The F*** Cancer Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
I just lost a friend to cancer, and it made me think of my sister. who has been cancer free for 3 years, but it makes me wonder what they gave her for survival in years. I don't like thinking about not having her around. It makes my heart hurt. She had breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. But the cancer she had taught me about true fear.

Despite Race For The Cure fucking up a few years back with Planned Parenthood, I feel that some cancer research is better than none... What charity should be donated to for optimal benefit towards blasting fucking cancer into the sun?

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I've chewed snuff pretty steady for the last 12 years. I went to the dentist today and the dentist came in for the final cavity checkup shit and saw my lip and about fucking flipped. Said I had to go to a oral surgeon and get a biopsy. Said it might be nothing but just to be sure I should get it checked out. It might be an elaborate "fear of God" tactic but kudos to them if it is because that shit worked. I always thought I would be pretty chill in the face of my own mortality but that shit freaked me out. Scheduled the biopsy for next monday and picked up a pack of smokes until i get a prescription for chantix. Ive been wanting to quit nicotine for awhile now and this is good motivation.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Ive used it 3 times before. Quit for like 1, 3, and 6 months before with it but always started again. Never had a problem drinking with it though. Have crazy dreams like a mother fucker though,


<Prior Amod>
Dear Cancer, while you may have taken my Grandmother 3 weeks ago, I just found out about 15 minutes ago that my dad beat the fuck out of you and he's now free of you.

Go fuck yourself. Bitch.


A Mod Real Quick
Grandmother received her last rites last night. Family gathered at her house for awhile, each person getting to visit for a short time. Funny stories were told, several people were hammered. I left around 10PM and my grandmother died around 2AM.

Cancer sucks, but she was given a couple months to live several years ago so there's that. RIP.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
So just a tiny bit of a resurrection here

And well wish me luck. I'll be starting chemo (again - all added up I've head years of chemo since 1996) in 3 weeks and I've been on this chemo drug (vinorelbine) before and it definitely causes nausea and by association loss of appetite. And anti nausea meds tend to make me constipated AND give me diarrhea which is a fucking AWESOME combo to have when you're already utterly miserable. So I'll be talking to my doctor at Dana Farber about medical marijuana. Has anyone tried using vaporizers with pot? My wife is concerned with the house smelling like pot when company comes over. I've read that vaporizers are better for your lungs and leave virtually no scent. Is this accurate?
I know we've got some druggies here so thanks in advance.


Trakanon Raider
Vaporizers still have a scent, there's no way of getting around that. It's not nearly as strong as ripping bong hits, but if you're using it inside people will notice. Unless it's in a fairly well sealed room, ventilation wise. I picked up a portable one awhile back, and have enjoyed using it. Takes a bit of cleaning and maintenance, but it does the job:Vaporblunt 2.0

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
We have a 2 floor Cape house and we don't use the 2nd floor at this point since it needs quite a bit of remodeling. I was just going to go upstairs and partake up there when needed. I figure that way the first floor won't be hit by any smoke but she seems to think the entire house is going to explode with the smell of pot.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
We have a 2 floor Cape house and we don't use the 2nd floor at this point since it needs quite a bit of remodeling. I was just going to go upstairs and partake up there when needed. I figure that way the first floor won't be hit by any smoke but she seems to think the entire house is going to explode with the smell of pot.
Personally I feel like the smoke given off by a vape is pretty mild in odor-- certainly correctable by a standard HEPA air filter. I had a friend that would vape daily and unless he was doing it in front of you, his house never smelled of anything. He had a standard Honeywell air purifier running in the corner.

No fun smoking weed if you have to hide out upstairs.. It's meant to be enjoyed while playing video games or watching Game of Thrones. Fuck dude you have Cancer, you have the right to smoke wherever you damn well please in my book.


Good luck Tred. I have my first appointment in July with an oncologist in the states to see which chemo I do for whichever lymphoma they want to treat first so we shall see if I have nausea problems. I don't and won't and haven't smoked anything ever so I will need to do brownies maybe?


Trakanon Raider
Good luck Tred. I have my first appointment in July with an oncologist in the states to see which chemo I do for whichever lymphoma they want to treat first so we shall see if I have nausea problems. I don't and won't and haven't smoked anything ever so I will need to do brownies maybe?
That's an option. Some people swear that they only get the same beneficial effects if they smoke or vaporize it, though. Eating it is definitely a different high than smoking it. There's even a fairly noticeable difference between smoking it and vaping it. Experiment and see what gives you the best relief, if you find it necessary at all that is.


That's an option. Some people swear that they only get the same beneficial effects if they smoke or vaporize it, though. Eating it is definitely a different high than smoking it. There's even a fairly noticeable difference between smoking it and vaping it. Experiment and see what gives you the best relief, if you find it necessary at all that is.
I was under the impression that the high isn't what helps with the nausea just the THC at all. Am I wrong?


Buzzfeed Editor
I was under the impression that the high isn't what helps with the nausea just the THC at all. Am I wrong?
Yes; the extract they give in pill for for nausea and appetite doesn't get you high, or so my brother told me when he was going through treatments. Your mileage may vary though; he was a major pot head before joining the marines, so he might not have had a good frame of reference. In the end, he just ended up vaping because it worked better for him.


Trakanon Raider
I was under the impression that the high isn't what helps with the nausea just the THC at all. Am I wrong?
I have no personal experience, other than smoking some weed one time I had some stomach flu or food poisoning or whatever the fuck. So I can't really comment. I just know that when some people are pointed in the direction of edibles or Marinol (Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) they say that it doesn't give them the same relief. But others find they work too. Again, might take some experimentation.


Vyemm Raider
So just a tiny bit of a resurrection here

And well wish me luck. I'll be starting chemo (again - all added up I've head years of chemo since 1996) in 3 weeks and I've been on this chemo drug (vinorelbine) before and it definitely causes nausea and by association loss of appetite. And anti nausea meds tend to make me constipated AND give me diarrhea which is a fucking AWESOME combo to have when you're already utterly miserable. So I'll be talking to my doctor at Dana Farber about medical marijuana. Has anyone tried using vaporizers with pot? My wife is concerned with the house smelling like pot when company comes over. I've read that vaporizers are better for your lungs and leave virtually no scent. Is this accurate?
I know we've got some druggies here so thanks in advance.
Does it seem logical to you to attempt to cure yourself with a drug that clearly makes your body weak and sickly? There are natural cures for cancer and none of them make you feel like dying and cost 1/10th of what chemo costs. It's not even that difficult really, you're just being fear mongered into thinking otherwise for profit.


Just a Nurse
Hey Luminati, we're waiting to hear what these anti-cancer homeopathic remedies are.