The King Henry Tapes (By Me!)


Golden Squire
So I'm a digitally published author. Fantasy/Sci-Fi and mixes between the two mostly. My main series is THE KING HENRY TAPES, which is an Urban Fantasy with a new take on vampires, shifters, fairies, etc. It also has a semi-complex magic system based on elemental magic and a very unique main character. I've had people describe it as Harry Potter meets Pulp Fiction, Good Will Hunting with Magic, and the Anti-Twilight.

I'm up to 2 novels, 3 shorts, and am about halfway through writing novel 3. They're available through any ereader or even smartphone. There's plans for me to finally work on a print on demand omnibus version sometimes next year, but finishing the 3rd novel comes first. I've gone from selling nothing to selling between 50 and 100 copies a month now, so it's definitely starting to build steam.

The Foul Mouth and the Fanged Lady (CURRENTLY FREE)
King Henry Price is fourteen and he loves everything he's not supposed to--stealing, cursing, and fighting to name a few. One day after his usual hour of detention he comes home to find an enigmatic woman named Ceinwyn Dale sitting in his kitchen, telling his parents lies about a special reform school. What she tells King Henry is different, she tells him he's a mancer, a Geomancer to be exact, that he's special, one in million maybe. She sure ain't a fairy giant and King Henry sure as hell ain't Harry Potter, but why not? Has to be better than the life he's already got.

King Henry Price is twenty-two, a recent graduate of the Asylum as an Artificer. With the special ability to create lasting items of the Mancy, he's spurned the Artificer's Guild and struck out on his own to found an Artificer workshop looking to do things his way. One night, a vampire baroness claiming she's named Anne Boleyn walks into his shop, telling King Henry he's going to help her, and she's not taking 'no' for an answer. King Henry is pretty sure the whole name thing is just a joke, but only pretty sure...
Amazon Kindle
Apple iTunes
Barnes and Noble Nook

Little King Henry (Short)
Ceinwyn Dale has been all over the world as the Head of Recruiting for the Institution of Elements, finding the brightest mancers along the way. But how exactly did she find out about her most troubling recruit just days before the new school year? How did she find out about King Henry Price?
The Foul Mouth and the Cat Killing Coyotes
King Henry Price, honored and learned graduate of the Institution of Elements, has settled back into his normal life, running his Artificer shop, creating new designs, selling old ones, and ignoring the occasional explosion when testing goes haywire. He's been minding his own business...only when he happens across a bunch of bullies picking on a woman, he can't resist the opportunity to smash faces, can he?

King Henry never expected the bullies would be part of the Coyote Nation, he never expected that he could be starting a war, and he surely never expected one of his lost sisters would be on the other side.

Jordan Josephine Price...found you at last.
Amazon Kindle
Apple iTunes
Barnes and Noble Nook

Conquering Hero (Short)
December evaluations are here at the Asylum and for Ultra Class '09 it's the first chance to see where they stand among their peers.

*This story takes place after events in "Cat Killing Coyotes" and will speak of events in that novel.
Friendship is Madness (Short)
Together, King Henry Price, geomancer, and Tyson Bonnie, electromancer, have created artifacts of amazing magical power. They've watched each other's back while battling the Coyote Nation with flashy lightning bolts and . . . geomancer stuff. They might even admit . . . yeah, they're kind of friends now.

But not so long ago they met for the first time . . . and it's all Ceinwyn Dale's fault.
Will try to keep you all up to date as I write and publish and whatever. I know lots of you at FOH liked them, no idea if everyone made the transfer or not.


the pupe
Mainly for anyone who hasn't read:
I've read the the two released full-length books. Both were really, really well done and completely re-readable (I'd be re-reading them now for a third time if I didn't have about 5 books in queue and no time). I thought the delivery method of the story is pretty unique and the main character is awesome!

If you'd like to support a fellow community member and enjoy some great story-telling - get them!

So very looking forward to the third book, Neb.


<Gold Donor>
I just finished the first book and am really pissed at myself for waiting so long to read it. I left you a couple of reviews on Goodreads and Amazon so I hope that helps. Also picked up all the other books from Amazon and plan to read them next.

Really, really liked the first one so I'm eager to get started on the next.


Golden Squire
Vvoid: reviews always help, also thanks for whole two timelines defense.

Merkins: that's the reason I give the first book free to as many as I can. It's worked out pretty well for me so far.

Quse: I hate to raise expectations, FM3 is going to be wild.


<Gold Donor>
Vvoid: reviews always help, also thanks for whole two timelines defense.
Sure thing. I know you can't really pop in and defend every complaint, no matter how idiotic, so I figured I'd say something, and honestly I had to hold back and ask if that person had ever actually read a book that didn't have pictures in it. I mean come on, who hasn't read a book that uses that kind of setup? Or seen a movie/show that does it? It happens all the freaking time! But apparently even morons can post book reviews. Even me!

