The Elder Scrolls Online


Trakanon Raider
Even if UT has a point and this game is mediocre at best, I can't see this one failing anytime soon.

You can see just by the initial pre orders that's its already doing well. What will probly happen is it will go pay to play about 5 months or less after release.

UT you were wrong about the consoles failing , and you are wrong about this.
Has he ever said it won't sell? I can't recall that.

As someone else just stated in this thread, his anger is towards the developers (certain ones), and how they have made the game and continue to market it. He has said that the paid model will not work with what the have managed to develop, it is not good enough, which you seemingly agree with.

Just because the game sells well does not mean he is wrong. It will sell on name alone, that is his very point. That the developers seemingly know the brand name will sell, but have not developed something that lives up to the name.

He is further angered by him supposedly knowing that they they are selling this as a box sale, subscription mmo, when they already have fully intended to turn it into a F2P mmo fairly quickly. He also thinks their marketing is very anti consumer, and that they are going so far as having paid people on forums to crack down on negativity.

He will be right about it going F2P. He is right about it not living up to the Elder Scrolls name in many ways. He can also be right about it hurting the Elder Scrolls name by introducing many people to the series with a game that is missing much of what the series stand for. Sort of a Skyrim lite. It still sells, so next game might be developed with an attitude of "hey they are satisfied with less, so we don't really have to stretch for the moon on making the next one". Though hopefully the next single player Elder Scrolls benchmarks itself to Skyrim, not TESO.

We will never know if he is right about the other stuff, as they are internal. We don't know what internal plans they have for F2P or not as the actual developers will never officially reveal that info, so we are left with believing or not believing statements such as "I know X developers of the team and I know they have done this". But that is hearsay, and will never be facts as developers won't risk their jobs confirming negative work situations.

If he is right about his conspiracy about the posters here I don't know. However, I do know that Ut is a poster who doesn't have the usual negativity that is easy to respond to like "wow clone!" or "x feature sucks!". He talks about specifically named developers, teams and the internal struggles as well as intricate coding issues due to engines. Ut usually goes after things that are specific enough to be facts, not features that come down to opinion if they should be there or not. So responding to him against an argument he is making isn't just a statement of having a different opinion, but about him being outright wrong. Usually not the things you respond much too as the detail is above most peoples heads/care, and responses like "well I like the game! it will sell!" doesn't have anything to do with what he is saying.

Not the subjects that usually gets people to crawl out of the woodwork to respond to unlike a discussion on a feature like death penalties or quest hubs which people usually have strong opinions about and is easy to say "this what I like and this is best!". I remember that well from Vanguard. He posted a lot about that too. Said it would fail, but not due to gameplay features, which I could respond to, but about developers and engine problems I have no knowledge of. I could just hope he was wrong, which sadly he wasn't. Continuously trying to counter his arguments seem strange to me considering his issues are usually with behind the scenes stuff.

Only thing I think that is left that he could be directly wrong about is in regards to the statements of the engine and what it can or can't do. If some things will be broken in the game without it being fixable due to what he thinks they did with the Hero engine. We will know that at release I guess (or when NDA drops).

So far though
- Not showing all content
- No plan of open beta
- Long NDA
- Pushing pre-orders like crazy

Have to be fairly new to the mmo game or gaming in general to not believe that they indeed are milking pre-orders for initial sales, holding back info because they know it would drop pre-order sales, not gain them.

I am not writing this to defend Ut. I have no idea if he is right or not. However, looking at the past (games that previously have done what TESO is now doing), I am more than jaded enough to think that Ut is more right than wrong.
Has he ever said it won't sell? I can't recall that.

As someone else just stated in this thread, his anger is towards the developers (certain ones), and how they have made the game and continue to market it. He has said that the paid model will not work with what the have managed to develop, it is not good enough, which you seemingly agree with.

Just because the game sells well does not mean he is wrong. It will sell on name alone, that is his very point. That the developers seemingly know the brand name will sell, but have not developed something that lives up to the name.

He is further angered by him supposedly knowing that they they are selling this as a box sale, subscription mmo, when they already have fully intended to turn it into a F2P mmo fairly quickly. He also thinks their marketing is very anti consumer, and that they are going so far as having paid people on forums to crack down on negativity.

He will be right about it going F2P. He is right about it not living up to the Elder Scrolls name in many ways. He can also be right about it hurting the Elder Scrolls name by introducing many people to the series with a game that is missing much of what the series stand for. Sort of a Skyrim lite. It still sells, so next game might be developed with an attitude of "hey they are satisfied with less, so we don't really have to stretch for the moon on making the next one". Though hopefully the next single player Elder Scrolls benchmarks itself to Skyrim, not TESO.

We will never know if he is right about the other stuff, as they are internal. We don't know what internal plans they have for F2P or not as the actual developers will never officially reveal that info, so we are left with believing or not believing statements such as "I know X developers of the team and I know they have done this". But that is hearsay, and will never be facts as developers won't risk their jobs confirming negative work situations.

