The Elder Scrolls Online


This isn't a challenge but where? I really wasn't able to start playing any real time (I only leveled my first char to lvl 3 Friday and Sat) until day 3 and never experienced or saw that personally.

Edit: I did have to /reloadui a fair number of times, getting hung in the first person conversations, etc.
On the second Daggerfall island there were problems with Wraith spawns in the cemetary, which was an essential quest line to get to the mainland. My second character ran into this and it lasted at least a few hours. Then, in the Daggerfall zone my second character at one point had 1 disabled and 5 bugged quests in his log. These included the assassins on the boats in town, on of the Wyrd tree quests and the fighters guild quest.


I'm more talking about that many people jam packed into zones, waiting for quest mobs, npcs, queues etc. I understand its not 1 physical server handling it all, but I would bet a hefty amount there will be more issues because everyone is in 1 "World" instead of spread out among either different traditional server setups or instances of zones.
Surely that is not how it works? I assumed that there was dynamic instancing. Basically, each VM has its own instance of the area, as VMs are created on demand. That is pure speculation, but it seems the simple and sensible way.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there? granted I haven't read much about this but I haven't heard anything about instances and usually when there are some, I hear people spamming zone/general about how do they join their friends who are in the same zone as them.


I assumed that there was dynamic instancing. Basically, each VM has its own instance of the area, as VMs are created on demand. That is pure speculation, but it seems the simple and sensible way.
That is correct.

Is there? granted I haven't read much about this but I haven't heard anything about instances and usually when there are some, I hear people spamming zone/general about how do they join their friends who are in the same zone as them.
If you add a player to your friends list (which most people in a beta don't bother to do) the megaserver will generally keep you with them even ungrouped, but if you join a group with someone and find you're not in their instance, you just open the party menu and you can move to them.

Edit: Megaserver also sees guildies and friends of friends (I think, not 100% on the latter) and is more likely to populate those before strangers in your world.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
That's a bug that has been there since I played in the November stress at least. The mobs respawning is hit and miss depending on whether you get to the objective right after a reset (or maybe the megaserver splits people into instances and some get the mobs, some don't- it's hard to tell exactly what's being instanced at any time). One time I was stuck with that bug for an entire evening, and when it's part of the quest chain to get off the starting island it's pretty important (have to kill 3 amalgamations of fear or something like that). One of the press previews mentioned their group had to reroll from khajiits to argonians because the opening area was similarly bugged for one of their members and they couldn't get out- so I'm not convinced the fault lies entirely on server stress.

As to other issues, this was the first of three stress tests where my client was also crashing regularly- but I chalk that up due to it mostly happening in Cyrodiil and this was my first test where I went in that zone. I had a screenshot earlier in the thread from Monday where every single Cyrodiil chat line is bitching about the lag/abilities not firing- I would call 5-10 second ability delay in PVP pretty broken. Some had it worse than others- I and several others on the bug report forumdesyncednearly instantly upon encountering anyCyrodiil zerg, kicking us back to the log-in queue.

Funny you mentioned the door glitch earlier. In Cyrodiil I had something similar, but it was just a straight delay. And apparently both sides of the door use the same command to switch sides so I'd hit "e" at a door and nothing would happen. Then I'd hit "e" again and I'd get through and run for a few seconds before the second command went through and I'd warp back to the side of the door where I started. Third person has always been glitchy for me, with my character often facing away from his target when swinging his weapon after dodging/moving. The animations then go off in the wrong direction, but the abilities still land. Looks goofy. Critical Charge was always the funniest.Running in placewhile downward swiping the opposite direction 15 feet from the target and still killing it. Doesn't need to be that drastic either, basicallyany tiny inclinecan let you spam charge for ranged damage as a 2hander. I guess the upside of third person is I never got stuck in conversations?
-None of the special attacks account for distance or positioning; dodging out of the way of a mob with the ramping up motions (not the cone attacks) did nothing. Those attacks, both yours and theirs, hit if not actively blocked regardless of where you or they are. The charge is just the most obvious case of that. It's the only melee attack that I saw that wasn't positional. I spent a a while learning the swing arc for the various different heavy attacks. Nothing like setting up to deliver the coup de grace on a stunned opponent only to miss because all characters' 2h swings are right-handed and have the blow go wide left.

