The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
P.S. Hep C alchoholic bitch has been texting me all night, she's alone on her 30th birthday, she's trying to get me to come over for a booty call. The scary thing is I'm considering it.

Meanwhile I'm laying next to my sleeping fuckbuddy/girlfriend who introduced me to swinging... she as of last night had another man's penis in her mouth while I was banging her (it was her 28th birthday).

Amazing, just 4 years ago I was a bored lonely virgin with absolutely zero drama in my life.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
wizard, go hang out with her. Stay close to her (IE sit next to her at a table instead of across). Be nonchalant about it, but touch her whenever possible. Laugh at a joke, and touch her arm, while you're walking, put your hand on her waist to steer her clear of some obstacle. Things like that. Look for signs she's interested, such as touching you in the same way, playing with her hair, and angling her body toward you. Angling the body away, or crossing her legs away from you is a bad sign that she's not interested. Look for things like that and you'll know where you stand before embarrassing yourself. If she's not interested, get her drunk, roofie her, and the next day tell her her but hurts because she fell down the stairs.
P.S. Hep C alchoholic bitch has been texting me all night, she's alone on her 30th birthday, she's trying to get me to come over for a booty call. The scary thing is I'm considering it.

Meanwhile I'm laying next to my sleeping fuckbuddy/girlfriend who introduced me to swinging... she as of last night had another man's penis in her mouth while I was banging her (it was her 28th birthday).

Amazing, just 4 years ago I was a bored lonely virgin with absolutely zero drama in my life.
How is that? Swinging I mean. Not really interested in trying it per se, but really interested in how it affects the relationship dynamic.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
P.S. Hep C alchoholic bitch has been texting me all night, she's alone on her 30th birthday, she's trying to get me to come over for a booty call. The scary thing is I'm considering it.
Why the fuck would you hook up with someone you know has Hep C? That shit is no fucking joke....


<Gold Donor>
(IE sit next to her at a table instead of across)
While all of his other advice is spot on (even the roofie part), God I hate people that sit next to each other at a table! Not sure I'd do this part because it doesn't let you make eye contact, and even a lot of girls seem to think it is sort of creepy. But, I'm not an expert either, so maybe in this situation it is the best play. I don't think I could bring myself to do it though. What if she starts to expect it??


privileged excrementlord
That shit's only acceptable in those semicircle date booths. Completely gay otherwise.


what Suineg set it to
So I've been thinking more on Dumar's post. Only because it's not in mmo gen though. I've been pretty successful talking to/dating chicks through pof/okc but honestly I just fail at sealing the deal with too many. IE, I'll chat a bit, get their number or whatever then say let's go out and nothing happens so I say fuck em and move on...which would work if there was more than a handful of even remotely decent chicks on their locally.

What topics/etc. do you all find typically works best to weed out the bads without talking too much? Or maybe my problem is I should just be going out with everyone first and suck up the lost time?

I know I don't really give a shit (I don't invest in maybe), but I am kind of an information sponge so I'm sometimes guilty of extrapolating and remembering too much so chicks take the fact that I arbitrarily pull a rainman on their bosses name from a random text three weeks ago as "caring". That plus I hate not knowing things so I'll kind of categorize and reduce personalities really quickly (unfairly in some cases) then just dismiss them as not worth my time before anything even happens.


Edit: I guess my real question is do you mean emotional availability or really just any availability? I think most women read so far into everything that saying anything more than yes/no is too much, but at the same time you can't be completely uninterested because I've lost plenty that way too.


Trakanon Raider
I am kind of an information sponge so I'm sometimes guilty of extrapolating and remembering too much so chicks take the fact that I arbitrarily pull a rainman on their bosses name from a random text three weeks ago as "caring".
Took me a long time to figure out that this is abnormal. I still have a hard time pretending I don't know some random thing they mentioned weeks ago.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
While all of his other advice is spot on (even the roofie part), God I hate people that sit next to each other at a table! Not sure I'd do this part because it doesn't let you make eye contact, and even a lot of girls seem to think it is sort of creepy. But, I'm not an expert either, so maybe in this situation it is the best play. I don't think I could bring myself to do it though. What if she starts to expect it??
I hadn't heard that chicks consider it creepy. Where'd you get that? Sitting next to her doesn't preclude eye contact, it just makes it so eye contact isn't accidental. Maybe sitting across is best for a first date.

Oh and I'm not talking about sitting next to her at a booth, I was imagining a regular square table or a bar table where sitting next to her puts you at 90 degrees. At a booth, sit across for sure. If for no other reason than you don't wanna be elbowing while you eat.


What topics/etc. do you all find typically works best to weed out the bads without talking too much? Or maybe my problem is I should just be going out with everyone first and suck up the lost time?
Rather than ask normal questions, I ask 'Would you rather...' questions. Being English, the opener is always 'Rather go without cheese or without tea', but it's easy to think of a few more. Basically everyone starts playing back, which means you're not doing the pointless 'What do you do...blah blah...' crap. The best part is you can steal the good questions that one girl asks you and use them on the other girls.
One girl asked me would I rather every song I heard was performed by Nickleback, or the lead actor in every film I watched played by Nicholas Cage, which I thought was brilliant.

I like doing it because it encourages a bit of exposition and generally the fun/interesting girls will have fun/interesting answers and questions and the boring girls will have nothing to say. Doesn't always work obviously, but it's still better than asking where she went to school.

But yeah, you should be going out more. What are you saying when you're asking them out that it isn't leading to a solid time/place? Because if you're just saying 'We should meet up sometime' then that's part of the problem.
I don't bother with much texting (I hate texting) before meeting up. 4-5 messages back and forth, then send a messaging asking to meet up and add my number in somewhere. I usually ask with a line along the lines of 'It's great talking to you, but I'm acutely aware that we might actually hate each other in person...' which works on the type of girls I tend to go for.