The Legend of Korra


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Seems like the poison was probably mercury since it was a liquid metal. I do wonder how they will approach next season, especially if the impacts are permanent. Korra almost killed herself in season 1 because she couldn't bend, so Asami needs to keep the razors away from her ;p

The Master

Bronze Squire
Seems like the poison was probably mercury since it was a liquid metal. I do wonder how they will approach next season, especially if the impacts are permanent. Korra almost killed herself in season 1 because she couldn't bend, so Asami needs to keep the razors away from her ;p
That'd violate lore. Metal bending works based on the small imperfections in metal that are still actual earth. Platinum can't be metal bent because it can be pure metal with no trace elements. Mercury not only can be that way, it is inherently. Unless they dissolved earth in it somehow? It is probably better not to think about this too hard actually.


Trakanon Raider
The finale couldn't be more awesome if it had tits and was on fire.

P'Li instagibbing herself was not something I saw coming. I was waiting the whole season for the Avatar to go nuclear on somebody's ass and casually jetpacking around while flinging mountains scratched that itch very nicely, but the ending was very bittersweet. Thank god they can afford that with Season 4 coming out, if it wasn't already mostly done, that would be pretty terrible move, but I guess they need to weaken the avatar after the show of power the final fight was.

Judging by the nature of the series, I think we can assume they are ready to tackle all problems they want to without compromising too much, as long as there's no gore. There has been some deep shit they pulled out - betrayal, deaths, destruction of homes, revolution. So, yeah, when's Season 4 coming out ?


Just a Nurse
I absolutely loved this season and it only got better as it progressed. However, I am disappointed in how utterly powerful Zaheer got after only being an airbender for just a minute (right after escaping). I guess the Red Lotus are very spiritual and that goes hand-in-hand with airbending.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, he did have close to 20 years to meditate on the matter and he was pretty consistent in his mostly calm and spiritual demeanor. However, he wasn't -THAT- powerful...Tenzin was kicking his ass in the fight at the Air Temple until the other 3 jumped in. He figured out flight, but that hardly makes him ultra powerful (regardless as to how powerful that ability is). Not everyone can combustion bend, but that doesn't mean a combustion bender is more powerful than everyone else.


Just a Nurse
There's no doubt about it that Tenzin could have kicked his ass 1o1 (pre flight), but, Korra was getting her butt whooped. The only thing that I can think of is that he's very spiritual which made him all the more powerful.


Molten Core Raider
There's no doubt about it that Tenzin could have kicked his ass 1o1 (pre flight), but, Korra was getting her butt whooped. The only thing that I can think of is that he's very spiritual which made him all the more powerful.
Korra was shackled and later poisoned during their fights. As far as Zaheer being as badass airbender he was supposed to be Korra's air bending teacher, so he had been practicing the form for a long ass time before being imprisoned. So he was a badass as soon as he became a real bender, but (like Cybsled said) he wasn't anywhere near being a master.

So much shock at the end: P'Li headshotting herself, Mako finally remembering how to use lightning, Bolin being awesome and the OMG SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE AANG at the end. The final shot was awesome, too. These guys are some of the best writers on TV and they've been relegated to Nick's online only shit. I really hope that they take a hiatus for a few years and then come back with the next series on HBO or something. Most of the installed fanbase is 18+ by now (The Last Airbender will be 10 years old in a month or so).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
A person doesn't need to be an air bender to enter the spirit world so I wouldn't be surprised if Zaheer was able to go there during his imprisonment before becoming a bender. He was probably in spiritual contact with the Red Lotus during his imprisonment and all of that meditation and practice made him a naturally gifted air bender, even more so than Bumi. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the air bending resurgence wasn't totally natural and the Red Lotus had something to do with it.

As for season 4 I would expect things to come full circle and we're going to see some Iroh, Zuko (and his daughter), and Toph action. They've set it up perfectly for a Korra/Toph "Life Changing Field Trip" along with some other hints and flags throughout this season.


