The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Vyemm Raider
Some of the claims from the radar data are that the objects can go from hypersonic speed into a right angle turn, drop tens of thousands of feet in altitude and stop mere feet off the deck within a very short timeframe. Either we mastered newton or it's gotta be drone tech with some spicy propulsion.
If it's drones, then we've apparently mastered Star Trek anti-gravity, inertial dampening type technology. Even the stuff inside of drones would be practically disintegrated making the maneuvers that these pilots have been describing for a long time.


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Nothin but love for ya MFF, but for the love of all that is holy dont structure your post like Q

lol not a troll post, promise


Millie's Staff Member
If it's drones, then we've apparently mastered Star Trek anti-gravity, inertial dampening type technology. Even the stuff inside of drones would be practically disintegrated making the maneuvers that these pilots have been describing for a long time.
a lot of those sudden streaks of speed can be chalked up to camera shake on an object zoomed in to the extreme. even a minor minor movement of the camera can result in the illusion of right angle speed. i have never seen an unmanipulated image of an unzoomed object do that on a stationary camera.
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Vyemm Raider
a lot of those sudden streaks of speed can be chalked up to camera shake on an object zoomed in to the extreme. even a minor minor movement of the camera can result in the illusion of right angle speed. i have never seen an unmanipulated image of an unzoomed object do that on a stationary camera.
I'm sure a lot of them can, but I'm talking about what pilots themselves have witnessed and spoken about. Descriptions of stationary objects accelerating to 10,000mph or more in the blink of an eye or doing right angle turns at high speeds.


<Gold Donor>
I've commented on this stuff before, but to reiterate one does the untrained eye even calculate a velocity of 10,000 mph? That's an actual description given by some of these pilots, not just some made up number by skeptics like me to make it sound ludicrous. Do you know how fast the "fastest" rifle round travels? Around 2700 mph. So I am to believe that something went from 0 to 4 times a rifle bullet almost instantaneously. Without exploding into smithereens. And then some human eye was able to follow it. And calculate its velocity.

Sure, this is just one claim, and who knows what is real or not, but my point still stands. Eyewitness reports are incredibly unreliable. People exaggerate, see things that aren't really there, and sometimes even make shit up for no good reason.

It's all in the Details guys. Post coming.
My balls can only get so blue.
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Vyemm Raider
Pilots have untrained eyes? I'm curious to who you think has more expertise of what's flying around in the sky with them. 10,000 MPH was just a catchall number, but it's not just what they see with their eyes, these incredibly high speed accelerations have also been backed up by radar reports.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
I've commented on this stuff before, but to reiterate one does the untrained eye even calculate a velocity of 10,000 mph? That's an actual description given by some of these pilots, not just some made up number by skeptics like me to make it sound ludicrous. Do you know how fast the "fastest" rifle round travels? Around 2700 mph. So I am to believe that something went from 0 to 4 times a rifle bullet almost instantaneously. Without exploding into smithereens. And then some human eye was able to follow it. And calculate its velocity.

Sure, this is just one claim, and who knows what is real or not, but my point still stands. Eyewitness reports are incredibly unreliable. People exaggerate, see things that aren't really there, and sometimes even make shit up for no good reason.

My balls can only get so blue.

The flight speeds, all that shit is all on thier instruments, and backed up by the super radar or whatever ships accompanying the carrier strike groups. It's not just some hair brained pilots seeing things.
And it's not just a few pilots seeing then either. It's all of them. Especially the east coast group. Literally a constant visual presence for them. The damned things even followed the strike group to the gulf when Afghanistan got hot.

Theres a lot of details these articles etc are leaving out that are only found in that documentary series I have posted from my Google drive. I'm ALMOST tempted to do some video work and break the segments up for direct referencing, but ain't nobody got time for that.

In a while I'll time stamp each item of note for you kids to reference as I take a mega dump when I wake up in 8h or whatever.

Keep them blue balls swole.


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Pilots have untrained eyes? I'm curious to who you think has more expertise of what's flying around in the sky with them. 10,000 MPH was just a catchall number, but it's not just what they see with their eyes, these incredibly high speed accelerations have also been backed up by radar reports.
Beat me to it! ;)


<Gold Donor>
The flight speeds, all that shit is all on thier instruments, and backed up by the super radar or whatever ships accompanying the carrier strike groups. It's not just some hair brained pilots seeing things.
And it's not just a few pilots seeing then either. It's all of them. Especially the east coast group. Literally a constant visual presence for them. The damned things even followed the strike group to the gulf when Afghanistan got hot.

