The Hobbit


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It was Radagast who told Gandalf that the Nine were abroad as the Black Riders, not Saruman as was depicted in the FoTR movie. He also sent Gwaihir to Orthanc, leading to Gandalf's escape.
Ah yes, I was slightly misremembering it and confusing the Hobbit with LOTR. In that case, the inclusion of Radaghast was completely unnecessary and it makes it seem like even more of a "comedic fluff" addition.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
A lot of 4 post count guys in here saying it's "Great!"

/tinfoil hat


Molten Core Raider
Or alternately, his inclusion was needed to help stretch a 300 page book into three seperate 2 1/2 hour movies.


Hey all, I'm just double checking that we should not have seen Evangeline Lily or Legolas in the first hobbit, rigth?
If it would have been two movies instead of three we would have seen Evangeline Lily and Legolas in the first movie I believe. Legolas is the son of Tharanduil (the elvenking of Mirkwood who showed up at the beginning of the movie.) So my guess is we'll see Legolas in Mirkwood.


Vyemm Raider
Or alternately, his inclusion was needed to help stretch a 300 page book into three seperate 2 1/2 hour movies.
Really, this is pretty much it. The story of the Hobbit itself could really be covered in a single two and a half hour movie quite easily. The Story of the Hobbit with 10 minute CG extravaganza's and additional content and tie in's to LoTR and characters found only in the appendix being dragged out to present an obvious antagonist and rabbits, yeah that's at least 9 hours worth of material.

Anyways here is my prediction for the next films:

The second movie will start with Beorn, include all of the events within mirkwood including the spiders with a tie in to the necromancer. Then the wood elves and barrel ride, the arrival in lake town, the snooping around inside the mountain, and finally the death of Smaug. Expect to see Rhadagast again I am sure.

The third movie is going to be the dwarves setting up their home, squabbling with the lake town humans, Bilbo stealing the arcstone, Thorin getting pissed and banishing him and then finally the battle of the 5 armies, which I am guessing is going to get a lot of screen time. Then there are going to be like 30 minutes of endings and Bilbo finally getting back home and transitioning back to to Frodo reading the story.

I don't think this needed to be a trilogy; MAYBE two films if every detail of the original book had been covered.


I liked it; it was interesting reading people's comments in here, because I posted to friends that I couldn't understand why the hobbit was getting totally shit reviews. That's not to say it didn't have some failings, but man people were ripping it apart. The one thing that I could see was that it was slower paced. The Hobbit isn't actually that long of a book, but it has shit tons of stuff happening in it - Hobbit felt to me like more a movie "for the fans" than necessarily for a wide audience I guess. I also think that some scenes were made a bit longer, simply because it's now 3 movies.

Anyways, I enjoyed it overall, and I'm scheduled to see it again. I too am also taken with how the hobbits are in the movies; dwarves are awesome!


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Fell asleep during 2 of 3 LOTR movies in theatres.

Having read some of the novels the films were all painfully unreasonably extended for maximum cash-grabbage, so I avoided this crap after hearing it was going to be a trilogy.

If anything Tolkiens work could use some streamlining to retain focus and make character development more meaningful.

Just my 2 cents.


I honestly can't believe you guys are bitching about more movies in the world of Middle Earth. I would be happy if Jackson would make even more, how can you have too much of this stuff? I want them to flesh out the entire lore in the movies. Clearly just bitching to bitch.


Vyemm Raider
I saw this on Sunday, i accidentally saw it in 3rd and was pleasantly surprised. I typically hate 3rd movies and try to see shows in 2d. It has been a year since my last 3d movie so maybe technology has been improved.

I liked movie (shocker !) but would have loved to see them move around the pace, IE faster at the start and slower in some of the action scenes. One of my fav parts in the book are the trolls, this part really shows Bilbos evolution as an adventurer and his cunning. I wanted some more obvious trickery not the 2 min of convo then Gandalf saves the day.

