The Outer Worlds


Tranny Chaser
But they arent an independent developer anymore. They got acquired by Microsoft (which is likely what precipitated the sudden 'just ship it' nature of the game)


Silver Baron of the Realm
Having played this over the past few days I feel like everyone I interact with is either a fantasy version of a female Obsidian employee (usually in a position of authority), a weak_beta_01, or evil corp man. It didn't bother me at first when I met the officer who's ticketing the ship or ADA or the Sheriff but it never stops, it only gets worse. For instance, I've just gotten to Monarch and met butch boss smuggler lady, crazy rebel guy and his obvious successor and the eunuch in charge of MSI and felt my interest in the game die a little bit more.

I was happy playing in area 1 of the first world and I enjoyed how I resolved the conflict between the two towns. But then I go off world and what do I see but a cramped "station" that couldn't deal with 6 guys causing trouble in a room that only connects to engineering and a chief engineer who immediately turns my sidekick into some confused, autistic, asexual lesbian.

Apart from all of that nonsense the thrill of exploration is killed once you realize that every location you visit will just be some variation of the first level, a samey building interior or some barren rock like that mining outpost. Even if you take the trouble to explore the larger areas all that you will find is some obligatory reward box dumped alongside the zone wall or a "cave" that's barely larger than a garage. The "unique" loots are meh, there aren't any memorable random encounters and the terminal lore quickly encourages you to stop reading.

Edit: The bones of the game are serviceable but the longer I play it the more I appreciate other games that I've played in the past. Although going on a rampage in Byzantium was pretty funny; I blasted Ellie's parents which caused her to leave and when I queried Parvati for her opinion she immediately started blabbering on about her lover, lol.
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Trakanon Raider
Yes starting to feel like a watered down Fallout. I'm playing on the hardcore difficulty and the hardest part about it is my suicidal companions...even set on ranged they tend to get themselves insta-gibbed by most enemies. Thank god for the perk where the inhaler revives them so I don't have to quickload quite so often. There's still some occasionally funny mechanics and situations, and the corporate stuff can still be funny, but starting to get pretty repetitive.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Just finished the game. Coming from the perspective of a completionist (I think I did all the quests in the game except a couple "tasks" that were long and had practically useless rewards), I think this game's length was just right. I was ready for it to be over by the time I got to the point of no return. Though I'm not 100% sure what the required path is, you can miss at least 50% of the content (likely 75%) by only doing the main quests. I think my playthrough was somewhere around 30ish hours.

I think the game is most comparable to Deus Ex in terms of world and level design. There are almost always multiple approaches to a problem - lethal vs. nonlethal, kick the door in vs. crawl through the ductwork, dialogue your way in vs. hacking or lockpicking, etc.

The best parts of the game are the character progression/leveling/skills, dialogue options, "dungeon" level design, and consistency of the other characters reacting to your choices and the state of the world as effected by you. I lost count of the number of times I found something before I was "supposed" to, reached the point where I needed it, and was able to say something like, "Oh, you mean THIS thing?" and the NPC reacted in a believable way.

My biggest critiques are the loot and AI. Equipment upgrades are rote and by the numbers and frankly boring, and NPCs couldn't care less if they're being burgled so long as they don't see you doing it.

Overall, I'd give it an 8/10. The writing and follow-through/continuity of plot lines is phenomenal - definitely in the top tier of video games. It's solidly enjoyable if you like RPGs, dialogue, and world building, but forgettable if you're not interested in talking to NPCs, reading logs, and diving into relatively shallow lore.
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Phelps McManus

<Silver Donator>
I was disappointed with this game and glad to finally be done with it. The companion storylines were shallow. Their perks were carbon copies of mundane improvements, and the main character's were not much better. The loot and mod systems were equally uninspired. I give it a generous 6/10 - totally forgettable.

The sneaking/hologram system has potential. I like the setting and dialog, so hopefully they get a bigger budget and can do the next iteration justice.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm

Anyone know if the expansion pass is cross-buy? It's not Play Anywhere and doesn't have cross-save support, so I'm guessing that's a no.

