The new Gen has started: Where do you stand?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Have a gaming PC and a crap ton of Steam games I haven't touched. (yay winter sale to add to that...)

No desire for a Xbone.
Will wait for the Swaystation until GoW/Castlevania/GT, even though the last GoW and GT were slightly disappointing. Also waiting to see what some of the top indie games end up being.

Actually most excited to buy a WiiU whenever more Nintendo exclusives are released. I'll probably pick one up when I see a couple more of the following: New Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, Metroid, or DKC.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Neither console currently offers me anything that my PC can't already do. I'll most likely end up picking up a 3DS soon as it actually has games I want to play. I might pick up a PS4 in a year or so if it gets games I want, otherwise I'll just throw that cash towards a new vid card. I won't ever buy an Xboned until it's priced competitively and a SKU without kinnect is released.


In the process of building a (current) gaming PC as currently I only have a laptop w/ a mobile amd gpu. I am waiting for my case, which should be here mid-dec, to arrive and for hopefully a few decent deals before then on a gpu and few other parts still needed.

NCASE M1: a crowdfunded Mini-ITX case

Pic showing next to coke bottle, mmmmm sexy.

Should be picking up a PS4 near release of Destiny if not slightly sooner.
Already have a PS Vita and will not be getting any other consoles.


This is probably a question better answered when there are some games worth playing that aren't on another console already. Last time I bought a console on release day, I couldn't play games towards the end of it's life due to incompatibility. Thanks for nothing playstation 1.


a SKU without kinnect is released.
Likewise. I'd even pay $400 if they released a pared down gamer edition that excluded all the extra media crap I could not care less about. Let me get my game on and get the fuck out of my way, thanks.

Until then I'll stick with my gaming PC with my PS4 reserved for exclusives and playing stuff like The Division with friends whose PCs won't be able to handle the graphics.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Currently have a dcent PC, and neither my 360 or PS3 have seen use for gaming this year so I decided not much point in buying either.

I have been eyeing the WiiU now that the price has been dropping and a few Mario games are bundled, I'm wondering if we might see a sub-200 WiiU for Black Friday.


Last time I bought a console on release day, I couldn't play games towards the end of it's life due to incompatibility. Thanks for nothing playstation 1.
Huh? What happened there? The only scenario I can think of is that you had a mod'ed PS1 and that improved region locking down the road made the mod no longer work.


Trump's Staff
I will buy a PS4 (or XBone, I don't really care) when Final Fantasy XV is released... And only if it is good.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Huh? What happened there? The only scenario I can think of is that you had a mod'ed PS1 and that improved region locking down the road made the mod no longer work.
Yeah, I had a release day PS1 and can't recall having any compatibility issues with it. It did start to take a crap near the end of the generation and I had to flip it upside so it wouldn't overheat/freeze up.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'll likely wait until next Black Friday for the next gen stuff. My PC handles everything just fine, and I have a huge backlog of games to play on top of working 6 days a week.

Dark Souls 2 is the only thing I have a hard-on for in the coming year, and that's not being released for the next gen.

I've developed a habit of just watching sites like cheapassgamer and slickdeals for sales, so I don't mind waiting patiently.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. pc gaming all the way pretty much.

Its not out of a hatred of consoles, so much as a time issue. While there are a few console games that are interesting. it is very few. yet at the same time, my Steam backlog is huge. And on top of that never ending games like League of legends, GW2 PoE, Gnomoria, etc. i can play these games forever. as it is, I kindof jump around between them at any given time, as I don't even have time to play each of them. I'll play one for a bit, then get sidetracked.

PC games I can at least multitask more readily. granted, I did get a tablet just so I could keep an eye on emails, from the living room.


FPS noob
yeah I have to remind myself my ps4 is just there as a backup in case my PC dies, because in the past week I have turned the ps4 on for a grand total of maybe 1 hour
new zelda 3ds game is hella fun though, with headphones on a great way to chill out in bed before going to sleep

its a bummer that gaiki streaming stuff didn't come out at launch, I would be more into ps4 if I could go back and play the ps3 AAA games I never got to try like Last of Us and Red Dead Redemption and Kingdom Hearts


Molten Core Raider
I bought a Xbone and the thing really feels half-baked. No USB drive support, no ability to play media, no connection to home (Windows) PC, weird auto-save integration and game pausing that seems iffy (BF4 save games all gone), voice controls that workd 70-80% of the time, strange voice functions (like if I say Xbone On, it turns on, great. But I still have to press the "ON" button on my controller to play a game...which also turns the Xbone wait why am I doing this again"?), miles crappier graphics than my PC - and this thing is supposed to have an 8-year cycle?

I'm going to get a PS4 eventually because that's just what I do, but right now I kinda have to laugh - there's no rational reason to buy either of these if you have even a midway decent gaming PC or even a last-gen console. I got it with eyes open and expectations low so I can't say I'm really disappointed but there is very little "next gen" about it so far. I think it will grow and eventually become more interesting, but it clearly got pushed out the door before it is really ready.

Oh yeah, plus, PS - I live in Canada so the TV integration sucks. No guide via xbox. I knew that too it's just kind one more lame thing.


no ability to play media, no connection to home (Windows) PC,
Grab the xbox video app on it, create a homegroup on your windows box (only tested with 8.1 myself), run the video app on xbone then either load up a playlist of what you want to watch into WMP on your widows box and "play to" xbox video or just right click on the files in windows explorer and "play to" from the menu that pops up


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That sounds nice if it's as painless as implied - had so many problems with DLNA recently throwing them from my PC to PS3 to stream videos. Still having fits getting Day of the Doctor to stream currently...


It took me a little bit to get it figured out, and if you don't have the video app running on the xbone then windows won't give you the option to play to it (so you can't use the play to to start it up) but outside of having to queue up everyone you want to watch in one big playlist if you don't want to have to go back and forth to your pc it's not bad.

I'd still prefer to be able to stream from my NAS but this works and would be something I would be happy with if my TV wasn't able to stream from the NAS itself


I am planning on purchasing a ps4 or xbox in the next few months and I was wondering how to connect it to my monitor.

I use a 27" 1440 computer monitor and I was thinking I would be able to use an hdmi to dvi adapter and be fine, right? Not sure if there would be any issues with the 1440 part. Also, instead of having to connect / disconnect the dvi cord every time I want to use my computer would I be able to use a switch / splitter? Never have had to do this before.