If he is right about his conspiracy about the posters here I don't know. However, I do know that Ut is a poster who doesn't have the usual negativity that is easy to respond to like "wow clone!" or "x feature sucks!". He talks about specifically named developers, teams and the internal struggles as well as intricate coding issues due to engines. Ut usually goes after things that are specific enough to be facts, not features that come down to opinion if they should be there or not. So responding to him against an argument he is making isn't just a statement of having a different opinion, but about him being outright wrong. Usually not the things you respond much too as the detail is above most peoples heads/care, and responses like "well I like the game! it will sell!" doesn't have anything to do with what he is saying.

Not the subjects that usually gets people to crawl out of the woodwork to respond to unlike a discussion on a feature like death penalties or quest hubs which people usually have strong opinions about and is easy to say "this what I like and this is best!". I remember that well from Vanguard. He posted a lot about that too. Said it would fail, but not due to gameplay features, which I could respond to, but about developers and engine problems I have no knowledge of. I could just hope he was wrong, which sadly he wasn't. Continuously trying to counter his arguments seem strange to me considering his issues are usually with behind the scenes stuff.

Only thing I think that is left that he could be directly wrong about is in regards to the statements of the engine and what it can or can't do. If some things will be broken in the game without it being fixable due to what he thinks they did with the Hero engine. We will know that at release I guess (or when NDA drops).

So far though
- Not showing all content
- No plan of open beta
- Long NDA
- Pushing pre-orders like crazy

Have to be fairly new to the mmo game or gaming in general to not believe that they indeed are milking pre-orders for initial sales, holding back info because they know it would drop pre-order sales, not gain them.

I am not writing this to defend Ut. I have no idea if he is right or not. However, looking at the past (games that previously have done what TESO is now doing), I am more than jaded enough to think that Ut is more right than wrong.
Also no Raids end game has been shown, not to mention there console UI wont support more then 4 in a group, so that means no raids etc.
Have to be fairly new to the mmo game or gaming in general to not believe that they indeed are milking pre-orders for initial sales, holding back info because they know it would drop pre-order sales, not gain them.
I think this is always true to some extent. However, the extent to which Zeni is hiding seems much greater than others. I don't think any rational poster on this board thinks that this game will stay a sub game. Therefore, it's fairly rational to believe that the reason they are hiding is to grab the most from box sales and early subs.

I'm not going to cry when it happens since I fully expect it. On the day it is announced I fully expect the internet to cry like box of banshees but on that day we will be led from the wilderness by the voice of the righteous Ut!


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
They have talked about something called adventure zones. I don't think I have seen much on them and whether they are raidlike things.
As far as I can tell, those are basically Heroic-mode dungeons. i.e. dungeons recycled for max level, with a sprucing of Explorable-mode GW2 type dungeon stuff (i.e. the dungeon assumes the consequences of the quest line you were supposed to follow on your first visit). Their answer on the raiding question were always "no raids planned", unless I missed those.


They have talked about something called adventure zones. I don't think I have seen much on them and whether they are raidlike things.
As far as I can tell, those are basically Heroic-mode dungeons. i.e. dungeons recycled for max level, with a sprucing of Explorable-mode GW2 type dungeon stuff (i.e. the dungeon assumes the consequences of the quest line you were supposed to follow on your first visit). Their answer on the raiding question were always "no raids planned", unless I missed those.
Adventures zones are 24 player raid style content. There are heroic mode dungeons but those are for 4 player groups.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Not showing all content is too kind. I'd say, "Only showing tutorial content and PVP."


<Gold Donor>
One thing that is disappointing is the group size. I dont understand why they keep shrinking the group size down from gen to gen in these games. First it was 6, then 5 and now 4.


Molten Core Raider
After all the previously hyped MMO's I'm very wary of TESO. However I'm still strangely drawn to pre-ordering this?

Help? lol


Rasterizing . . .
After all the previously hyped MMO's I'm very wary of TESO. However I'm still strangely drawn to pre-ordering this?

Help? lol
Unless you plan to roll with a guild specifically for AvA, I would NOT buy it, period. If you do plan to buy it then your best option is to pre-order for the bonus explorer items and I'm certain there are still GMG codes floating around for 25% off which means you can pick up the digital standard for $45.


FPS noob
its a game you need to try for yourself, having done just two weekend tests I cannot fathom how anyone would want to play but there are a ton of (non shill) people in this thread who will buy it at launch, and all of us tried the same game. so its really just a personal thing. just sign up for an account on the TESO website and you'll get into the next stress test weekend.

I do wonder if there are some common denominators though. like I enjoyed and played FFXIV recently but quit after 2 months (don't like raiding). I didn't like skyrim (or any TES game) that much, even though I have finished morrowind/skyrim it took a long time. I really liked wow but haven't played in over a year. I don't play LoL/DOTA. I really like BF4. Now I dunno what characteristics would be for someone who really liked the TESO betas and will buy at launch.


