The PUSSY SHIT spoiler discussion thread


A Mod Real Quick
All this pussy shit about spoilers is horrible. If you haven't read the books by now (A Storm of Swords came out in 2000, for fuck's sake) then you need to stay off the Internet, or at the very least avoid places where the book is discussed.

I had the major, unexpected event of A Game of Thrones spoiled for me simply from browsing the old Funny, Strange, Random Picture thread on FoH. Did I get all pissy about it? No, because I realized it was my own fucking fault for not reading a book that was over a decade old at that point. What did I do after that? I READ THE FUCKING BOOKS SO I WOULDN'T GET SPOILED AGAIN.

*Edit* Just to clarify, I'd never purposely spoil shit for anyone, but given the nature of the Internet you shouldn't get your panties in a wad if something happens and results in a spoiler (like the unintentional neg/spoilers that spawned all this). If you're not reading the books at this point you've just begging for trouble.
I was sent a few messages from other users saying the same thing happened to them.

Moral of the story is: People are dicks.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Your argument is hindered by the fact that fresh content covering it is coming out now.
I think that can be argued, but it's not really my point anyway.

My point is that people need to stop getting all salty about spoilers when they have had MORE than enough time to read the books. Hell, even the show is in its 3rd season and 2 years is more than enough time to have gotten caught up on all the books, even if you'd never even heard of Game of Thrones before the first episode aired (as was my case).

If you somehow REALLY don't have enough time to read the books and REALLY don't want the show to be spoiled...stay off the fucking Internet. I'd be careful about Facebook, Twitter, other forums, and any other social situations where people might talk about the show as well. Hell, you might want to just cut your power and stay in your house, you never know when two people sitting across from you in a restaurant will talk about the series in voices just loud enough for you to hear.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
My recommendation: If you've read the books don't post in this thread.
I wouldn't but the spoiler thread is now unreadable due to the proliferation of butt hurt faggot crybabies.

Also, during S1 when I had not read the books I appreciated the book readers that were willing to explain things without spoilers. The story is complicated as hell and not so easy to follow if you haven't read the books.


<Prior Amod>
I think that can be argued, but it's not really my point anyway.

My point is that people need to stop getting all salty about spoilers when they have had MORE than enough time to read the books. Hell, even the show is in its 3rd season and 2 years is more than enough time to have gotten caught up on all the books, even if you'd never even heard of Game of Thrones before the first episode aired (as was my case).

If you somehow REALLY don't have enough time to read the books and REALLY don't want the show to be spoiled...stay off the fucking Internet. I'd be careful about Facebook, Twitter, other forums, and any other social situations where people might talk about the show as well. Hell, you might want to just cut your power and stay in your house, you never know when two people sitting across from you in a restaurant will talk about the series in voices just loud enough for you to hear.
Why are you so salty exactly that there are two threads for you to talk about the book and one that you can't? No one says you can't talk about it, you just can't in a thread that was made for those who haven't.

Why people give so many fucks about wanting to spoil something for others when those people have separated themselves in a whole different thread I'll never know.

Also no matter how much you bitch about it, it's not changing. Get over it and move on to the discussion that is taking place for you already in both the spoilers thread and the book thread.


<Prior Amod>
I wouldn't but the spoiler thread is now unreadable due to the proliferation of butt hurt faggot crybabies.

Also, during S1 when I had not read the books I appreciated the book readers that were willing to explain things without spoilers. The story is complicated as hell and not so easy to follow if you haven't read the books.
I've no doubt the books may be hard to follow as they are undoubtedly more in depth and have much more detail. The show however is not hard to follow at all, I would argue the complicated part as well.


Buzzfeed Editor
This is some serious Deja Vu. It's like a fucking cycle with this thread...It starts with out moderated for only ACTUAL spoilers (You know, about future events or things currently happening off screen). However, because a lot of people enjoy having certain more in depth aspects of the book covered for them (Like Inner monologues), book excerpts of already past scenes are allowed within spoiler tags. However, eventually someone lets anactualspoiler slip, or someone is called out for being a nostrodouche (There by spoiling by proxy thought negs)--and all the sudden some mod goes militant and decides the only effective strategy isscorched earth(Was Faille last time). That lasts for a few weeks until everyone is afraid to post in the thread because they will be labeled a nostrodouche and/or aspoiler sympathizer(by asking about book specifics of past scenes), and get infacted by said, now fucking crazy, mod. (Like BrutulTM is now dangerously close to being a spoiler sympathizer, I think it might be off to the nazi interment camps for you, spoiler lover!)

