gank the enemy, and I typically end up in the assassin's guild pretty quick with my playstyle. But carebears want their exploring and flower picking, and shit game companies want their quest-rails and 'safe' pvp. Sucks to be me. Because what Blackwulf did in 'pvp' sounds more to me like a circle jerk with your dnd nerds than getting laid (by a girl, puss'); like what sparing is to actual boxing, etc. Maybe I should hope that Fallout Online.......? hah jay-kay.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Blanco and Beo or both just huge ES fans. What they don't realize this is the wrong community for them. Rerolled is not where you go to circle jerk an IP and not be willing to have a honest discussion about a game is and it's problems.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Maybe they really like it? If they do, what try to change their mind? I figure let them do themselves.

As for myself, the game felt clunky, uninspired. When I hit the mainland and it just opened up more of the same quests I logged off and didn't return.

Will I buy this game and try again? 50/50 atm. It might be worth to try for a month or so. I never got to check out PVP, hopefully in future tests we can buff up to 10 and try it without a grind.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, on SA a lot of people were complaining about seeing other people around them at all at any point. It kind of made me boggle - I mean, it's an MMO. That's kind of the point. I'm not sure what the expectations were exactly.

Some went on to explicitly call out dungeons where everything was already looted or quest givers with people around it, although some of those hardly seemed liked negatives. Some people I guess will never be happy - seriously, one of the largest signs of a dead MMO is noone around you.

Not that I'm trying to defend TESO or anything, but some of the complaints just lead me to believe people thought the entire game should be instanced to you unless you hit the "group in a dungeon" button or something.
Its annoying as shit to be running along with 50 ppl as if in some marathon doing solo quests. It reminds me of fucking airport security.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'll play the game (I'm a MMO launch addict) but from what I've seen it's quite bad :

- awful combat gameplay mechanics (character animations and general clunkiness scream "Hero Engine" too much)
- boring PvP (lol RvR aka zergs blobbing against each others while some individuals try to make arranged PvP on the side and yes I shit on your DAoC nostalgia).
- no real endgame PvE (that we know of).

I remember SWTOR beta weekend being way better in terms of general quality. And that's about it.


Golden Squire
I'll play the game (I'm a MMO launch addict) but from what I've seen it's quite bad :

- awful combat gameplay mechanics (character animations and general clunkiness scream "Hero Engine" too much)
- boring PvP (lol RvR aka zergs blobbing against each others while some individuals try to make arranged PvP on the side and yes I shit on your DAoC nostalgia).
- no real endgame PvE (that we know of).

I remember SWTOR beta weekend being way better in terms of general quality. And that's about it.
SWTOR had a lot of things going for it that masked the downsides:

1.) Story was interesting

2.) Companions were a fresh/entertaining idea at the time.

3.) lol Star Wars (still a much stronger IP than elder scrolls.)