The Elder Scrolls Online


Every assertion I have made in this thread has also been made by multiple long time posters and often even the closed beta testers who don't like the game.
I'd say most of the criticism's of the game have been pretty fair. I like the game, but the combat is in dire need of polish, and the animations leave a lot to be desired.


Every assertion I have made in this thread has also been made by multiple long time posters and often even the closed beta testers who don't like the game.
Blanket statements don't let me cuddle with you unless I get under them Resco. Let me cuddle, I'm hot and don't want to get under the blanket.



Going to hop in this weekend. Who is interested in some organized PVP action?
Definitely. To be honest, my brief time PVPing was the lowlight of my last beta session. I'm thinking I missed something, and really hoping the group vs group is fun.


Rasterizing . . .
Not even close. The ESO haters have consistently resorted to exaggeration, hyperbole and quite often outright fabrications to try and paint a negative picture of this game. Combat responsiveness is obviously an integral part of gameplay for any MMO and as others like mkopec have confirmed, the issue is nowhere close to being as bad as the ESO haters are trying to portray it. I gave an anecdotal description of the extremely rare situations when I have encountered the problem. It happens so rarely now I don't even consider it a problem anymore. If and when it does happen to me, it is so intermittent that you can't reproduce it on demand. Like I said, the few times it did happen to me was only when I pulled 3 linked mobs but it didn't happen every time I pulled 3 linked mobs. For all I know that could have been the same exact time the NSA decided to do a scan of my computer. That has been my experience on closed beta with a relatively small population. Your mileage may vary on the weekend beta servers.

The ESO haters could play ESO for 16 hours straight, experience no problems whatsoever, experience 15 seconds of combat lag, then rush here to gloat that their criticisms about poor combat responsiveness turned out to be 100% accurate.
For someone that tries so hard to take the high road, you faulter quite often there Rescorla. While I'm not certain whether your post is directed at my comments I can tell you that I have already pre-ordered the game and plan on playing it. So while I am not an ESO hater, I do like to consider myself a realist about it and keep both perspective and expectations at a reasonable level. One could easily take your post and replace "haters" with "praisers" and most of the the same points you make would hold true. I understand your passion for it but your zealotry for the game is approaching questionable levels and makes you no different than the haters you're patronizing. Don't get me wrong here, I am certainly not sticking up for UT as I think he's bat shit crazy when it comes to some of this stuff but let's at least keep things in perspective here regarding the experience.

The game has potential and being in an AvA focused guild, that potential was enough to drive a sale. That does not mean the game is without faults so acting as if the only time you (or anyone else should) experience combat lag is under extreme situations of obscure randomness is absurd, especially when there have been plenty of people to respond in both stress test and the PTS regarding those issues. If you need posts to substantiate that then I'd be happy to provide it but I don't think it's necessary as I have confidence that you understand what I am getting at here. Yes, it has been improving and I have high hopes that it will eventually get fixed but for a game that's been in development for so long,combatis one of those systems that should be nailed down by launch. It is a core mechanic of the game and while it's mostly there, it's notallthere.

The issues with combat are that it's random, I get that, so should you.


I hated the game a few months ago when I first tried. Has it improved enough to be worth downloading and spending a few hours to give it another shot again this weekend?


Rasterizing . . .
I hated the game a few months ago when I first tried. Has it improved enough to be worth downloading and spending a few hours to give it another shot again this weekend?
Definitely check it out. It's still TESO so if you hated it a few months ago there's no telling but they have made some pretty decent changes so far and more are to come.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm gonna give this a serious try again this weekend because I'm a crack addict. Can anyone recommend a wiki or a website that would best describe the classes, skill system and choices you have to make while leveling your character?


For someone that tries so hard to take the high road, you faulter quite often there Rescorla. While I'm not certain whether your post is directed at my comments I can tell you that I have already pre-ordered the game and plan on playing it. So while I am not an ESO hater, I do like to consider myself a realist about it and keep both perspective and expectations at a reasonable level. One could easily take your post and replace "haters" with "praisers" and most of the the same points you make would hold true. I understand your passion for it but your zealotry for the game is approaching questionable levels and makes you no different than the haters you're patronizing. Don't get me wrong here, I am certainly not sticking up for UT as I think he's bat shit crazy when it comes to some of this stuff but let's at least keep things in perspective here regarding the experience.

The game has potential and being in an AvA focused guild, that potential was enough to drive a sale. That does not mean the game is without faults so acting as if the only time you (or anyone else should) experience combat lag is under extreme situations of obscure randomness is absurd, especially when there have been plenty of people to respond in both stress test and the PTS regarding those issues. If you need posts to substantiate that then I'd be happy to provide it but I don't think it's necessary as I have confidence that you understand what I am getting at here. Yes, it has been improving and I have high hopes that it will eventually get fixed but for a game that's been in development for so long,combatis one of those systems that should be nailed down by launch. It is a core mechanic of the game and while it's mostly there, it's notallthere.

The issues with combat are that it's random, I get that, so should you.
I wasn't referring to you. You do a fairly decent job of presenting a fair opinion. If you have been playing much on the closed beta server since 0.171, you should know that the combat lag issue is pretty much resolved. No one has been raising it as an issue since early February. The last posts where testers were complaining about it was in late January/early February right after 0.17 was released.Check the forums and you will even see a post from me on 2 February describing the same exact situation I posted here.If there is still a problem with combat lag in 0.18, its become so insignificant that no one is even bothering to complain about it anymore.