-Also, I don't know if I have seen this mentioned but ESO is one of the few games where the wind up time for an attack is so noticeable. You can press the key and then watch your guy start the long swings on heavy attacks, which probably adds to the feeling of disconnection, as its relatively long after the button press. When you connect with the heavy swing and the mobs crumble to the ground, though, it felt really impactful to me, if completely different than the feelings one get is a more rapidly-paced game.

-I would only have to press "e" twice to get through the doors on my Altmer character; I didn't have this anywhere else and only played that char on Monday afternoon until beta end. I never one experienced the sync issue going through doors. I did encounter it once on my own running around outside of Ebonheart but that was part of a server crash on Sat.

-When I was reference getting stuck in conversation, I miswrote when I indicated 1st v. 3rd person; what I really meant to write was that often, particularly on Friday and Saturday but throughout the beta, was when you would directly converse one on one with any NPC with dialog options, after finishing the conversation, I (and a number of others, I heard of the fix through zone chat) would get stuck, with no options and the NPC just looking at you. From there one would have to /reloadui to get out of the convo.

-Was the "amalgamations of fear" thing in the Pact tomb section? I don't really recall that but I never hit anything of the sort that prevented me from moving on. Well, the treasure map in Stro M'kai but that was because I was looking near the wrong waypoint shrine for the warrior.

-I never got a character to 10 to play PVP, so none of my experience touches on what occurred in Cyrodiil. That could have been puppies and trains for all I know.


-None of the special attacks account for distance or positioning; dodging out of the way of a mob with the ramping up motions (not the cone attacks) did nothing. Those attacks, both yours and theirs, hit if not actively blocked regardless of where you or they are.
That wasn't true for my time playing. I managed to roll-dodge away from players' and NPC's attacks and abilities. One thing I've seen mentioned, that made some of my fights make more sense after the fact, was that blocking is not positional. Holding your right mouse button blocks any attack from any angle, even directly behind you. That's only something I'd read though, not tested myself.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
That wasn't true for my time playing. I managed to roll-dodge away from players' and NPC's attacks and abilities. One thing I've seen mentioned, that made some of my fights make more sense after the fact, was that blocking is not positional. Holding your right mouse button blocks any attack from any angle, even directly behind you. That's only something I'd read though, not tested myself.
There are a large number you can, indeed, from which you can avoid and/or dodge away. I am specifically referring to the large wind-up/graphical warning attacks that NPCs do. Those can not be dodged and will hit you whereever you are. To test what I mean, engage any opponent(s) and wait from that telegraphed special attack; not one of the coned attacks or something that was interruptabled/channeled but that large, telegraphed melee attack, and then just move away from them. Without blocking, that attack will hit you every time, regardless. That and only that attack was to which I was referring.


<Gold Donor>
That wasn't true for my time playing. I managed to roll-dodge away from players' and NPC's attacks and abilities. One thing I've seen mentioned, that made some of my fights make more sense after the fact, was that blocking is not positional. Holding your right mouse button blocks any attack from any angle, even directly behind you. That's only something I'd read though, not tested myself.
I noticed that with attacks, never tried with block.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
On the second Daggerfall island there were problems with Wraith spawns in the cemetary, which was an essential quest line to get to the mainland.
Everyone loves Elder Scrolls for their wide open world and play freedom, right?

(I get flashbacks of EQ2's newbie island suddenly)


Everyone loves Elder Scrolls for their wide open world and play freedom, right?

(I get flashbacks of EQ2's newbie island suddenly)
That's the most offensive part to me, and I'm shocked more people aren't completely insulted by it. How is this game allowed to have such segmented zones and blatant linear questing in order to unlock areas. That is the antithesis to Elder Scrolls


As far as I can tell, There is no linear questing. You can run in any direction, kill anything you want, skip anything you want, do treasure maps, chests, or just craft.

I'd say the lack of linear questing last weekend was good, since half the quests I tried to do were broken.


