The Elder Scrolls Online


Golden Squire
EQ2 pvp was kinda fun, the balance was... horribad (lets put stealth AND stealth detection in the same sub-class, that seems like a cool mechanic! :p), but it was surprisingly fun.


<Silver Donator>
I remember when I wanted to play EQ2 for the first time, I looked up a pvp video of Nagafen to figure out if I should roll pvp or not. It looked like a humongous pile of shit though, so I never bothered. They added BG when I was playing at some point, I think it was some expansion, but didn't bother with that. With the combat the way it was I don't know. They had separate spell values for pvp though I think, which is a great idea.

I played VG PvP for a month or so too. Sadly the lack of CS or anti cheating tool made it really bad, too many people hacking through the floor or duping shit. Server was like UO kinda, anything goes and no one gives a fuck. Many speedhackers too, I was playing a bard and some guys could catch up to me when I was playing my 400+%speed song even though they weren't bard, cool shit. Oh and druids with their fucking daily power or whatever, starfire or some shit, shit would instantly kill you most of the time, balance wasn't all that either. Still was kinda fun sometimes.


<Silver Donator>
quite a momentum: clicked on "add-ons" at the main menu. Teso crashed and showed a "crash reporter". I fulfill my duty as beta tester and type in what I did. Click "submit" and the crash reporter crashes...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I only played through the tutorial thus far, but it definitely felt better, smoother. Maybe I am just on a much better PC this time. Also, noticed that all the urns, trunks and crap were full this time around, that definitely gave it more of an ES feel, rummaging through a hundred urns for bonemeal and assorted crafting crap.


I expect that when I click the mouse, that it loads the arrow. As I hold the button, it starts pulling it back for a more powerful attack, until it's all the way back. Then I can release when I want, and the mob takes damage.
Ah, gotcha. I'd be interested in hearing if there are changes too. I didn't get around to bows last test, and this time my internet connection may not be fast enough to DL the game before the end.

Staves were similar if not identical, though. They had the short vs power attack, but it seemed pretty arbitrary which would go off. I rerolled to a melee character and had a much better time. And by much better, I mean I just spammed a single hotbar button to kill everything and then I encountered a broken quest which halted my linear progression chain.


<Silver Donator>
Played this a bit, not as awful as I expected, but awful enough that I don't see myself buying the box. Mostly feels like a really unpolished skyrim with a lot of random people running around doing the exact same shit as you are. Which basically completely breaks any sort of immersion the game could have, I mean it's standard mmo fare but generally when I play a mmo, it feels like a mmo, this tries to be a TES so the mmo aspect ruins it.

Combat felt way floaty, half the sounds were missing it seems or they just wouldn't play all the time, the animations were jerky, part of it might be due to lag(not sure where server is hosted or how to check my ping) but I would swing at something and see no actual effect. "Autoattacks" seemed to be completely worthless, like I'd need 10ish heavy strikes to kill a mob, but I could kill it by dumping my mana into spamming some fancy skill 3times. Since mana regen looked high out of combat, leveling felt very weird.

Animations are as expected complete shit. Models aren't that bad(well human/elves ones, Argonians and Khajit are fairly awful), game looks ok, kinda depends on the area like the one you start in I thought looked pretty good, but then I escaped to Bleakrock(not sure if random or based on race, I was a Nord) and like it's the shittiest snow I've seen in a while, with really ugly trees and really ugly everything really. Skyrim on low probably looks better and that was on ultra high. Just looks cheap.

Quest tracker apparently only tracks one quest? Like seriously? Bunch of really basic quests, one had some jumping involved, collisions and slopes suck, pretty shitty platform experience so meh. Do like that everything is voiced but is probably a large waste of money/time and why the rest of the game isn't nearly as good as it should be. Inventory uses a list system similar to skyrim, seemed pretty weird, plus you loot a fuckton of random shit right away, I had like 12 different types of food after finishing the tutorial and I didn't even loot that much.

Class customization looked nice. Kinda wish you didn't have to pick a class and could access all the class trees, but the fact you can take say the Nightblade class then use heavy armor and 2H with it and do a Death Knight with the Siphoning tree of Nightblade is pretty cool. This at least was the one thing that stood out as pretty awesome.

Other than that crashed once and had some 4-5secs freezes a couple of times(not sure why, loading shit maybe but wasn't doing anything special) so stability not there.


<Silver Donator>
Exactly what I thought after three hours, nice summary Pyros. What really baffles me: some animations look somewaht smooth, the forward dash e.g., while others jumping or running reminds of a really bad shareware game from a fred fish disc.

Key quote

Mostly feels like a really unpolished skyrim with a lot of random people running around doing the exact same shit as you are


Anyone know what to do about the corrupted files issue? I've been in some sort of repair loop for the last eight hours where the patcher seems to download, repair and delete everything over and over.


FPS noob
the patcher is incredibly bad, you could try going into the game folder, depot, somethingsomething, and delete any .partial files to force it to just redownload instead of checking (which doesnt seem to work at all).

i quite literally just fell asleep after playing on and off now for 5 hours, mostly had to take a break every 30 minutes to watch TV or something but even then I can't keep my eyes open. it definitely is a lot better than the last stress test in mechanics and polish, but still really, really bad and worst of all just so BORING. The only thing I could see being done between now and launch is fixing the million crash bugs and more polish, but it will still remain an entirely on rails game that is just running from point to point spamming E. if you have never, ever played an MMO then this game might be ok, but why bother when you have literally 2+ years of wow, FF14, tera, TSW, Rift, DDO, etc to enjoy first.


I dont know about unpolished skyrim, seems like alot of on rails questing vs open endedness of ES games
Lol this was exactly what i was afraid of. It is so similer to tor's world in that yes their are "open" area's , but if you go in wanting to just play the story then it get's very much like a choo choo of crap. Combat remind's me of a cross between addonline with the way you attack with a little auto targeting on certain spells.

I hope they remove the starting quest. It should just be me and the world. I am a adventurer looking to make a name for myself. Not 1 of a million prisoner's running through a dcuo like tutorial.

Going to give it more time and will give you all a head's up.


This game is getting shit on every time I read a thread about it on any forum.

It's basically DOA from what I gathered and going to be a huge headache for the guys in charge of money at Bethesda.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Textures are overall better. Everything else is the same, and having the same lvl8 quest bugging for months now is just pathetic. Though it's good to be back in Tortage.


Textures are overall better. Everything else is the same, and having the same lvl8 quest bugging for months now is just pathetic. Though it's good to be back in Tortage.
Definitely a texture quality increase, running everything at max and it looks very good. My main interest at this point is how end game pvp/sieges are going to work out.


Gunnar Durden
Am I the only one that is having download problems? I can't get any faster than 60k 10 hours in and I have barely 2gb downloaded.

Any thoughts?


Definitely a texture quality increase, running everything at max and it looks very good. My main interest at this point is how end game pvp/sieges are going to work out.
You don't actually think that shit will be done any time soon after release do you?