The King Henry Tapes (By Me!)


Just wanted to say thank you for the great books. A couple of co-workers and I have purchased and read all your King Henry Tapes, and really enjoyed them. Really looking for the next 2 in 2014.


Golden Squire
Thanks for the encouragement, Altrias.

Small update: 7 chapters into FM4 and gaining steam, let's hope the holidays don't holiday.


Yesterday I had a hankering to start reading a book. I haven't read an actual fictional book since my days in the military (12 years ago). Figured I'd come get some recommendations and saw this thread. Based on all the praise from this thread, I downloaded the first book just now and will give it a read. Good luck on working on the newest book!


Golden Squire
From the blog:

I mean really...this is one of those situations where I could just shut up and you lot would never know. I could be all mysterious and say "I planned it all like that"! And before we continue: please don't hyperventilate, it's all going to be okay.

So why write this and tell you guys what's up? Well, I also know what's it's like to be a fan sitting around waiting for the next novel in your favorite series to come out and have felt the frustration that comes from not understanding what the writer is up to. Especially if novels are being released by said author that AREN'T in my favorite series (George RR Martin fan since 2001 here, please feel my pain!).

So I'm going to try to explain my thinking on what just happened with FM4 and with the whole King Henry Tapes series. It basically has to do with the school timeline and my desire to not have it turn into filler story that you guys are going to be skipping to get to the really good stuff in the shop timeline. (Aside: I recently read Scott Lynch's new REPUBLIC OF THIEVES and I found myself doing this and thought...ruh roh)

When I originally decided on the series being 12 books, I knew the whole school timeline thing could give me trouble in the future. I had to give myself room to work with, to either expand or contract it depending on how the novels ended up working and depending on how much I thought you guys would put up with. That's why I spent a couple months working up a master timeline for King Henry's stay at the Asylum and then sketched out about a page or two outline for 13 different stories I could write in that window.

Some of these stories are really important and I knew they would reveal things that you guys would need to know for the mainline (like Meteyos' intro in FM2 as an example) but other ones I was less sure about. Now that we're 3 books finished into the series we're approaching some of those questionable stories that I could tell you but do you really need 8 whole chapters on Russell Quilt's wedding and bachelor party? And are you going to enjoy it when it's in a novel with the other timeline kicking so much more ass than some kids screwing around at the Asylum? Or will you resent it and skip ahead? And do I really want to spend the 2-3 months it would take writing it and give up the 30k-40k words of novel space that I could be using on the other timeline?

These are questions I've been asking myself since the start. How far can I stretch the school timeline? Should it go the whole series? What to do, what to do? Now that I'm in the middle of FM4 the beast finally needs confronting.

FM4's mainline story is shaping up to be...YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR ITS WONDERS! But the school timeline story, the first of the "stretching" possibly filler stories I could have put into a book? I've been having trouble with it. First, it was planned that I'd go back and fill in details on King Henry stealing the Lady's staff at the end of year one (Sessions 17-24, that's right! Taking place BEFORE the Winter War story in FM3, I skipped the damn thing and you didn't even notice, you horrible fan, you!).

But that didn't work out. It felt like going backwards just wasn't big enough. Or interesting enough. And it didn't introduce any new characters or tell you any info you needed to have. It was filler and that's when I first confronted this problem with the realization that the 13 possible stories I could tell were overkill. I don't want filler guys, I don't want to write filler, and I don't want to push filler out on you. The only thing worst than not getting a timely book by your favorite author is getting a book from your favorite author that feels like filler...and a paycheck. When you have a subplot about Raj getting some from Naomi...ya know you're in trouble...

So, deciding that 17-24 weren't worthy and unneeded I took another look at my 13 possible school timeline stories and removed some chaff. We dropped down to 10 left. I decided I'd try the story of King Henry getting over his Mom's death post Session 6 from FM1 and I wrote 4 chapters's just not enough. It's getting killed by the mainline in FM4 because the mainline is awesome and...YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR ITS WONDERS!

So here I was...a few days ago. FM4 half done...4 written in the school, 7 in the shop, one was a breeze to write and so enjoyable and everything I could hope for and the other...was a pain in the ass and could be called nothing but a disappointment when compared to its brother. It's hard to kill my lovelies and make choices like this, but I yanked the 20k out of FM4.

I then told myself: Raley, you got to be cold and mean and as hard as you can be with these things. So I went back to the 10 possible school timeline stories still left and I cut it down to 7.

