The New England Patriots 2014 Playoffs Thread

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
The Patriots are attempting to get out in front of this and force and abrupt conclusion to the investigation. How many press conferences have they held now? They're afraid.
BABAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. The Patriots are the bullies, just bitch slapping Goodell and the NFL, taunting them. You mine as well leave the thread now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wouldn't think it's standard procedure to take a piss break and bring the balls in the bathroom before you bring them to the field. He must of really had to go.

The thing about BB's 'scientific' explanation is that everyone is asking the question why weren't the Colt's balls deflated. The better question if BB is 100% accurate in what he's saying, why wasn't all 12 balls deflated instead of 11?

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
According to my sources:
One thing that has been reported over the last week, as we've been learning about how footballs are treated and measured before a game is that before every game, a referee measured with a pressure guage each football to see if the pressure in each one is between 12.5 and 13.5 PSI.
But that apparently isn't always the case. As a matter of fact, from what I've been told, may times the refs don't test the pressure of each ball with a guage at all. Sometimes the refs hold the ball, squeeze it, briefly inspect it, then sign off on it. Next ball. It's never been a problem before. This is apparently a well known fact in the NFL.
Now according to my sources, The Patriots turned in their footballs to the refs at a pressure that was just below the allowable PSI.
If it's a situation where the refs DID use a guage, the refs would see that the balls were underinflated, and inflate them to their proper size. But in this case, the balls were approved and given back to the Patriots under-inflated.
Thus, the underinflated balls. The Patriots according to my sources played with league approved deflated balls.
Via Toucher and Rich


Sparkletot Monger
The only person in this whole thing who will be fined for improper handling of balls is Marshawn Lynch (/rimshot)

Thank you.. thought of that one all by myself.


Trakanon Raider
I wouldn't think it's standard procedure to take a piss break and bring the balls in the bathroom before you bring them to the field. He must of really had to go.

The thing about BB's 'scientific' explanation is that everyone is asking the question why weren't the Colt's balls deflated. The better question if BB is 100% accurate in what he's saying, why wasn't all 12 balls deflated instead of 11?
The problem with this line of logic is that up until Monday he and everyone else thought bringing the balls to the field was just mundane grunt work. Not some solemn duty where chain of custody had to be maintained on video or people would watch your every move and infer sinister things on you.

Also you must have reading comprehension problems because it has been explained in a hundred articles that we don't know the starting psi of any of the balls, colts or pats. So we don't know that the deflation wasn't uniform on all the balls just from different starting points.

Ballghazi is such a fitting name for this.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The problem with this line of logic is that up until Monday he and everyone else thought bringing the balls to the field was just mundane grunt work. Not some solemn duty where chain of custody had to be maintained on video or people would watch your every move and infer sinister things on you.

Also you must have reading comprehension problems because it has been explained in a hundred articles that we don't know the starting psi of any of the balls, colts or pats. So we don't know that the deflation wasn't uniform on all the balls just from different starting points.

Ballghazi is such a fitting name for this.
Lol no shit. For the derps, let us explain science experiments. For starters, usually you have a control group and a test group. In order to properly test something, you need a control group to compare it to so you can correctly note any changes and also use that to confirm or rule out certain things causing the change. Because we have 0 fucking info as to what the deal was with the Colt balls and they are hardly a control group, so to say "derp Colts balls ok Pats balls bad TAMPERING RARRRGGG BAN THEM NFL" is fucking dumb. If this was a court of law, the prosecutors would lose.

Of course, this is America, so the court of public opinion and media rule the land. Who needs logic and facts when you can guzzle a tall glass of truthiness!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Fucking dude was carrying footballs, not the god damn Presidents football. Omg he went to the bathroom!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Via Toucher and Rich
Fucking shocking. Pretty much exactly like I said when this "broke." No one gives that much of a shit about the PSI in the footballs. The refs just say, "Yeah, looks good, it's a fucking football" and we move on and they play the game.

I hate sports media.
I hate the fact that there are so many days between the conference titles and the Super Bowl. Big game or not, there's just not enough substance to talk about for 2 weeks. Hence the retarded "storylines" they try and push and this year's entry of watching security footage of a guy walking into a bathroom.
all i have to say at this point is thank god this guy didnt have to take a dump. 90 second window? no chance. 5 minute window? ...yikes
Via Toucher and Rich
These guys have no dog in this do.

Just wait for the report to be released. I've said my peace. Believe what you'd like in the interim. There are going to be plenty of more leaks to come. The league was well aware of the importance associated with pressure testing the footballs prior to the game.


Ssraeszha Raider
all i have to say at this point is thank god this guy didnt have to take a dump. 90 second window? no chance. 5 minute window? ...yikes
He was only taking a little pressure out of each so there's no reason it should take more than a few seconds per ball. Easily doable in 90 seconds.