That's the most offensive part to me, and I'm shocked more people aren't completely insulted by it. How is this game allowed to have such segmented zones and blatant linear questing in order to unlock areas. That is the antithesis to Elder Scrolls
Why would you get offended on basic design philosophy that pretty much every MMO follows?

The only reason you could go anywhere at any level in Skyim or Oblivion was because the games auto scales mobs to whatever your level was. You could complete the main storyline quest at level 1 if you wanted to. MMOs don't work that way.


Why would you get offended on basic design philosophy that pretty much every MMO follows?

The only reason you could go anywhere at any level in Skyim or Oblivion was because the games auto scales mobs to whatever your level was. You could complete the main storyline quest at level 1 if you wanted to. MMOs don't work that way.
Yes why would anyone here find modern MMO design and the need to constantly clone it in 'new' games offensive?

Good lord you are stupid, are you a plant to make Blackwulf's shilling look somewhat dignified in comparison? Are the shills playing mind games, I don't get it anymore. What is going on, why are such stupid people posting. Why is Ut, despite clearly being mentally unstable, being proven right


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Yes why would anyone here find modern MMO design and the need to constantly clone it in 'new' games offensive?

Good lord you are stupid, are you a plant to make Blackwulf's shilling look somewhat dignified in comparison? Are the shills playing mind games, I don't get it anymore. What is going on, why are such stupid people posting. Why is Ut, despite clearly being mentally unstable, being proven right
Translation: Shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill! Shill shill shill shill shill shill shill? Shill shill shill shill shill shill shill, shill shill shill shill.

We urgently need more in-depth investigation of shills, shillings, shysters and M. Night Shamaladingdong.

(I get flashbacks of EQ2's newbie island suddenly)
I definitely got this vibe from the Coldharbor tutorial. Luckily once you know where to go and what to click, you can get through that in very short order.

You can certainly go anywhere in an area and attempt anything in your current area. They do seem trying to tell an overall narrative for each zone, which is part of the reason I think they are leaving up the NDA. I think the SWTOR comparisons are very much apt in those regards, although related to the in-game geographies rather than tied to player class.


Yes why would anyone here find modern MMO design and the need to constantly clone it in 'new' games offensive?

Good lord you are stupid, are you a plant to make Blackwulf's shilling look somewhat dignified in comparison? Are the shills playing mind games, I don't get it anymore. What is going on, why are such stupid people posting. Why is Ut, despite clearly being mentally unstable, being proven right
You need new material.


Yes why would anyone here find modern MMO design and the need to constantly clone it in 'new' games offensive?

Good lord you are stupid, are you a plant to make Blackwulf's shilling look somewhat dignified in comparison? Are the shills playing mind games, I don't get it anymore. What is going on, why are such stupid people posting. Why is Ut, despite clearly being mentally unstable, being proven right
Do you feel better about yourself now?

There are legit criticisms that can be made about ESO but getting offended because it has content gated by levels is just childish. Every MMO I have played since EQ1 had gated content. Why someone who has played MMOs would complain about that is beyond me.

Trying to make a MMO function like a single player game creates all kinds of extra complexity that I imagine creates a lot of risk of pushing the schedule to the right and going over budget. It would also open the door to all kind of exploits where high level and low level players figure out a way to kill bosses in some manner the devs didn't intend.

I guess all the MMO designers and developers are stupid like me and stick to what works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Not that I am defending Zeni or TESO here (they do seem to use the NDA against the consumers), but Landmark and TESO are two different things. I suspect that if SoE doesn't get Storybricks to work properly that EQ:Next will have a long NDA as well as that one system is tied to nearly everything that supposedly makes that game special.
Smed when lifting Landmark NDA said they can't see NDA's being a big thing for them going forward. "Once you get out of F&F Alpha either you have the goods or you don't."

Landmark is also getting Storybricks when its ready, presumably before EQN. So that shouldn't be under NDA either.

From how Landmark and Planetside2 has been, they're really putting the devs out there to be open with the players about what they are planning, letting players give feedback, etc. Silver lining of NGE I guess and subsequent ubiquity of social media.