The Peripheral


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Ya, next week is the season finale.

I found it interesting that the investigator had there records from before they started fucking with there family from the future. Not sure if that will really matter overall but perhaps.


Trakanon Raider
great episode. loved the old hitman. too bad about him.

with andor and this, probably combine for the best few weeks of tv in long while for me
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I was wondering how long it would take them to introduce Lowbeer or if if they'd written the character out of the show version completely. Probably the most interesting character and there's some interesting changes that I disagree with. Kind of happy they've taken it so off the rails from the book though. It is really fun to watch and be fresh. That last episode was really great.

The moving shot that Burton made with the G28 was badass. Looking forward to the finale and seeing how the extend it to a Season 2 hopefully. Lots of places they could go and draw in a lot of stuff from Book 2 still.

I actually think the conversation about "Stub" being an imperialistic term was from Book 2 but it is hard to remember now.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I have no idea what happened there at the end. What a cock tease ending also.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was trying to figure out what I saw at the end.

So she creates a new stub using the watch/coordinates device. She then crushes the watch and severs other connections including the new Stub. I could see a bunch of potential stubs disappear. She uses her new alliance to somehow store her conscience in modern time while also existing in the old Stub? She did not have a headset when she was shot. This means they would have had to root her in modern time or her creation of the new stub was where she went when she was killed and she just reestablished her connection. I get why she did it. If it looks like she was killed in the stub, the hope is that the Silo mission would be stood down. That being the case, it would still happen along with the rest of the Jackpot? All she did was delay what was already coming. The new Stub still has the Jackpot coming. Unless of course the Jackpot was caused by the future all along. The date set was 2032 for the new Stub, which is 4 years later. I think that is the year of the original date for the first Jackpot. Will be interesting to see how everything comes together within this shows rule set.
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Trakanon Raider
I thought she created a duplicate stub of her "real" world so that there would be 2 versions of her with the of which the bald lady wouldn't know how to locate. Then they'd kill the one in the "original" stub. Which sounds fine, but Chloe's character and the amputee in both stubs would think their stub is the real one and she'd be killed in both. So either there's a plothole, a mechanism involved that I missed on how she'd be able to self-identify which stub she's in, or I'm totally wrong and have absolutely no idea what happened.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I am going to have to watch this again. I feel like I missed a few things which would not surprise me.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Im gonna watch it again at some point, kinda weak finale honestly. Mahes Mahes For Flynne's timeline, it was all in 2032
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Trakanon Raider
I thought she created a duplicate stub of her "real" world so that there would be 2 versions of her with the of which the bald lady wouldn't know how to locate. Then they'd kill the one in the "original" stub. Which sounds fine, but Chloe's character and the amputee in both stubs would think their stub is the real one and she'd be killed in both. So either there's a plothole, a mechanism involved that I missed on how she'd be able to self-identify which stub she's in, or I'm totally wrong and have absolutely no idea what happened.

That was pretty much what I got from it yeah - the plot hole isn't really there though. Even if the new stub is created such that the date/time is exactly the same as the old one, the future peripheral can only be connected to one of them - she's effectively on the phone from the old stub, so the Flynne in the new one would be immediately disconnected. A weirder question would be whether the other people in both stubs can connect to the future peripherals. Coz that could get really weird, really fast.

I have to agree with an earlier post that the ending was a total dick move to Burton though, he didn't deserve that. It's pretty shit to Connor as well, making him live with that.

Overall I liked this series a lot, and would look forward to any S2 - definitely one of the better ones Prime has done. Gives me a bit of hope for the Fallout series as well, following on from this one is a lot more promising than following from later seasons of Westworld.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah, I also found the logic and general explanation of what she was doing to be super unclear. The show never explained the rules. And it certainly never explained them to her. So its really confusing. Where did she come up with this plan? Its a problem. how much of how any of this works does she know? we need to know that. It informs us of planning, and control. one episode ago, she didn't know what she was seeing was a video overlay. now, suddenly she understands how the stub systems work enough to come up with this complex plan?
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Trakanon Raider
easily the weakest episode of an overall good season. My hopes for season 2 are not as high after that finale.
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Trakanon Raider
Really needed at least 1 more episode to set up the finale. With most shows it's the opposite, but this one really rushed through the ending.

Maybe the beginning of season 2 provides the missing answers. Hopefully it's not so far out that I forget all the fucking questions.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
General audiences were just left confused.

It'll put a major dent in Season 2 viewership.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
As far as I know, a season 2 hasn’t been picked up yet. Hopefully it does but that ending was really weak.


Log Wizard
Unlike the average Chukker I watch shows and actually WATCH them. They're not background or anything and even paying attention 100% of the time, I wasn't sure what the fuck happened at the end. I had an idea what happened, that she basically teleported her consciousness to 2099 into the bot, but I didn't think that was even possible? Like, what's stopping rich people from doing that with their loved ones from other stubs since the current world is so underpopulated. It was just very convoluted. I'm sure episode one of season 2 will explain it immediately, but it was very poorly explained the exact what of the events that occurred.

Very weird since everything else was pretty well explained, often several times. Not sure if they had to rush the finale or something, but it was very weird for it to end up as a ???? to the average viewer.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The pacing of the finale felt like they gunned it.

It wasn't just the ending of the finale that was rushed. You could feel it in the beginning of the episode. They were trying to jam a bunch of shit in fast to create a full episode of a "finale" and it showed.


Trakanon Raider
So she saves the town and that makes sense. The town going up would rapidly increase the blackjack, so on the surface her sacrifice all adds up so far.

She also prevents the secret plans from being captured by the socs and the preps, or whatever the 2 factions are, which still makes sense bc she thinks like a gamer and wants to win and is against both teams now.

The problem is obviously unpacking the rest, but if I’m going to fill in the blanks, then I do it with the butch cop.

She asks Captain Butch if she can make a stub and transfer them to it, plan A.

Butch can’t bc opening it would be too aggressive of a step; however, she didn’t say she couldn’t transfer the stubby.

How the fuck could she do that? Well if you go back remember she tells the pals that it’s interesting butch cop knows about them already. Butch has access to their stubs data - so Blamo, Flynn opens a new timeline which includes a new Flynn, captain Butch transfers the data, collected through the peripheral tech, to the new Flynn in the new timeline.

it’s almost too easy!

jk man no idea, just my best guess
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