The Elder Scrolls Online


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Good to hear(read) this, man. Nothing worse than wanting to play and getting constant crashes.
Now I just need to get my video issues straightened out. At some point in the last week, something changed such that I can't run the D3D renderer at all. I have to change SET GraphicsDriver.7 to "OPENGL" from "D3D11" to get characters to load into the game. The trouble with this is it looks very much worse than previously, and my framerate, which was pegged on my 7970 at 59ish, is now at 40ish dipping down to low 30's. This stayed true even as I upgraded the card to a Sapphire Tri-X R9 290. Since I still haven't got my invite to post on the forums, I may have to open an in-game ticket to see if ZOS has any ideas. Nothing I have found on the forums speaks to this more than a "try this" in swapping to OpenGL. At least I will be able to play in some fashion, though, tonight. A side note, still have multiple launcher crashes.


2 Minutes Hate
Got any suggestions or are they all pretty shit?
Vitality and I sit in the PRX chat and talk NB all day at work essentially. But I haven't found anything that really gets into things well. TF might be good down the road, but they want to be Elitist Jerks, but they don't moderate the place for it enough. Too many bullshit posts.


Do you put all your points into stamina for this sort of thing? Or spread them around some?
Until ZOS redesigns how the stat soft caps function, the best way to allocate your skill points is to put all 49 in health, especially if you want to play a tank.

I assume once things settle down after launch redesigning the soft caps is one of the first things on their list.


2 Minutes Hate
I just look for the posters who I know were on PTS. They tend to have the threads with several pages of discussion.
Yeah but even some of their builds are retarded because PVE is so fucking easy, everything works in the end. For new players, just look for the threads that have the most replies I guess.


2 Minutes Hate
This is me except I'm pretty sure my bow templar would be shit so i don't post it there. Still it's a blast leveling it. Aoe morph reflective light (with snare!) plus scorched earth arrows and biting jabs for melee just wrecks groups. Magnum shot for kiting hard stuff after jabbing it and I'm thinking of going resto for weapon swap because healing has actually been kind of fun when I tried it with resto staff. Although templar with resto staff and a stamina specialization when I have an actual resto tree has to be the most inefficient and unorganized build anyone has made.

Fun though.
Bowplar is a strong single target sniper. Legit build from what I've seen.


2 Minutes Hate
Until ZOS redesigns how the stat soft caps function, the best way to allocate your skill points is to put all 49 in health, especially if you want to play a tank.

I assume once things settle down after launch redesigning the soft caps is one of the first things on their list.
I personally put all my points in Magicka right now. I don't need extra hps at all in the PVE leveling game.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I personally put all my points in Magicka right now. I don't need extra hps at all in the PVE leveling game.
Same. As a staff using sorc I put everything into magicka and stam. I only die when I fuck up and I prefer to be punished in that way!


I personally put all my points in Magicka right now. I don't need extra hps at all in the PVE leveling game.
That works both ways though. I'm using the Reaver build for sorcerors that focuses on dual wield and medium armor. It draws from both resource pools evenly so I don't need extra magicka or stamina while leveling.

While I assume ZOS will redesign how soft caps work, I went ahead and have been putting all my points into health just in case they don't. That will save me respec costs down the road if they retain the current design.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Sorcerer with 2H and Cleave is a beast to level. 1H and Shield I thought in beta was limited as I was mostly soloing and doing group things.

At 18 I rotate between Staff, Bow, and Dual Wield.
What's the strong point of using a melee sorc? It seems all the skills for a sorc are ranged.
That works both ways though. I'm using the Reaver build for sorcerors that focuses on dual wield and medium armor. It draws from both resource pools evenly so I don't need extra magicka or stamina while leveling.

While I assume ZOS will redesign how soft caps work, I went ahead and have been putting all my points into health just in case they don't. That will save me respec costs down the road if they retain the current design.
With a whole bunch of my points in mana and using the lightning ultimate (boosts my staff auto attack, I switch to it when I'm LOM) I don't have any mana problems. I only use stam for sprint and I actually have more stam problems than mana ones!