Theres a lot of details these articles etc are leaving out that are only found in that documentary series I have posted from my Google drive. I'm ALMOST tempted to do some video work and break the segments up for direct referencing, but ain't nobody got time for that.

In a while I'll time stamp each item of note for you kids to reference as I take a mega dump when I wake up in 8h or whatever.

Keep them blue balls swole.
I watched your "documentary" series, remember. Or at least the one episode that you told me to watch because it was the "best" one to start with. I complained about the entire thing in a giant post, remember? Not a single thing in that "documentary" made me any more confident in believing anything anyone said.

So let me get this straight while I'm here. It wasn't really 10,000 mph, it was just some number to say, "really fast"? So was the reality closer to 1,000? 5,000? 50,000? But wait, they were backed up by radar and instruments supposedly, so 10,000 must be fairly accurate then. So I ask again, how did the human eye even see it? And if it came as close as some of these reports claim, how did the pilots avoid being tossed about like turds in a jacuzzi after the air turbulence caught up with them? Or am I now supposed to also believe that these UAPs have not only defied physics in terms of inertia, they also figured out a way not to displace air as they travel through it? Not to mention being made out of, apparently, entirely frictionless materials.

As I've said many times before, I don't doubt there are "unknown aerial phenomena" being seen all the time by military pilots. What I doubt is that they are some advanced tech (whether human or alien) that so vastly surpasses all known technologies as to be essentially alien tech. And that, if that tech is human, it has not somehow leaked even a small part of that tech into other industries. And if it is alien, that they (or us, having captured it), just decided to go out and joyride with it in plain view of witnesses. Since you say it happens ALL the time, to ALL pilots. You mean to tell me that we (or aliens) are so dumb that we just fly that shit in broad daylight where carrier groups or land-based squadrons are flying patrols or training missions?? The black ops people clearly would know of all nearby military and civilian air activity, so why fly your super sekrut tech right fucking past them?? Until someone can give me good answers for that shit, I'm going to stick with the explanation that these witnesses are mistaken or exaggerating what they actually saw. Yeah yeah, but Void, the instruments back them up! Do they? Show me. Until then, they don't.
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Potato del Grande
So what’s a logical explanation of this stuff? And what exactly are they doing that goes against physics? I have watch the videos, and seeing as I am not a physicist, I have no idea what laws are being broken.

I’m assuming it’s crazy g-forces and such. If that is the case, what could a drone do without a squishable body inside?

My understanding is it has to do with the crazy speeds, lack of wings, no visible exhaust or recorded heat, noise, or other indication that the craft is using concepts we know of to move through space at ridciulous speeds while making of in flight adjustments in direction.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
I watched your "documentary" series, remember. Or at least the one episode that you told me to watch because it was the "best" one to start with. I complained about the entire thing in a giant post, remember? Not a single thing in that "documentary" made me any more confident in believing anything anyone said.

So let me get this straight while I'm here. It wasn't really 10,000 mph, it was just some number to say, "really fast"? So was the reality closer to 1,000? 5,000? 50,000? But wait, they were backed up by radar and instruments supposedly, so 10,000 must be fairly accurate then. So I ask again, how did the human eye even see it? And if it came as close as some of these reports claim, how did the pilots avoid being tossed about like turds in a jacuzzi after the air turbulence caught up with them? Or am I now supposed to also believe that these UAPs have not only defied physics in terms of inertia, they also figured out a way not to displace air as they travel through it? Not to mention being made out of, apparently, entirely frictionless materials.