Eventually, things get out of hand, "no pussy shit" is added to the title, and we go back to sane moderation. I don't care either way, I stopped posting in the non-spoiler thread the moment Faille went fucking crazy--I'm just saying, scorched earth is a pretty shitty strategy, Tarrant.


<Prior Amod>
This is some serious Deja Vu. It's like a fucking cycle with this thread...It starts with out moderated for only ACTUAL spoilers (You know, about future events or things currently happening off screen). However, because a lot of people enjoy having certain more in depth aspects of the book covered for them (Like Inner monologues), book excerpts of already past scenes are allows within spoiler tags. However, eventually someone lets anactualspoiler slip, or someone is called out for being a nostrodouche (There by spoiling by proxy thought negs)--and all the sudden some mod goes militant and decides the only effective strategy isscorched earth(Was Faille last time). That lasts for a few weeks until everyone is afraid to post in the thread because they will be labeled a nostrodouche and/or aspoiler sympathizer(by asking about book specifics of past scenes), and get infacted by said, now fucking crazy, mod. (Like BrutulTM is now dangerously close to being a spoiler sympathizer, I think it might be off to the nazi interment camps for you, spoiler lover!)

Eventually, things get out of hand, "no pussy shit" is added to the title, and we go back to sane moderation. I don't care either way, I stopped posting in the non-spoiler thread the moment Faille went fucking crazy--I'm just saying, scorched earth is a pretty shitty strategy, Tarrant.
Hey don't look at me, these are Tuco's rules and world, I just live in it.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Why are you so salty exactly that there are two threads for you to talk about the book and one that you can't? No one says you can't talk about it, you just can't in a thread that was made for those who haven't.

Why people give so many fucks about wanting to spoil something for others when those people have separated themselves in a whole different thread I'll never know.

Also no matter how much you bitch about it, it's not changing. Get over it and move on to the discussion that is taking place for you already in both the spoilers thread and the book thread.
1) I have NEVER posted in the non-spoiler thread. In fact, I rarely read it because I have no reason to read nor post there. I post in the spoiler thread. I've also never expressed any desire to post in the non-spoiler thread. Where did you get that I post/wanted to post there?

2) If you read my post earlier in this thread you'll see that I said,"Just to clarify, I'd never purposely spoil shit for anyone". I have no desire to spoil things for people (thus me not posting in the non-spoiler thread). In fact, I posted this same desire not to spoil people about a week ago in the spoilers thread. Why do you think I'd want to spoil anything?

3) Why do you think I'm salty about 2 threads existing? I never complained about that, and I don't think there is any problem with a non-spoiler thread. If you read my posts, you'll see that the thing I think is stupid is the drama that develops overunintentionalspoilers, as evidenced by the events that spawned this thread.

I really don't care if people refuse to read the books and thus get spoiled unintentionally. I've read them, I enjoyed them, and I am enjoying the TV show. I just think it's stupid to have so much drama over it when it can all be avoided if people read the books. I also don't understand how you can read my post and so completely misunderstand everything written in it.

It's absolutely impossible to completely avoid spoilers when you're on the Internet, let alone on a message board like this with people such as Kegkilla and other asshats. I just think everyone would be better off if they'd read the decade-old books. Whatever, like Lithose said, the shit is going to hit the fan at some point before the season ends, and when it does it will be the idiotic non-book-readers who will suffer for it (again). Those of us who have read the books really don't give a shit either way, other than not having to see stupid threads like this appear.


<Prior Amod>
You're right it is absolutely impossible to avoid all spoilers, all we're asking is for people to not add to the the percentage chance of whatever that baseline is.

And clearly your argument of "us book readers don't give a shit either way" or else this thread wouldn't be in existence.

Also I enjoy the "You're not reading THESE must be illiterate and not read books at all" generalization that keeps getting thrown out there. It's amusing. I totally plan on reading them after fat ass finishes the series in 10 or 12 years assuming he lives long enough to do so.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Also I enjoy the "You're not reading THESE must be illiterate and not read books at all" generalization that keeps getting thrown out there. It's amusing. I totally plan on reading them after fat ass finishes the series in 10 or 12 years assuming he lives long enough to do so.
Well, good luck with that, especially while frequenting this forum. According to Tuco you've already had some stuff spoiled due to the unintentional spoiler + neg internets that spawned this thread.

I know Tarrant won't read them, but I strongly encourage anyone else who hasn't read the books yet to do so and join us in the spoilers thread. There are several people posting in that thread who have said they were glad they picked up the books, even though initially they wanted to only stick to the TV show.

Not to mention your enjoyment of the show will increase exponentially because you'll understand things a lot more easily. I don't care what anyone says, GoT is a very complex show with lots of characters and concurrent stories. It's very helpful to have the book knowledge when watching the show.