Molten Core Raider
Fucking badass. Loved seeing every single second of those fights. Bolin winking at Lava Guy made my panties wet. Ape-shit Korra is awesome. I'm not 100% sure why she was the way she was at the end (I mean, it's clearly more than the poison), but I was there with her on an emotional level at the point. Also, kinda saw it coming, but I <3 Tenzen's idea for the Air Nomads. It also opens up a lot of possible story options. 5/5, A+, will watch again.


Avatar of War Slayer
Fucking badass. Loved seeing every single second of those fights. Bolin winking at Lava Guy made my panties wet. Ape-shit Korra is awesome. I'm not 100% sure why she was the way she was at the end (I mean, it's clearly more than the poison), but I was there with her on an emotional level at the point. Also, kinda saw it coming, but I <3 Tenzen's idea for the Air Nomads. It also opens up a lot of possible story options. 5/5, A+, will watch again.
She's realized shes pretty much useless, except to be a pawn for pretty much everyone around her. She had to be saved by a 13yr old girl.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, throughout all the seasons Korra went through some dark shit. I still think she contemplated suicide at the end of S1. Then her uncle used her and tried to kill her. Then the whole republic city turned against her and a bunch of terrorists tried to murder her and everyone she held close. All of this within a year if I remember my lore. She couldn't handle any of this alone, so she feels very weak as the avatar and she doesn't have her past lives for advice and there's only so much she can ask of others without feeling like a dead weight. She knows that if for some reason she is unable to do her duties as the Avatar, the sane thing to do is to kill yourself instead of leaving the world without somebody looking over it. I wonder if she comes to term with that or just snaps, that will probably be a major topic for S4.

The problem with the Avatar is that she should sit firmly at the top of the power pyramis, so they need to hit her with some low blows to make the series interesting. Aang got away with it, because he wasn't full fledged Avatar until the end of the last season.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, gotta avoid the DBZ trap of increasing power levels to the point where everyone else is dead weight.

The Master

Bronze Squire
It occurs to me that somewhere there is a waterbender capable of healing that could fix her right up. I guess they aren't going to bring that up.


It also occurs to me that she shouldn't have even been capable of the Avatar state anymore. The avatar state is literally drawing upon the experience, skills and power of one's past lives. Korra has no connection to her past lives any longer. All of those skills? They should just be /hers/. I hope that's not a plot hole and it means that somehow she is regaining that connection, but who knows?


Trakanon Raider
No, she calls on Raava for the bending and the past avatars for the knowledge as far as I know. Not a plot hole, they just made the story so that she never had (time) to use it.

P'Li wins the award for the most stylish death in the series, it takes a while before you realize it


Just a Nurse
Korra was shackled and later poisoned during their fights. As far as Zaheer being as badass airbender he was supposed to be Korra's air bending teacher, so he had been practicing the form for a long ass time before being imprisoned. So he was a badass as soon as he became a real bender, but (like Cybsled said) he wasn't anywhere near being a master.
Tenzin was Korra's airbending teacher, from theverybeginning. Also, note that I said that this was pre-flight. Korra was -- I believe -- never able to defeat Zaheer in all of her battles against him.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Tenzin was Korra's airbending teacher, from theverybeginning. Also, note that I said that this was pre-flight. Korra was -- I believe -- never able to defeat Zaheer in all of her battles against him.
He meant if the Red Lotus succeeded in kidnapping her, Zaheer would have been her airbending teacher (even though he couldn't airbend). He studied the culture and the forms for, apparently, most of his life. He was as proficient as someone who can't actually airbend could be in "airbending martial arts." So of course as soon as he became a bender, he had all that training ready to go.

How he got that knowledge would probably be pretty interesting.


Just a Nurse
Yeah, I wiki'd Zaheer and he was very spiritual and knew the history of airbending nomads.


Avatar of War Slayer
Also note, Tenzin isn't very good. He was simply the only Airbender. More academic then raw ability. His own daughter is clearly a much better airbender as well.
We can also then explain it by pointing out, basically no one has any idea how to even fight an airbender anymore.