I am genuinely annoyed with myself that I said I was going to read it months ago and only now got around to it though.


Golden Squire
Yeah, if I comment on any review, even trying to help someone out, I'm immediately "psycho author" intimidating reviewers or something. As for not reading it months ago...just look on the bright side of having a shorter wait for FM3 now.


Molten Core Raider
Said it before, will say it again: I love the setting of your books, and your style. Officially addicted.


Read the first one a couple months ago and really enjoyed it. I'll definitely be picking up the second when I have some time over Christmas.


<Gold Donor>
Just finished the second one a couple days after the first. Definitely just as entertaining and captivating. I'll be throwing up some reviews today if I get the time.

Now I'm stuck with everyone else waiting for number three
I'm dying to really meet the Boomworm!




Golden Squire
Lots of Boomworm in book 3. Lots of King Henry...some Pocket, Miranda, and Raj in the school timeline. Lots of new characters or more fleshed out characters all around. Some cameos in the shop timeline...


<Gold Donor>
I am pretty sure that Boomworm is going to be my favorite character (after King Henry of course). T-Bone was a nice addition as well though, really liked him.

So, my big question to you is, how many of these do you plan to write? It is obvious that you could fill a dozen books or more with a current story pacing his back story, if you chose to. It is just a matter of how long you want to keep it going I suppose.

Obviously I enjoy the current timelines, particularly since some of the school characters will be making appearances I'd hope, and because I sense you're going somewhere with all of this, but the school timeline is the one that makes me want the next book. That might be backward from a lot of people, but with all the hints you have dropped about various characters, I'm dying to find out how certain things happened.

And of course, Boomworm! Although hopefully she shows up in present tense as well.


Golden Squire
12 books in "The King Henry Tapes". There's going to be something after that with the same world, same characters, but 3rd person and multi POV. I can't say I have every little thing mapped out, but I have about 100 pages of outline, backstory, character notes, magic notes, all that. I could tell you the titles of the books if I really wanted...but I won't because I'm evil.

You're not alone in being interested in the school timeline over the shop timeline, I wouldn't say it's 50/50 (maybe some other posters can step up to the plate with their opinions on that one) but you're not alone. And yes, King Henry's choices and things that happen at the Asylum have lasting consequences. It's all one story, it's just told piece by piece. It's why the session numbers carry over between all the novels.

She's prominent in both timelines...the book's named after her: FM and the Troubled Boomworm. I'm curious, what about her do you think is going to make her your favorite? Just the mystery at the moment, or something more?


<Gold Donor>
She's prominent in both timelines...the book's named after her: FM and the Troubled Boomworm. I'm curious, what about her do you think is going to make her your favorite? Just the mystery at the moment, or something more?
Going to spoiler my comments just to be fair to the people that haven't read everything yet. Not giving anything away outside of the two books, but just trying to be fair.

That's easy. The mystery is obviously part of it, but that's to be expected. First, she can blow up stuff (dogs at least). Second, you've already dropped the fact that she means a lot to King Henry, both now and in the past. Like, she's the one that got away. Third, she clearly is not some simpering girly-girl even at 14, so she'll more than likely be able to give as good as she gets in the verbal exchanges with King Henry. She doesn't view him as a piece of shit like most of the other girls at that time did either. Fourth, it seems that you have hinted that she has a bit of a temper (I think it is the Hope girl that she doesn't get along with? could be misremembering), and there's nothing like a woman, with a temper, that can blow shit up! And fifth...she can blow shit up! Including King Henry, if necessary.

I'm always far more interested in actual useful women in books than say, Bella from fucking Twilight, and you've pretty much painted Valentine as exactly that (useful that is), so I'm eager to find out more about her.


Golden Squire
Absolute earliest date due to a miracle in Brandon Sanderson-style writing output = March 2013. If I just have a normal time of it = June/July 2013. If I break a finger or get pneumonia or the zombie plague strikes China = September 2013.

lower case g

Lord Nagafen Raider
I've read both of the full length books, can't recommend them enough! Fairly unique in the "urban fantasy" genre for having a male protagonist.


As an editor, I'm curious about a few things. Why did you choose self-publication? Are you doing your own blurb and summary writing? Are you self-editing as well? I can think of more, but right now I'm working on a project bridging print and e-media, and I am always curious about the choices authors make, and how the genre itself even influences the choice. Could you tell us a little more about your process and choices?


Golden Squire
Outside of some beta readers I do everything at the moment. As for why...I don't think the publishing houses have it in them to take a risk like King Henry Price at the moment. I didn't even bother sending query letters to agents or publishers over it, I went straight to KDP. It's a horrible, scary all-alone future, but it's the future.