The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Millie's Staff Member
Which is the real mystery type of shit that "I" want to learn about. Unlikely that we ever will, but its ultimately more interesting than "Did we really land on the moon?!" when you can literally look through a high powered telescope and see the shit.

Heres something that Ive put zero research into and wouldnt at all be surprised if it was true:
There is a lot of weird shit surrounding that event, I would also recommend you look into Flight 800 that mysteriously exploded on its takeoff and eyewitnesses, many of them claimed to see a missile strike the plane from the ocean. I don't know how much of that is truth or conspiracy. It's worrisome though.
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Potato del Grande
Gonna disagree on this part. The COVID mRNA shots (not gonna call them vaccines, because a part of us dies when we acquiesce to a lie) did not meet the definition of vaccine, weren't very helpful, and harmed a lot of people (increased heart attacks, various other side effects).

The number of harmed people does seem to have turned out to be very low compared to what I expected (I think it's like sub 1%) but there are still "vaccine-injured" people out there that nobody is really standing up for.

So I don't think it turned out to be nothing, but I also think if people wanted to get it they were free to get it. If they'd lose their place in their profession unless they got it, then they had to. That's the part I have a massive beef with. Not people choosing to get it, but people being forced to get it at essentially gunpoint.
Yeah, I covered all of that in a previous post.

I said that I used to work with people with HIV twenty years ago and RNA Inhibitors are used to suppress HIV. That works amazingly but in rare cases a person can have a heart attack.

So, that fits the heart attack reports around the "vaccine" and I believed them because I don't think the general population knows about the heart attack side effect.

Anyway, HIV patients get these meds for their whole life and the deal is, they wear off. So, once the media said we need "boosters" I realized that it's pretty much the same thing and the drug is not going to last in your system.

Also, a guy in Canada sued the government for fining him for breaking some covid rule. His suit challenged the government to produce a sample of "covid" to prove it's real.

They could not produce a sample and he won.

So, covid was never a real defined virus. Coronaviruses are countless so you can't pin one down. Thus, the RNA drugs were used as a "virus blocker" because you can't make a real vaccine unless you have the actual disease you can grow.

Anyway, due to the transient nature of RNA Drugs, I knew it wouldn't last in my system but still felt extremely violated that I had to get it.


Potato del Grande
Which is the real mystery type of shit that "I" want to learn about. Unlikely that we ever will, but its ultimately more interesting than "Did we really land on the moon?!" when you can literally look through a high powered telescope and see the shit.

Heres something that Ive put zero research into and wouldnt at all be surprised if it was true:
You can't look through a high powered telescope and see the moon landing because no one owns such a device.

So, we are told we can see it.
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Potato del Grande
the commies were tracking the Apollo missions to see if they actually did reach the moon and it was confirmed. i dont think the Russkies would have kept that secret if it was staged. yeah a lot of people want to believe there is something "out there" , but we still need to resolve our own species and history. its not as clearcut as everyone is being led to believe, too many anomalies that suggest the human race was more advanced and at a much earlier time.
This is commonly said, however, they were tracking a "bleep" not a high def shot of the spacecraft.

When I was a kid the local news said NORAD was tracking Santa at super high speed and I believed it.
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Vyemm Raider
That Joe Rogan episode had some good points, but you can literally see the shit for yourself with the right equipment.
No you can't bro lol. No offense but the moon landings are so fucking laughably fake that at this point if you still believe it you have moon rocks in your head. Every single supposed moon rock that was given to other countries turned out to be petrified wood lol. We couldn't even go to the moon today if we wanted to so the idea it happened back then is fucking insanity. There is just so much evidence against the moon landings that it's actually embarrassing to still believe it at this point.

The only people who still believe it are those that either a) can't be bothered to look into it or b) refuse to accept reality or c) aren't smart enough to understand the evidence. I've never met a single person irl that believed the moon landings that could even tell me a simple thing like who Gus Grissom was. Tests were done in actual vacuum chambers with the same space suits the astronauts supposedly wore and people nearly died. There are just mountains and mountains of evidence against it.

"you literally see people recording themselves as they jump from extreme heights and you can see the curvature of the world at that height"

Huh? The highest jump ever recorded by red bull showed a completely flat horizon so not really sure what you're talking about. I think a lot of people just don't understand fisheye lenses and how they work.
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Vyemm Raider
the commies were tracking the Apollo missions to see if they actually did reach the moon and it was confirmed. i dont think the Russkies would have kept that secret if it was staged. yeah a lot of people want to believe there is something "out there" , but we still need to resolve our own species and history. its not as clearcut as everyone is being led to believe, too many anomalies that suggest the human race was more advanced and at a much earlier time.
There are several reason why the commies confirming anything means jack fucking shit.

First of all, if Russia were to say it didn't happen would we fucking believe them? No dumbass, they'd be treated just the same as the "conspiracy theorists". Like Americans would take Russias word for it? Are you really this fucking retarded? Lol. People would be in denial just like they are now and would just say they're wrong or jealous or lying.

