The Elder Scrolls Online


I guess my thing is why not spend every dime and moment spent on all the voice quests on something like a larger world for an mmo ?

Just an annoyance and waste of money and dev time to me.

Goes overall to the judgement of the team in ways to me , if they think voice acting is super important to an mmo , they might fuck up things that really matter.

Not saying I won't buy it because of it , but it's definitely a negative for me.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Only complaint on VO in MMO is the shear amount of install size! Seriously 40g? or more? I can either give or take it and if not interested I can just skip thru it but is there no form of compression, is all this in .Wav format?
VO neither bothers me nor would I care if it didn't have it. However, the target audience for this game is also primarily console ES fans. They would throw a conniption if the game wasn't fully VO'd.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Most gamers complain if you don't have VO. Look at FFXIV they had cut scenes but with no VO and people complained about it non-stop. It has become a standard. You don't need it to have the extensiveness that swtor used but if you don't have any,gamers will give you shit about it.


Most gamers complain if you don't have VO. Look at FFXIV they had cut scenes but with no VO and people complained about it non-stop. It has become a standard. You don't need it to have the extensiveness that swtor used but if you don't have any,gamers will give you shit about it.
For me solve that problem by also taking out any cut scenes in any mmo also :p

(and yes I realize I may be in the minority on that , but I need zero cut scenes or voice acted quests , let me read the lore if I want , but don't take me out of the virtual world to tell me a story in my mmo)

Still likely to pick this up on sale for a month of PVP though.


Dahkoht, did you get to beta test it at all? You've seemed a bit on the fence whether you'll purchase it or not. IMO a weekend beta was enough for me to know whether or not I'd like it.
Last beta I did was months ago (fall) when in very much rougher state. What little playtime I've had lately been mucking around EQL. My fence sitting has leaned towards yes if I go in expecting fully to play for a month , maybe two and just enjoy what I can out of it.

I figure I'm a launch whore and just enjoy seeing most every mmo for a month at least, so maybe mucking around a little in PVE in first person just for something different and then I love PVP so surely I can get 45 bucks worth out of that and maybe even a month or two sub.

My still last concerns that don't have me 100% in for at least a month is will the massive server structure hold up and not completely shit the bed.


<Gold Donor>
I don't give a shit about it either, but its a nice touch to have on the "main quest" all the side quests and all that are a waste that could of went into some more content somewhere.


Lots of fun things popping up here and there. Check out the amount of players on screen in this vid:
Man.. first thing I'd do is cockblock that chat. Looks like the same typical 16 year olds that play every PvP game I've been in talking about "American Inventors" and sex just like they are in that.

If it's this bad now in beta, imagine what happens if this goes F2P.

I can see total domination happening inside of two months with that level of idiocy they are showing now, and then the flipping starts...


Has there been an M-rated MMO whose only form of payment is micro-transactions? (I don't use "free to play" anymore. It's a total misnomer.)

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Complaining about a game size on PC? really? /baffled
Actually yes, I had to break down and throw in an old Tera drive laying around. Since my gaming PC was a pure SSD setup, I was fighting the urge to just by another or bigger SSD drive to slap in. Just not in the budget at this time.

Then if you just look at the fact you are having to DL that whole game, the size is just silly. Do I really need all the VO in the areas I wouldn't touch in the next month? I am sure much of that can be DL steamed over time. With that, some ppl are on cable companies with Caps. I havent had to worry about that with my current cable company but if say Comcast is still trying to hold their users to their 250g/month cap like they have in the past. You could burn thru that cap in just gaming DL for the month and then be throttled for the rest of your contract or till next month. Just something to think about.

Beta problems:
Hell, I had to do some configuring on another computer just to get the space to install the game. Tested the Mac client. It doesnt like to install on external hardware, just symlink to fool it and then fight it to update which failed over and over till I found the link where someone talked about the same problem. End result was to turn off the auto proxies within the nic.

While its hard to imagine running out of space, when I switched to SSD I felt like I was going backwards in tech with the space limits.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Put me in the column of not giving a shit about VOs anymore.
If it means more sales and UT sitting on the bench crying, I am all game. Hell, I bet the fucker buys the game and plays it longer than I do. Who has a release ps4? UT does.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Actually yes, I had to break down and throw in an old Tera drive laying around. Since my gaming PC was a pure SSD setup, I was fighting the urge to just by another or bigger SSD drive to slap in. Just not in the budget at this time.

Then if you just look at the fact you are having to DL that whole game, the size is just silly. Do I really need all the VO in the areas I wouldn't touch in the next month? I am sure much of that can be DL steamed over time. With that, some ppl are on cable companies with Caps. I havent had to worry about that with my current cable company but if say Comcast is still trying to hold their users to their 250g/month cap like they have in the past. You could burn thru that cap in just gaming DL for the month and then be throttled for the rest of your contract or till next month. Just something to think about.
The moment Comcast gets serious about enforcing/charging for cap overages, I will go Business Class that same day. Most of my kids' TV is streamed over Roku boxes and you have no idea how much bandwidth you can use until you have Cars and Cars 2 running in HD non-stop for 12 hours a day somewhere in the house. Video streaming is either going to make caps or break them.

We are a gen or 2 away from having enough size back on affordable SSDs. The 250gb-class drives now cost half of what I paid for a 128gb a couple of years ago. That happens once over and game size won't be the same worry it is at this point. Personally never going back to mechanical drives for anything other than archiving and media, though, if I can help it.

Let me say this about Ut, though and some of his fellow travelers who are critical of the game: Although we disagree about ESO now and he may be frothing over and out of bounds in a number of respects here, I wonder in 6 months or a year how many of us now praising the game will be more sympathetic to his overall point, if not his style. ZO still has miles to go to prove they can run a game, even if somewhat ironically they have been inoculated in part to some criticisms by the overall vehemence of their detractors. If they don't fix the things noted here, come out swinging the nerf bat, etc. all the relative goodwill they have will evaporate in short order.

TLDR: they may have exceeded low expectations and have a lot of people ready to jump onboard but they still have to earn it. Hopefully Georgeson's master-class in communications and community will take hold in the industry.


Isn't AoC that way these days?
True, true.

ZO still has miles to go to prove they can run a game, even if somewhat ironically they have been inoculated in part to some criticisms by the overall vehemence of their detractors. If they don't fix the things noted here, come out swinging the nerf bat, etc. all the relative goodwill they have will evaporate in short order.

TLDR: they may have exceeded low expectations and have a lot of people ready to jump onboard but they still have to earn it.
Heh, also true.