From how poorly the first DLC was received, I think I might just buy this one and not the whole expansion pass anyway.
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<Gold Donor>
I forgot this game existed until I saw a couple big name streamers playing it, thought about playing it again because I don't remember anything specific about the game. What I do remember is that the game was mediocre, like most of entertainment these days.
  • competently crafted and little else
  • uninspired everything
  • Nothing stands out either good or bad
  • forgettable story and characters
  • Entire game felt too small and too easily explored with very little interesting to find
  • Soulless
The only thing I do remember is stealthing through some area not because I was a stealth character but because I just wanted to get the game over with as I no longer cared about either story or gameplay. Good gameplay will keep me playing as i generally don't give a shit about video game stories because they are insipid, redundant, shallow, and generally speaking completely predictable and when they do pull something out of left field it's usually just stupid instead of interesting. That's just me though.

Not a bad game, probably a good one, but absolutely a game with nothing special going for it.
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FPS noob
yeah this and borderlands 3 i tried playing on PC and just abandoned both at some point out of boredom, which is pretty unusual for me. i might try playing again on xbox since it has a next gen patch with 60 fps and higher textures and its on game pass
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<Gold Donor>
lol thank god I did not purchase the first one then. I was close too since there isnt shit to play lately.


Trakanon Raider
It's worth playing IMO, especially since there is no OW2 release date, it's probably a couple of years off.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Interested to see how the sequel sells, cause I see a lot of folks that weren't very enamored with it. I certainly wasn't, and very much agree with a comment I saw somewhere, that described it was 'aggressively mediocre.'
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Trakanon Raider
On one hand, there just aren't many Scrolls/Fallout-likes that aren't from Bethesda.

On the other hand, there just wasn't any spark to anything in the first game. Admittedly, the budget wasn't massive, but I have a hard time remembering anything about the game, and I played both DLCs when the second set came out just three months ago.

Honestly, the game it reminded me most of was KoToR II. I just had this nagging feeling that with more time and money, it could have been turned into something fantastic. Instead, I just felt mildly disappointed. Maybe they'll give the sequel the extra time in the oven it needs.
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<Gold Donor>
Well maybe the 2nd one will be more like they had hoped 1st one to be.

They do have the skills, I mean Fallot NV was one of the best, some people argue THE best fallout ( but they probabaly had the budget to make it so). They also made the good pillars of eternity games which both were good. NVN?

Avowed is their next First person RPG, dont have too much on it yet but it looks good form the teaser.


Avatar of War Slayer
Well maybe the 2nd one will be more like they had hoped 1st one to be.

They had the skills, I mean Fallot NV was one of the best, some people argue THE best fallout ( but they probabaly had the budget to make it so). They also made the good pillars of eternity games which both were good. NVN?

Avowed is their next First person RPG, dont have too much on it yet but it looks good form the teaser.

Some important people that worked on New Vegas are no longer there. They've probably been infiltrated by too many blue-hairs at this point.
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FPS noob
yeah I really wanted to like the first game but just sorta quit after the second planet I think, i dunno why but i just found every npc annoying and everything felt tedious. Borderlands 3 was way, way, way worse for me and I couldn't finish that one either. I almost never just quit a game once I'm past 4-5 hours. I do intend to return to Outer Worlds and finish at some point.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
yeah I really wanted to like the first game but just sorta quit after the second planet I think, i dunno why but i just found every npc annoying and everything felt tedious. Borderlands 3 was way, way, way worse for me and I couldn't finish that one either. I almost never just quit a game once I'm past 4-5 hours. I do intend to return to Outer Worlds and finish at some point.
That's a good way to describe it. Tedious. I really didn't enjoy it. Can't remember how far I got into it either, because it was all so unmemorable.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Just picked this up on deep sale. Yeah it's pretty meh. In theory Fallout + Borderlands should work, the art is excellent, but ... meh?

I changed my first run to do just doing some main quests in each area then killing the entire place.

I've never found a game so boring I went full murder hobo mode on the first playthrough. 😑