As I've said many times before, I don't doubt there are "unknown aerial phenomena" being seen all the time by military pilots. What I doubt is that they are some advanced tech (whether human or alien) that so vastly surpasses all known technologies as to be essentially alien tech. And that, if that tech is human, it has not somehow leaked even a small part of that tech into other industries. And if it is alien, that they (or us, having captured it), just decided to go out and joyride with it in plain view of witnesses. Since you say it happens ALL the time, to ALL pilots. You mean to tell me that we (or aliens) are so dumb that we just fly that shit in broad daylight where carrier groups or land-based squadrons are flying patrols or training missions?? The black ops people clearly would know of all nearby military and civilian air activity, so why fly your super sekrut tech right fucking past them?? Until someone can give me good answers for that shit, I'm going to stick with the explanation that these witnesses are mistaken or exaggerating what they actually saw. Yeah yeah, but Void, the instruments back them up! Do they? Show me. Until then, they don't.
Nothing made by man can do what these are doing. And if it actually is us, the world has had this technology for a long ass time. Hiding technology so far past what we know. Technologies that can literally change our world for the better (the applications are astounding).

Yeah, you really should just sit the fuck down and watch the whole series and dig into the documents found all over the web. Trying to have a conversation with you when your uninformed is like pulling teeth.
Fuckin old people.
I bet you smell like mothballs. And your mother was a hamster.


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Quick post.
The carrier strike group off the east coast, who had constant presence by a certain type of UAP (literally described by the pilots that came forward as a circle with a square inside x 1000...or was it a square with a circle inside..forget) which buzzed between 2 of the squadrons planes, which caused the pilots to petition the Gov to come out about the existence of these things and to change the rules as far as data collection etc(no more hiding it or burying anything, you can actually FOIA this data unless its national security).

Anyways, long story short, the Gov changed the rules during to UAPs nearly causing loss of life.

East coast group also encountered a "mothership". That video of the ship rotating into the wind, where the pilot said theres a whole fleet of them. That's the little ships fleet.

I gotta sleep, chow.
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<Gold Donor>
Nothing made by man can do what these are doing. And if it actually is us, the world has had this technology for a long ass time. Hiding technology so far past what we know. Technologies that can literally change our world for the better (the applications are astounding).

Yeah, you really should just sit the fuck down and watch the whole series and dig into the documents found all over the web. Trying to have a conversation with you when your uninformed is like pulling teeth.
Fuckin old people.
I bet you smell like mothballs. And your mother was a hamster.
So are you saying it is aliens? Because you've told me many, many times that you don't believe in aliens (except when it comes to crop circles).

You assume I've never done a "deep dive" like you have. That I haven't watched countless documentaries/interviews. That I haven't tried to view this through a lens where maybe it all makes sense. I have, many times. I've had these conversations in real life, with people even more invested in it than you. I'm sure I haven't seen as much as you have, but I've seen a lot, and the difference between us (as I've said many times) is that when something is unknown or unclear, you believe the incredible. Conversely, I believe the mundane. I believe people are unreliable witnesses. I believe people want to apply the known to the unknown. That sounds counter-intuitive, because to them the known is "aliens", which doesn't make any sense. But to them it does. If they see something they don't recognize, it is easier for some of them to pass it off as aliens than to actually try to figure out what it really is. And just because some of those people end up being military pilots doesn't make them any less "dumb" for lack of a better term.

The difference is, I'm just over it all until someone actually gives me some proof. None of these videos or eyewitness accounts show me anything I haven't seen a hundred times before. Quantity doesn't make up for quality in my eyes. It just means more and more people are hearing about this shit via the internet, so any time they see something they can't immediately identify, they assume it is aliens and stop looking for a real explanation. The one millionth blurry video doesn't show anything more than the first one did. Show me something new, and verifiable, and then we'll talk.
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<Gold Donor>
East coast group also encountered a "mothership". That video of the ship rotating into the wind, where the pilot said theres a whole fleet of them. That's the little ships fleet.
When you wake up, feel free to link that one for me please. Because the only ones that come up for me look like total bullshit, so I must not be looking at the right one.
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Millie's Staff Member
My understanding is it has to do with the crazy speeds, lack of wings, no visible exhaust or recorded heat, noise, or other indication that the craft is using concepts we know of to move through space at ridciulous speeds while making of in flight adjustments in direction.
yes, but you arent seeing a fair image. its blurry, out of focus, not stationary and of poor resolution because its a poor camera filming the results. basically its potato evidence. let me ask you to do something. point your best camera at an object in low light, zoom in as much as possible and start recording for 20 seconds, try to keep it as steady as possible and then tell me how clear the object was in that regard. then factor in an object miles away in the same low light with even poorer quality film or video quality.
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