The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
i mean it could be the Minoans its referring to, but that only happened a thousand years earlier and in Plato said, this happened 9000 years prior and so that makes this 11000+ years ago. of course that could just be a fanciful way of saying a long time ago in a galaxy continent far far away. but i'll be damned if that isnt exactly the same time period when most of the megafaunae on Earth died suddenly and there are nanodiamonds all over the world indicating some massive cosmic explosion. at some point coincidences stop being coincidences. but we still gotta play that game.

That part is easy to bullshit though. How in the holy fuck could whoever Plato heard the tale from have had an accurate timeline? Our timeline for a thousand years ago. Even with modern language and extensive record keeping. Is still found to be very inaccurate time and time again.

But some dudes before written language? Must have had it right.

Thousand years ago is a long ass fucking time. Even in the modern reckoning when London, Rome and the various major Western cities all still existed.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Yeah, I think it's probably a few things rolled into one story. Legends tend to be. They distill down separate events into a singular one.

I don't think plato was just writing fiction and seeing if he could get people to believe it. I also think there's something, or somethings, to the story.

It must have been a legend that was old even in plato's time, but known and occassionaly told among the educated. Because he does give some very specific details -- probably that's what all the versions of it agreed on. But he doesn't really tell the whole story in writing, altough I assume he probably did in oratory. He wasn't writing history, unfortunately. He was compiling thoughts and notes for the educated to supplement their lives, not ours.
Fuck that would be awesome if Plato was an ancient Greek shitposter.
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Musty Nester
There are some old confucian texts about religion that are monks just fucking with each other in true shitpost style.
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Millie's Staff Member
That part is easy to bullshit though. How in the holy fuck could whoever Plato heard the tale from have had an accurate timeline? Our timeline for a thousand years ago. Even with modern language and extensive record keeping. Is still found to be very inaccurate time and time again.

But some dudes before written language? Must have had it right.

Thousand years ago is a long ass fucking time. Even in the modern reckoning when London, Rome and the various major Western cities all still existed.
scholars, shaman, holy men and the like have been accurately charting the stars for a lot longer than that. they had symbols to represent certain things. they had ancient libraries which are lost to time now. there are quite a few ways for scholars in Plato's time to remember ancient dates. now as far back as 9000 years? eh that might be pushing it, but thats a key date and a hell of a coincidence. much like all these ancient cultures have "great flood" myths in their stories. lets get back to Bigfoot for a second, Bigfoot was a legend in many cultures around the world under many different names. its likely if there was ever such a creature then it was at least 11000 years and it was the neanderthals or another human species that went extinct. how can those cultures still have memory of such an ancient creature , or global floods but not a massive civilization that was destroyed? its why i try to keep an open mind abut some of this shit. i cant tell you what stories were worthy of being handed down and what werent.
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Millie's Staff Member
this guy is usually full of silly, but sometimes he has interesting topics. this is entertainment.
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Potato del Grande
Atlantis being a city destroyed by the Thera Eruption makes sense, especially with Crete having the Minoan civilisation which I think even had a colony on the volcano?

The whole "beyond the Pillars of Heracles" thing (Gibraltar), is probably just shorthand for "really far away" and shouldn't be taken that seriously.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Serious scrubbing and burying going on over this with reports of NASA, Space Force and other agencies pouncing on it immediately. And all "authorities" have thier explanations already. Typical.

Description in english. Pretty good with the multiple witnesses captures from several angles.


He points out on google where this occured. Start at 1:38 for the actual vids.

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Millie's Staff Member
Serious scrubbing and burying going on over this with reports of NASA, Space Force and other agencies pouncing on it immediately. And all "authorities" have thier explanations already. Typical.

Description in english. Pretty good with the multiple witnesses captures from several angles.

View attachment 274280
He points out on google where this occured. Start at 1:38 for the actual vids.

does UFO in Brasil mean Unidentified Flashing Object? cuz that car headlight wasnt even moving, let alone flying. then the other one was a supposed "crashed UFO" because some brasil helicopter shot it down? ET came thousands of lightyears through space just to get knocked down by pablo with a Glock9? i may take these seriously one day when they are filmed in the day and not under such ludicrous scenarios
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
does UFO in Brasil mean Unidentified Flashing Object? cuz that car headlight wasnt even moving, let alone flying. then the other one was a supposed "crashed UFO" because some brasil helicopter shot it down? ET came thousands of lightyears through space just to get knocked down by pablo with a Glock9? i may take these seriously one day when they are filmed in the day and not under such ludicrous scenarios
Dunno man.
A town full of witnesses having their videos autoscrubbed from twitter and youtube, all speaking out in their local area about living in fear since it occured is rather compelling.
Would it be different if this happened near a town or suburb in Texas or Utah?
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Millie's Staff Member
Dunno man.
A town full of witnesses having their videos autoscrubbed from twitter and youtube, all speaking out in their local area about living in fear since it occured is rather compelling.
Would it be different if this happened near a town or suburb in Texas or Utah?
im sorry man, but those videos are amateur hour. that one pulsing light wasnt even off the ground. why does ET need motorcycle headlights in space?
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Trakanon Raider
Is this lady legit or just another space nut thinks she on to something? I've used some of the programs she use a few times but never found anything that caught my eye. Guess I'm not trained to detect those anomalies.

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Potato del Grande
Is this lady legit or just another space nut thinks she on to something? I've used some of the programs she use a few times but never found anything that caught my eye. Guess I'm not trained to detect those anomalies.

Or she's added those anomalies.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Secretary of the Navy - 2019

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<Gold Donor>
Dunno man.
A town full of witnesses having their videos autoscrubbed from twitter and youtube, all speaking out in their local area about living in fear since it occured is rather compelling.
Would it be different if this happened near a town or suburb in Texas or Utah?
I am confused. Serious, not trying to be a dick. If it is being autoscrubbed, what about the videos you linked? Or am I mistaking one thing for another? Are there multiple incidents I'm conflating as the one?
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Trakanon Raider
Secretary of the Navy - 2019

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