The Expanse


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ya, I didnt care for that whole scenario either. All the people that died just because of that one kid. I understand Jim's "reason" , but its all handled just so poorly.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You'd be hard pressed to find many Filip fans from the books either. Some people tried to argue that Peaches was in the same category, but it's apple/oranges (or peaches if you like)

Peaches: Kills some innocent people to frame Holden. I forget the ship death count, but it wasn't massive.

Filip: Directly responsible for helping make possible the murder of BILLLIONS in the Asteroid scheme. Not thousands, not millions, but BILLIONS. He was also personally responsible for the deaths of others outside that.

Even if you could argue both were misguided and both had a twisted sense of revenge that drove their actions, the scale of atrocity is just so vastly skewed that they arent even in the same realm.

I hated Filip in the book, I hated him in the show. Thankfully the books mostly ignore him post book 6, beyond the occasional passing comment.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm

does it really tho

Ive been casually watching expanse for quite a while now. I sure af dont want it to end on season 6, even if the story telling has gone off the rails. There is just so much shit this show gets right, over the comparable shows that its just worth watching (for me).
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<Prior Amod>
now that this is over favorite space battle? i still have to give it up to the donnager, it was the first clip i saw that got me interested in the expanse

this is w/o all the talking
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Molten Core Raider
I love the ships and combat on this show. Probably my favorite of any sci fi series. It's reason enough to watch it. I appreciate the realism.

What I didn't care for was: The plot was rather nonsensical. Also Amos needing to buy sex made no sense when he was apparently the only man with a penis in the universe.
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<Bronze Donator>
I really enjoyed this show overall, probably because it was just a decently produced sci-fi series (the bar is low)... But this show after season 3 just really took a step down. I was "fine" with the show after that, and enjoyed parts of it, but the first 3 seasons were legitimately great.

Did the source material just fall off a cliff after the proto-molecule stuff was resolved? That shit was far more interesting than the Belter shit. I'm sure this has been asked, can I read the books that take place after the series, or do I really need to read the first few. I have a hard time I missed THAT much from the earlier books.


<Bronze Donator>
There's some noticeable differences. Alex didn't get me too'd, for example. The books are worth reading, even after watching the show. I started after season 4. For the first three, you can just appreciate how the show did it differently but still mostly on the same quality. 4-6 are just aggravating and amateurish mistakes by the show.

The only constant is that Belters are whiny bitches, even in the books.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The book and show are pretty close in terms of adaptation. You could pick up book 7 and still follow along just fine. The biggest changes you would find are

1) Alex is still alive
2) Drummer in the show is a combo of Drummer and a belter pirate named Michio Pa. In the books, both characters aren't really factors for the most part in books 7 and onward, so if you're a fan of Drummer in the show, you'll probably be disappointed on that front

If you were a fan of the protomolecule stuff from the first 4 books/seasons, then you'll be happy to know it figures as a major plot element in books 7-9. Book 7 takes place about 30 years after the end of book 6/season 6, so that is partially why book 6/season 6 was a natural stopping point for the show for now
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Pay to play forum
Also you have the badass security guy in book3 I think. Him and the marines fighting through the belter ship was top notch. Badassery all around.

Other than that the books have the same arcs as the show and Naomi/Inares plot line is annoying in the books aswell. But you get more Amos and Peaches adventures on earth. It takes a huge leap in quality again with the laconia story. Still have to read the last book, but I assume it stays interesting there.

So, read the books. They are better than the show.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I really enjoyed this show overall, probably because it was just a decently produced sci-fi series (the bar is low)... But this show after season 3 just really took a step down. I was "fine" with the show after that, and enjoyed parts of it, but the first 3 seasons were legitimately great.

Did the source material just fall off a cliff after the proto-molecule stuff was resolved? That shit was far more interesting than the Belter shit. I'm sure this has been asked, can I read the books that take place after the series, or do I really need to read the first few. I have a hard time I missed THAT much from the earlier books.

As others said, its similar enough. I would just read 1-6 book summary spoilers and then dive into 7.

Book 7 is most similar to 2 and 3. Heavy military politics and exploring the protomolocule shit. Book 8 is a lot like the first show season but in reverse, with character closure instead of buildup. Imo if you liked the first 3 best, you'll like the last books. If you liked 5 and 6 micropolitics and more personal character shit than big politics... may be let down. I don't know anyone let down by 7 and very few by 8.

Meanwhile, source material quips about the show... this is something where its kept pretty true to it but just lacks the depth or the purpose that novels can give. Holden nuke blue balls being the big one I hear about. The books have time to really flesh out holden as stubborn and kinda out of touch while the show only really has time for him to be a noble cunt. Without wanting to drop spoilers, they also grew him the most of anyone over the 30 year forced gap, so that moment seemed necessary to evolve someone built to be a rock into becoming different. In the show... yeah just kind of a weak play.

Anyway this series is probably my #2 sci fi show after ds9 but the books are easily my #1 (series at least), so I can't recommend the books enough.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Amos in the books is old, bald, etc.


Not a sex symbol.

Super glad I bailed on this.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Amos in the books is old, bald, etc.


Not a sex symbol.

Super glad I bailed on this.

helena bonham carter what GIF

Amos was one of the best things about the show. He was the best character with a personality that just fit the atmosphere. I am willing to bet that was an actual improvement over the books despite many of the flaws. I honestly would have given fuck all about this show if Amos had not been a strong part of it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oh, so you were bailing on the book, not the show version.

That makes a lot more sense.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
What? Are you high? Lol no

I bailed on this shit show a while ago... Maybe mid way through season 4?

Someone said Amos paying for sex didn't make sense, that's because they watch the show where is he a sex symbol

Book Amos is old, bald, ugly... So paying for sex makes perfect sense.
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