<Silver Donator>
I think if the game was F2P, it'd be probably worth playing. It'd most likely have the same preorder shit and would nickel and dime you on a lot of shit ingame I'm sure, like skill cap or whatever, but it'd still be ok. For a box+sub game though, they've been way too secretive with the game considering the launch date for anyone to consider buying unless you actually really liked the stress test beta weekends(which is fine, people have different tastes and all). Even then though I'd be fairly wary unless you're also in closed beta and know what's up. If they end up lifting the closed beta NDA then I might reconsider.


First 3 noob Dungeons.



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Even then though I'd be fairly wary unless you're also in closed beta and know what's up. If they end up lifting the closed beta NDA then I might reconsider.
Since I do not count, this is another closed beta testers opinion.

Unless you plan to roll with a guild specifically for AvA, I would NOT buy it, period. If you do plan to buy it then your best option is to pre-order for the bonus explorer items and I'm certain there are still GMG codes floating around for 25% off which means you can pick up the digital standard for $45.
So basically, if you are playing with Tuco and want to give it a go simply for AvA sake, for a month, it won't last long, but that may be worth $60 for some folks. With all the technical issues they are having with Megaserver, the problem here though is that people just might give up even trying to log in. This shit won't be fixed by launch. So those joining for AvA should be wary that by the time they get there, logged in and all the issues fixed, 60% of the people in your guild just gave up anyway and wrote it off.
Now I dunno what characteristics would be for someone who really liked the TESO betas and will buy at launch.
I am an MMO slut. I just like trying the new game systems and exploring a new world. It has enough of those to be appealing for me. GW2 is my game right now and we all know how the end game is in that one. I have pretty much done everything there is to do. As someone said above, the timing is certainly right since nothing else has come out this winter, is coming out this spring or is even due by early summer.
the technical issues they are having with Megaserver
I don't know if everyone remembers all the guesting, overflow problems that GW2 had at release. Pretty sure that these sort of cross server, server overflow creating new zone version kind of problems cannot be handled without live game testing and fixing. Expect stormy weather.


<Gold Donor>
Has he ever said it won't sell? I can't recall that.

As someone else just stated in this thread, his anger is towards the developers (certain ones), and how they have made the game and continue to market it. He has said that the paid model will not work with what the have managed to develop, it is not good enough, which you seemingly agree with.

Just because the game sells well does not mean he is wrong. It will sell on name alone, that is his very point. That the developers seemingly know the brand name will sell, but have not developed something that lives up to the name.

He is further angered by him supposedly knowing that they they are selling this as a box sale, subscription mmo, when they already have fully intended to turn it into a F2P mmo fairly quickly. He also thinks their marketing is very anti consumer, and that they are going so far as having paid people on forums to crack down on negativity.

He will be right about it going F2P. He is right about it not living up to the Elder Scrolls name in many ways. He can also be right about it hurting the Elder Scrolls name by introducing many people to the series with a game that is missing much of what the series stand for. Sort of a Skyrim lite. It still sells, so next game might be developed with an attitude of "hey they are satisfied with less, so we don't really have to stretch for the moon on making the next one". Though hopefully the next single player Elder Scrolls benchmarks itself to Skyrim, not TESO.

We will never know if he is right about the other stuff, as they are internal. We don't know what internal plans they have for F2P or not as the actual developers will never officially reveal that info, so we are left with believing or not believing statements such as "I know X developers of the team and I know they have done this". But that is hearsay, and will never be facts as developers won't risk their jobs confirming negative work situations.

If he is right about his conspiracy about the posters here I don't know. However, I do know that Ut is a poster who doesn't have the usual negativity that is easy to respond to like "wow clone!" or "x feature sucks!". He talks about specifically named developers, teams and the internal struggles as well as intricate coding issues due to engines. Ut usually goes after things that are specific enough to be facts, not features that come down to opinion if they should be there or not. So responding to him against an argument he is making isn't just a statement of having a different opinion, but about him being outright wrong. Usually not the things you respond much too as the detail is above most peoples heads/care, and responses like "well I like the game! it will sell!" doesn't have anything to do with what he is saying.

Not the subjects that usually gets people to crawl out of the woodwork to respond to unlike a discussion on a feature like death penalties or quest hubs which people usually have strong opinions about and is easy to say "this what I like and this is best!". I remember that well from Vanguard. He posted a lot about that too. Said it would fail, but not due to gameplay features, which I could respond to, but about developers and engine problems I have no knowledge of. I could just hope he was wrong, which sadly he wasn't. Continuously trying to counter his arguments seem strange to me considering his issues are usually with behind the scenes stuff.

Only thing I think that is left that he could be directly wrong about is in regards to the statements of the engine and what it can or can't do. If some things will be broken in the game without it being fixable due to what he thinks they did with the Hero engine. We will know that at release I guess (or when NDA drops).

So far though
- Not showing all content
- No plan of open beta
- Long NDA
- Pushing pre-orders like crazy

Have to be fairly new to the mmo game or gaming in general to not believe that they indeed are milking pre-orders for initial sales, holding back info because they know it would drop pre-order sales, not gain them.

I am not writing this to defend Ut.I have no idea if he is right or not. However, looking at the past (games that previously have done what TESO is now doing), I am more than jaded enough to think that Ut is more right than wrong.
Hahah, really?