The Netflix Thread


Trakanon Raider
Can I get an Amen and a Praise Brother that Netflix needs to stop fucking around and add Predator, Aliens, and Top Gun to their fucking stream? C'mon mane
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<Gold Donor>
Watching ‘The Flying Guillotine’ and... I cant get over how some of these guys are all upset and shit that they are using the flying guillotine to murder people. It’s not like they were training with a device specifically designed to remove a persons head from a distance or anything.

Anyways, it’s a classic of Kung-fu films and is best watched intoxicated with friends.

Edit: now I am watching the sequel. 30seconds in and there is nudity, 9.5/10.
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Trakanon Raider
The new series from Matt Groening is out now. Called disenchantment. It was decent and really picked up towards the end. Season two is already purchased so hopefully it continues to get better.
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Amazon Prime Video already does this and it's fucking obnoxious. You can only watch an ad for the Tick or Grand Tour so many fucking times while you're trying to enjoy Parks & Rec before you just give up and go pirate the shit you have legal access to just to avoid it,

Do these fucking clowns not understand that the lack of advertisements is one of the bigger reasons people switched to streaming?

Watching Netflix now is like playing fucking Minesweeper with your mouse with all the autoplay shit built into the browsing experience.
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Goonsquad Officer
it's not netflix related per-se but my wife has been trying to watch hells kitchen on hulu. EVERY SINGLE video ending, sends her to a random hulu-created show. so episode 13-2 of hells kitchen, then some hulu shit queues up next. she has to go back and manually drop down the menu and select 13-3.

So i got on help chat and bitched. they gave us no billing till the 6th of next month. at which point i plan to bug them again if it keeps going.


<Silver Donator>
I'm watching "the Rain." Danish post-apocalyptic survival tale (of sorts). Slow first 2 episodes. On episode 3 now and it's picking up. I dunno what to make of it. The Stand meets Contagion? Can't decide whether I like it yet, but not willing to stop watching either.

It's a story of 2 siblings who survive an infectious termination of most of humanity for years by hiding in a bunker and then...
Clearly, there seems to be a pretty big subplot of why and how that has not begun to unravel yet. Also there is the upcoming reveal of what the survivors have become or resort to in order to stay alive.

I like that the English Dub is done with Danish accents! Very cool creative decision (I still watch mostly in English subs). Sibs and subs! :)

Anyone else finish it?

the rain.jpg


Potato del Grande
I'm watching "the Rain." Danish post-apocalyptic survival tale (of sorts). Slow first 2 episodes. On episode 3 now and it's picking up. I dunno what to make of it. The Stand meets Contagion? Can't decide whether I like it yet, but not willing to stop watching either.

It's a story of 2 siblings who survive an infectious termination of most of humanity for years by hiding in a bunker and then...
Clearly, there seems to be a pretty big subplot of why and how that has not begun to unravel yet. Also there is the upcoming reveal of what the survivors have become or resort to in order to stay alive.

I like that the English Dub is done with Danish accents! Very cool creative decision (I still watch mostly in English subs). Sibs and subs! :)

Anyone else finish it?

View attachment 174029
Holy photoshop Batman!
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Avatar of War Slayer
The rain was pretty stupid. Ok acting, etc. but its on of those stories, where the basic plot just cant sell the unbelievable science.

water is contagious!
yo.. water is fucking everywhere. you are all dead already. Just walking outside, will get you wet. Fuck puddles. Water dripping from leaves, etc. humidity, etc.. mosquitoes.

Oh, and it even does the "immune person is a carrier, not a cure" bullshit, that EVERY zombie movie/game, etc does these days.

So, TL;DR.
its not god awful, but its so mediocre I wouldn't recommend to anyone.
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Life's a Dream
I just watched a show out of the blue. Magic for Humans. I only saw the first episode, but I enjoyed it.

Worth a watch.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Guy who did Blue Ruin and Green Room has a new that looks pretty good, getting a lot of The Hunter vibes from it.

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Blackwing Lair Raider
I just watched a show out of the blue. Magic for Humans. I only saw the first episode, but I enjoyed it.

Worth a watch.

I watched the first episode, he's pretty good. The look on the little girl's face as he's popping marshmallows out of his mouth was great.


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm watching "the Rain." Danish post-apocalyptic survival tale (of sorts). Slow first 2 episodes. On episode 3 now and it's picking up. I dunno what to make of it. The Stand meets Contagion? Can't decide whether I like it yet, but not willing to stop watching either.

It's a story of 2 siblings who survive an infectious termination of most of humanity for years by hiding in a bunker and then...
Clearly, there seems to be a pretty big subplot of why and how that has not begun to unravel yet. Also there is the upcoming reveal of what the survivors have become or resort to in order to stay alive.

I like that the English Dub is done with Danish accents! Very cool creative decision (I still watch mostly in English subs). Sibs and subs! :)

Anyone else finish it?

View attachment 174029
A little late, but don't do it. It actually starts to slide downhill. All kinds of nonsensical bullshit. It's almost as bad as some anime with the sudden retarded bizzare emotional outbursts out of nowhere.


<Silver Donator>
Guy who did Blue Ruin and Green Room has a new that looks pretty good, getting a lot of The Hunter vibes from it.

Listened to the book on Audible earlier this year in my travels. Pretty good story, and the trailer looks like the film is going to be an accurate representation. Definitely gonna check it out.


<Silver Donator>
A little late, but don't do it. It actually starts to slide downhill. All kinds of nonsensical bullshit. It's almost as bad as some anime with the sudden retarded bizzare emotional outbursts out of nowhere.

OMG-- FInished it. ("The Rain") It went NOWEHERE... I hate that. No conclusion and I have no reason or motivation to watch a second season (if it happens).

Don't do it.

Interested to know if others liked "Magic for Humans."

I tried "The Santa Clarita Diet" and barely made it through episode 1-- awful acting. Stupid cliches. Big-money stars peddling serious stupidity and political correctness.

I watched the first 2 episodes of "Insatiable." Slow, but I like the concept so far. I hope they go all out disturbing rather than stay saccharine-sweet in their poking fun of social and moral taboos... Should I keep going with it?
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Buzzfeed Editor
I'm forcing myself to finish final season, and as I'm already typing this suppose it's not a netflix original, but since I'm here...... Fuck the 100. Saw a few somewhere on FOH pushing it. While some of the concepts in the 1st or 2nd season were nice..... fuck the implementation followed by extreme off the rails craziness. (Both in characters and events). Like since season 4 or 5 I've been rooting for girl power blond bimbo's death. Also noticed in later seasons there's essentially every 2nd couple is gay/lesbo including a few straight ones turning gay.... nothing wrong with that other than it feels like there's a girl power/lbgtq narrative that is distracting from the little bit of story they do have.