The Hobbit

Aychamo BanBan

Does anyone remember when it was announced that Evangeline lily was cast in this movie, and how we all were like "oh no! This will ruin this epic movie!" Etc? Haha, who would have thought PJ would have been the executioner for this turd instead?


Dental Dammer
1080p of this is out now, any idea if an extended version has been announced?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
1080p of this is out now, any idea if an extended version has been announced?
An extended version? What they hell else could they throw in that wasn't already there, footage of Peter Jackson reading excerpts from "The Lays of Beleriand" while taking a shit?


Molten Core Raider
It could have been much worse.

As far as prequel trilogies go, if this is their Phantom Menace, I'm totally okay with this film.

Aychamo BanBan

Brown wizard shitting his robe thus becoming the brown wizard
Fucking lol.

For real though, they released a list of the delete scenes which will be in the extended edition:

Three minute scene where Bilbo does his taxes.

Group scene of dwarves composing the dish washing song prior to arrival at Bag End.

Interesting scene where Bilbo weeds his garden and finds lots of weeds.

Gandalf purchases his grey robe at a robe store.

The elves in a group dance scene prior to group arriving at Rivendale.

Four minute scene where metal is mined to make the Elf swords.

Gandalf and Bllbo bicker about who will do dishes and which store in town has best hobbit clothes.

Sounds pretty great!
has anyone who experienced the fastforward effect of the 48hz for the hobbit, then tried watching the 24hz with svp (to an upped 60hz) ?... if so, do you still get that fastforward effect? if not, would you experience FF if you were to see it in theatres again?

although svp != filmed 48hz, i'm wondering whether if it's me who is just getting acclimatized to the hz++ or whether (in combination or not) HOW it's projected/viewed that results in FF effect. (alot of tv's hz++ suck..)

since, i'm assuming, the projectors are not displaying 3d with a dual projector setup, they are using:
1)pageflipping from 1 projector
2)according to douglas trumbull, the projectors are projecting at a fixed 144hz regardless
3)assuming that whenfilming, L & R frames are captured at the same time at 48hz

then... is there a *perceived* difference between(ignoring the frame upping to being projected to 144hz)?:
L frame1/48
R frame2/48
L frame3/38
R frame4/48


L frame1/48
R frame1/48
L frame2/48
R frame2/48

also i think, trumbull mentioned that at a certain hz (recorded and played back at), a camera panning past a single point of light (star) is perceived as 3 or more streaks of light (could just be specific to a camera? dunno, lots of potential variables). also, i find that a non static camera shots does seem to invoke FF effect but with real life movies, not anime. also trumbull mentions that as hz increases, so does your physiological responses (emotional, galvanic skin tests, etc..). alot of his stuff is on youtube -- i like his technical insights but not his actual scripts/director ability.
well with:
L frame1/48
R frame2/48
L frame3/38
R frame4/48...
you get continuous temporal motion

L frame1/48
R frame1/48
L frame2/48
R frame2/48...
whereas this you don't (but you might have to artificially dbl playback speed ??)

dunno if those 2 are perceived the same though. would be interesting to compare this with dual projection.


Vyemm Raider
I made it just past riddles in the dark before I stopped it to finish later or never. This movie is a fucking cartoon. If it had a Disney or Tom and Jerry soundtrack you'd never notice. I appreciate that they tried to darken and adult-it-up slightly while shoehorning it into LOTR continuity but for fucks sake, the 'action' bits were outright comedy.

The cool: The visuals. Erebor and the goblin city did look pretty cool until they ruined it with that fight/chase scene that they lifted from one of the Aladdin movies. The fight at Mordor gates also looked way better than any of the similar stuff from LOTR. Dorf army vs orcs ftw.

The bad: The rest of the movie. Riddles in the Brightly Lit Cave doesn't quite have the same menace to it but I can't fault how well done Gollum was. All the trolls goblins etc speaking in kindly NZ accents, come the fuck on. LOTR orcs actually sounded, you know, not human.

The worst was the action bits though. After the fat dwarf did that move where he spun his hammer all around his head without actually using his hands and the numerous bits where they fell multiple stories or made 50 foot leaps or knocked off dozens of goblins with one swing I started thinking how the last Shrek movie had more believable and tense action.

I'll stop because you already know I hated the Hobbit novel and didn't read LOTR until years later because of it. But I was told that this took the Hobbit and made it into LOTR: The Movie: Episode 1. And they were right.. if they meant it was the Phantom Menace of the franchise. Sure, there's nothing as bad as Jar-Jar.. but there's no Darth Maul either.

tl;dr: The Hobbit takes the gains that LOTR made in fantasy movies as adult entertainment and shoved the genre back into cartoon kiddyland.


well with:
L frame1/48
R frame2/48
L frame3/38
R frame4/48...
you get continuous temporal motion

L frame1/48
R frame1/48
L frame2/48
R frame2/48...
whereas this you don't (but you might have to artificially dbl playback speed ??)

dunno if those 2 are perceived the same though. would be interesting to compare this with dual projection.
How would someone even look this up?

Kubla Kas_sl

Watched some of the first half again last night, some thoughts:
Bad - Why does every dwarf have a different accent? You have Irish dwarf, Scottish dwarf, then you have some with american and some with english accents. WTF?
Then its cool each has its own specialty weapon but you give the dumb looking one, that looks like his haircut is ripped right from the Seven Dwarves, a goddam slingshot? Really?
Radagast being used as comic relief with bird shit (or dried jizz) all over the side of his face. He could have been a bit less silly.... like when

Good - Radagast at least is still badass with his staff when dumb king of Angmar tries to gank him from behind.


Millie's Staff Member
you guys are way too harsh. it was a weak entry true. but bad? nah its just bad compared to fellowship. to me what made it poor was the moby dick subplot between thorin and the white orc. coulda done without that. and even the biggest haters cant say they didnt love the scene with gollum and bilbo.