Second of all, have you ever thought about the fact that maybe they go along with the lie due to blackmail? Perhaps there are secrets of theirs that we know that they don't want to be revealed and therefor its just mutual blackmail.

Third and IMO is what is the real reason they keep the lie is because at the highest levels, Russians and Americans are allies and everything is just a ploy to keep us separated. It's a big fucking club and we ain't in it. The elite of this world work together against the poor so that they can maintain their status.

It's just crazy to me how fucking one dimensional so many people's thought processes are.
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Vyemm Raider
when you can literally look through a high powered telescope and see the shit.
I will literally bet you any amount of money that you can't. I mean shit, even the website that ChuckNPC posted says that you can't and that it can only be viewed by a probe of NASA's(wow how convenient). The problem you're having in this case is that whatever dumbass told you this, you incorrectly assumed they did their research. I think that's why so many people today believe in just blatantly false nonsense because everyone assumes people did their research. Just like this whole retarded ass covid and vaccine bullshit "durrr Dr Fauci said it and he's a responsible professional with credentials, surely he did his research and isn't just full of shit!".
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
No you can't bro lol. No offense but the moon landings are so fucking laughably fake that at this point if you still believe it you have moon rocks in your head. Every single supposed moon rock that was given to other countries turned out to be petrified wood lol. We couldn't even go to the moon today if we wanted to so the idea it happened back then is fucking insanity. There is just so much evidence against the moon landings that it's actually embarrassing to still believe it at this point.

The only people who still believe it are those that either a) can't be bothered to look into it or b) refuse to accept reality or c) aren't smart enough to understand the evidence. I've never met a single person irl that believed the moon landings that could even tell me a simple thing like who Gus Grissom was. Tests were done in actual vacuum chambers with the same space suits the astronauts supposedly wore and people nearly died. There are just mountains and mountains of evidence against it.

"you literally see people recording themselves as they jump from extreme heights and you can see the curvature of the world at that height"

Huh? The highest jump ever recorded by red bull showed a completely flat horizon so not really sure what you're talking about. I think a lot of people just don't understand fisheye lenses and how they work.
We'll agree to disagree. Ive never seen the flag that everyone talks about, but apparently Id need to go to the hubble telescope to get that kind of magnification. Whereas I could see the landing site last time I looked through a consumer telescope.

Also, this is one of the recent records. You can clearly see the curvature ~20 seconds in. This is not a lens effect (Wide Angle Camera, etc.) or some other Jargon. This is roughly 25,000 feet in the air.

This isnt a challenge to your assumptions or beliefs. Believe what you want - you pointed out your thoughts and Im pointing out mine. Again, this is not an argument as I dont care past the obvious bits.
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Vyemm Raider
We'll agree to disagree. Ive never seen the flag that everyone talks about, but apparently Id need to go to the hubble telescope to get that kind of magnification. Whereas I could see the landing site last time I looked through a consumer telescope.
There is nothing to disagree with because you're just simply wrong in this case. You could see what is claimed to be the landing site, that's about it. As for being able to see any type of actual physical evidence then no, that is not possible. So it's really just a matter of whether you prefer fiction or reality.

Also, this is the newest record. You can clearly see the curvature ~20 seconds in. This is not a lens effect or some other jargon.

Bro that is a fisheye lens and you can literally see it several times throughout the video. Notice how when the shot is more centered the curve flattens out and the further away it gets the more pronounced the curve becomes. I mean if you wish to remain wilfully ignorant then that's your call.

1:18 into the video and it really couldn't be made any more obvious.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
There is nothing to disagree with because you're just simply wrong in this case. You could see what is claimed to be the landing site, that's about it. As for being able to see any type of actual physical evidence then no, that is not possible. So it's really just a matter of whether you prefer fiction or reality.

Bro that is a fisheye lens and you can literally see it several times throughout the video. Notice how when the shot is more centered the curve flattens out and the further away it gets the more pronounced the curve becomes. I mean if you wish to remain wilfully ignorant then that's your call.

1:18 into the video and it really couldn't be made any more obvious.
Hey Lumi. You're right. Im wrong. Congratulations.
This isnt a challenge to your assumptions or beliefs. Believe what you want - you pointed out your thoughts and Im pointing out mine. Again, this is not an argument as I dont care past the obvious bits.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Anyway, HIV patients get these meds for their whole life and the deal is, they wear off. So, once the media said we need "boosters" I realized that it's pretty much the same thing and the drug is not going to last in your system.
You’re a fucking joke dude. One thread I see you are acting like an authority on vaccines because your in the “medical field” and the next thread you say you’ve been a therapist for decades. Fuck off.
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Potato del Grande
View attachment 471873You’re a fucking joke dude. One thread I see you are acting like an authority on vaccines because your in the “medical field” and the next thread you say you’ve been a therapist for decades. Fuck off.
What I've said literally is scientific because it's how RNA virus blockers work.

A vaccine pretty much lasts forever while RNA drugs need constant doses because they do not last in your system.