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Now I just need to get my video issues straightened out. At some point in the last week, something changed such that I can't run the D3D renderer at all. I have to change SET GraphicsDriver.7 to "OPENGL" from "D3D11" to get characters to load into the game. The trouble with this is it looks very much worse than previously, and my framerate, which was pegged on my 7970 at 59ish, is now at 40ish dipping down to low 30's. This stayed true even as I upgraded the card to a Sapphire Tri-X R9 290. Since I still haven't got my invite to post on the forums, I may have to open an in-game ticket to see if ZOS has any ideas. Nothing I have found on the forums speaks to this more than a "try this" in swapping to OpenGL. At least I will be able to play in some fashion, though, tonight. A side note, still have multiple launcher crashes.
So, here is the epilogue from my sordid ESO performance soap opera:

-I set about building a troubleshooting matrix and went through all of the factors individually. I reset the usersettings.txt to default and then reapplyed the AMD 13.12 12/18/13 drivers, thne upgraded to the 14.13 3/18/14 beta drivers with the D3D11 and D3D9 settings for the renderer, with reboots in between, ran both the launcher and eso.exe separately as admin with the 14.13 betas and D3D11: all crashes.
-I ran the eso.exe and the launcher as one-time admin runs with OpenGL set as the renderer; as previously, with all OpenGL runs, I was able to load characters into the game but with 40 ranging down to 30s FPS.
-I used the AMD driver cleaner and then a regcleaner to scrub the drivers off of my system and started back with the 13.12s and D3D11: crash
-set the launcher to run as administrator via the shortcut checkbox with 13.12s and D3D11: Crash
-Tried to run eso.exe in program compatibility mode as WinXP SP3 with 13.12s and OpenGL: ran but with slow performance again
-ran without compatibility mode, launcher as admin with 13.12s and OpenGL and tweaking all in game performance settings: No change, regardless of settings, individual and group; from low to high, bloom/no bloom, extended draw distance vs. short as possible, still 40 ranging down to 30 FPS, set to default high and quit.
-next run, launcher as admin, 13.12s, OpenGL, perfect performance and graphics, constant 59.5 fps ranging up 70 with everything looking great again.

Somewhere therein lies the answer but hell if I know what exactly it is. To ponder further courts madness. I am just happy to the game running back like it was on Monday.


What's the strong point of using a melee sorc? It seems all the skills for a sorc are ranged.

With a whole bunch of my points in mana and using the lightning ultimate (boosts my staff auto attack, I switch to it when I'm LOM) I don't have any mana problems. I only use stam for sprint and I actually have more stam problems than mana ones!
The sooner you start actively blocking and rolling out of snares and roots/cc breaks + interrupting with your stamina pool instead of sprinting, the more mechanically sound you'll be in PVP.


Unelected Mod
So my mount randomly stopped showing up. They keybind is still set, it worked last night and if I try to mount in a cave or something it tells me I can't mount there. Anywhere else, it just beeps and nothing.

WRU horsie


What's the strong point of using a melee sorc? It seems all the skills for a sorc are ranged.

With a whole bunch of my points in mana and using the lightning ultimate (boosts my staff auto attack, I switch to it when I'm LOM) I don't have any mana problems. I only use stam for sprint and I actually have more stam problems than mana ones!
The reason so many sorcs are using a non-staff weapon is so they can use their stamina pool for extra DPS.

On PTS my sorceror was originally a traditional caster. Full light armor and a Destro staff. For the most part, all of the sorceror class abilities did more damage and/or had more utility per magicka point spent than any of the Destro staff skills. About the only thing I used my Destro staff for was auto attack. My stamina pool was only getting used for blocks, dodges, etc.

When I got weapon swap at 15 I started using a bow. My DPS skyrocketed and I essentially doubled my leveling rate.