I agree the goblin king was a bit out of place but that did not bother me too much. I really wish PJ would explain the eagles a bit better, I had the same beef with LOTR, they are TOO op. In the book they say why the crew got droped off so far away, I wish they expalined it in the movie so my wife (and a shit ton of other people) would not bitch about them while exiting the theater.

The Storm giants where really horrible, did not make sense to have a century old path through the mountains be a giants knee..and he decided this was his day to move!

Still think it should be a 2 parter and not a triology.

I have not read the Similarion, could it be turned into a movie or is it more a collection of short stories?


they still totally blew it with bombadil. to include radagast in the hobbit but not bombadil in the lotr is just absolutely fucking stupid. watched it again, and riddles in the dark is still a terrible scene compared to what it should've been.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I don't think Legolas in the Hobbit is even a retcon. I seem to remember in Fellowship (the book), there being a paragraph or something in Rivendell where Legolas is talking to Bilbo and says something like, "Ah, so you're the one. We suspected you were around, but never saw you."
There was yeah, and while it'd be weird if he plays a major role, having him pop up does make perfect sense, given that the wood elf king and a bunch of his random cronies play a fairly major role, and Legolas is his son.

Aychamo BanBan

I saw this on Sunday, i accidentally saw it in 3rd and was pleasantly surprised. I typically hate 3rd movies and try to see shows in 2d. It has been a year since my last 3d movie so maybe technology has been improved.

I liked movie (shocker !) but would have loved to see them move around the pace, IE faster at the start and slower in some of the action scenes. One of my fav parts in the book are the trolls, this part really shows Bilbos evolution as an adventurer and his cunning. I wanted some more obvious trickery not the 2 min of convo then Gandalf saves the day.

I agree the goblin king was a bit out of place but that did not bother me too much. I really wish PJ would explain the eagles a bit better, I had the same beef with LOTR, they are TOO op. In the book they say why the crew got droped off so far away, I wish they expalined it in the movie so my wife (and a shit ton of other people) would not bitch about them while exiting the theater.

The Storm giants where really horrible, did not make sense to have a century old path through the mountains be a giants knee..and he decided this was his day to move!

Still think it should be a 2 parter and not a triology.

I have not read the Similarion, could it be turned into a movie or is it more a collection of short stories?
Very valid complaints! In the book the stone giants were literally 1 paragraph, but in the movie they made it all these ridiculously stupid action scenes, and then when they go in the cave, in the movie it was this stupid thing where they fall through a video-game style tunnel and pop out on the other end unscathed, but in the book it was just the cave cracked open in the back and the goblins snatched them or whatever.

Before I saw the movie, I had only read up to where they get to Rivendale. Now I'm at where they just killed the goblin king (I only read this book like 20 minutes a day, sorry.) So far, I haven't seen Rhadagast, any of this shit with the one armed Orc, or any of these stupid wolves that consumed so much of the movie, but didn't even appear in the book at this point. Really weird.


Molten Core Raider
Fell asleep during 2 of 3 LOTR movies in theatres.

Having read some of the novels the films were all painfully unreasonably extended for maximum cash-grabbage, so I avoided this crap after hearing it was going to be a trilogy.

If anything Tolkiens work could use some streamlining to retain focus and make character development more meaningful.

Just my 2 cents.
So, you obviously aren't even remotely a fan of anything Tolkien-related, or maybe even the high fantasy genre in general, so why would you keep subjecting yourself to it? If I fell asleep during a movie I sure as hell wouldn't watch the sequel. That's just dumb. I don't watch movies that I know I'll hate.


Yes, because not being a fan of movies that barely hold true to the source material makes him not a fan of anything Tolkien related. You really are retarded.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I didn't hate them parts were great, they just had some time kinda "existing" without any forward momentum which I found boring. I didn't feel that same way when I read the novels.
I enjoyed the movie. I didn't go in expecting anything other than a movie and that's what I got. People like Troll crying that its not The Hobbit crack me up. nerd was probably in the theater with his book out rolling his eyes for 3 hours.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Enjoyed it, the movie is a little silly. I laughed my ass off by the goblin-mail-swing. Ian McKellen is a mobile deus-ex-machina but who cares.