That's final. All we're losing is filler or things I've already told you but would have been filled (there's that word again) in more detail. What's left are the 3 stories already in the series and 4 that contain important information you need for the mainline (ex: King Henry meeting Plutarch). This means that the school timeline and the back to back structure will be ending in FM7. The tapes exist, King Henry made them, you just won't "hear" them. This is probably a good thing because these books are going to getting quite long without the extra 30k-40k words. I mean we haven't even got to the...YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR ITS WONDERS!

What's this all mean? It means I'm starting over with a different school timeline that's much more interesting and robust and holds its own weight than the last one. I've already written a chapter in it, it's...YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR ITS WONDERS! It does tack another month onto writing the novel, but I'm already ahead of schedule and it's really worth.

It also leaves me with 20k in prime King Henry Price POV story which I will be turning into a novella called "Griefing". Strangely, what didn't work next to FM4's mainline does work by itself without all the extra stretching I would have needed to work it into 8 chapters. It will probably be out in December so...yay, extra King Henry for Christmas!

TL;DR: I started over on the school story in FM4 and have decided the school timeline will be ended in FM7. There will be a new KH Short out sometime in December. Raley is awesome. I should tell people to buy his books.'s just like roofing...


<Gold Donor>
Thanks for the heads up. I just want to go on record that I enjoyed the school parts as much as, and possibly more than in some respects, the main storylines so far. However, I defer to your judgment if you feel that the current one wasn't up to your standards. As I was reading that blog I was thinking, "Well, put it in a freaking short story then!" and lo and behold, you did just that. So I'm glad to see that we might still get most of the school stuff, it just might be in a different format. And I would think (not being a published author) that it might actually be a lot more fun and enjoyable to write some of those "questionable filler" episodes by themselves as kind of a change of pace, whereas trying to fit them precisely into the size and narrative of a larger story could be a pain in the ass. Hopefully that means you'll still want to write them some day, and it won't be a chore to you when you do.

And in case you didn't see it in the Lynch thread...Valentine "Boomworm" is a far, far more interesting and enjoyable character to me than Sabetha. I mean, not even in the same ballpark.


Golden Squire
Yeah, I'm sure you guys will read the novella, love it, and look at me like I'm insane. And yes, some of the stories might work as novellas if I ever get the urge. No promises on them though, as seen by the long-promised Welf novella I keep pushing to the side. Something about writing teenagers just makes me want to smash my face into a desk...

I did see the Lynch/Sabetha comment and I thank you for the compliment but will refrain from expanding on it lest I learn bad habits that will get me in trouble with my Fantasy brethren one day!


Golden Squire
If anyone wants to beta read/typo hunt the Griefing novella, send me a message or email like last time. It's about 20k words at the moment (4 chapters worth), so not as big of a commitment as a novel. Will probably be a couple weeks until it's ready for you guys.

As far as FM4, I've already caught up on all the pages I cut out. The Spirit of Sanderson, Writing Robot from the Future, floweth through me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've got a bit too much on my plate to proof read anything, but thanks for the update. Love your stories, and don't mind purchasing the "filler" as king henry shorts or as a compliation, or however else you may decide to one day present them. I enjoyed the duality between the present day storyline having relevance to the school days storyline, but maybe that's just because even though I'm 31, I'm an angst-ridden teenager at heart.


Golden Squire
So I finished the Welf novella as well (technically a novelette at 14k but whatever). I'm tempted to work on "Rockets" a little bit to see if this new found surge of creativity extends beyond King Henry's world. This is what happens when a person gives up video games...


<Gold Donor>
Purchased. Loved it!

Your world would be perfect for movies. Who do I have to blow to make that happen?


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Purchased. Loved it!

Your world would be perfect for movies. Who do I have to blow to make that happen?

I agree, these would make for some kick ass movies and short films.


Golden Squire
Not sure if the studios are very interested in books that have only sold a few thousand copies and that would make the MPAA throw down a NC-17 in the first few pages. Fun to dream though...what actors/actresses would you lot want to play the characters?


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Not sure if the studios are very interested in books that have only sold a few thousand copies and that would make the MPAA throw down a NC-17 in the first few pages. Fun to dream though...what actors/actresses would you lot want to play the characters?


<Gold Donor>
I'm in the middle of the free one, thanks really! Now, 2 weeks from Christmas, I have to explain to my wife why I'm binge buying books! I'm only in the middle but I can already tell it's good writing/story and I'm getting all of them. Seriously thanks, the woman will do what I tell her /duck

ANNNNNNNDDDDD: I just bought all of them.


<Gold Donor>
Just remind her that they cost half of what a paperback does, so you're actually being frugal.
Actually when I told her what the books costs, and that they were written by a fellow degenerate from this website, she said it was a 'no brainer'. Great books bro. I'm burning through the first one. King is a great character.