<Prior Amod>
Well, good luck with that, especially while frequenting this forum. According to Tuco you've already had some stuff spoiled due to the unintentional spoiler + neg internets that spawned this thread.

I strongly encourage anyone who hasn't read the books yet to do so and join us in the spoilers thread. There are several people posting in that thread who have said they were glad they picked up the books, even though initially they wanted to only stick to the TV show.
I've had zero issues in 2 years and the spoiler that hit me was one I predicted anyway. In the end, I'm okay with that and I know the risks on talking about the show, my job is to help make those risks as minimal as possible for others. Tuco sets the rules down for that, we enforce them. It's a risk I run, whatever. -shrug-

Last year Keg was banned for awhile by Tuco I believe for purposely spoiling stuff about the show, same would happen again I've no doubt. Just don't talk about the books in the no spoilers thread, it's that simple and warrants no arguments. Really it doesn't.


Millie's Staff Member
before i read the books last fall i would ask all these questions about stuff and every time all i got was "just read the books, we cant answer you without spoiling it" , so i manned up and bought them and caught up in 5 weeks. so im now waiting on book 6 like everyone else who read the previous 5, which is a double edged sword because who the fuck knows if they will ever get completed.


Musty Nester
Scorched Earth is the only way to go. After you burn it, you have to salt it. In the modern age it would even be good to bury some spent fuel rods out there too.

Be grateful for Tuco's compassion. He -should- sterilize you all.

Getting pissy about spoilers for game of thrones is as bad as getting pissy about LOTR spoilers. lol. But there is divergence between the show and the books in characterization. I personally see the two threads as just relating to that -- a person talking about the books and a person talking about the show could be discussing the exact same character and the same portrayed situation but still be talking about 2 significantly different things.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
This is some serious Deja Vu. It's like a fucking cycle with this thread...It starts with out moderated for only ACTUAL spoilers (You know, about future events or things currently happening off screen). However, because a lot of people enjoy having certain more in depth aspects of the book covered for them (Like Inner monologues), book excerpts of already past scenes are allowed within spoiler tags. However, eventually someone lets anactualspoiler slip, or someone is called out for being a nostrodouche (There by spoiling by proxy thought negs)--and all the sudden some mod goes militant and decides the only effective strategy isscorched earth(Was Faille last time). That lasts for a few weeks until everyone is afraid to post in the thread because they will be labeled a nostrodouche and/or aspoiler sympathizer(by asking about book specifics of past scenes), and get infacted by said, now fucking crazy, mod. (Like BrutulTM is now dangerously close to being a spoiler sympathizer, I think it might be off to the nazi interment camps for you, spoiler lover!)

Eventually, things get out of hand, "no pussy shit" is added to the title, and we go back to sane moderation. I don't care either way, I stopped posting in the non-spoiler thread the moment Faille went fucking crazy--I'm just saying, scorched earth is a pretty shitty strategy, Tarrant.
Some men just want to see the world burn.
ehh, I think it's kinda lame to bring up stuff about a book because it spoils the book for anybody who might want to read it.

edit.. especially if this thread is about the game of thrones no spoiler thread.

With the pace GRRM writes. A person would be better off waiting for the series to be completed than trying to read the books then wait 4 or 5 years for the next.

It's the main reason I haven't read his latest novel yet. I started reading the series a few years after A Feast For Crows was released (2007) and when I finished all his books in the series he still hadn't finished "A Dance With Dragons". Then finally 3 years later he comes out with A Dance With Dragons. Still haven't read it yet but I'll probably read it so I can continue the tv show unspoiled.

I think this series would be best read when it's complete.

on a related note.

nothing rustles my jimmies more than an author who dies before wrapping up their stories then having a shitty second rate author finish it up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
With the pace GRRM writes. A person would be better off waiting for the series to be completed than trying to read the books then wait 4 or 5 years for the next.
Definitely, I mean unless they enjoy reading good books I guess. But that's silly, no one does that. People only read to finish!

I'll never get that attitude=P Are the hours spent enjoying the fuck out of the books totally invalidated? It would be so much better for everyone involved for the people who feel that way to take their own advice and not read, but then against all their weepy bitch tendencies proceed to just shut the fuck up about it. You people sound like preachy born again catholic assholes. I know most of you played some MMO with some motherfuckers who quit and then made a point of telling you how much better their life was without EQ/WoW/EVE/whatever. And I know you all hates those motherfuckers. Well guess what, now you are those motherfuckers.

edit: I think I'm getting bad at messageboarding. I spend way too much time bitching at people to stop talking about stuff.....on a messageboard. What an asshole...
In general I'd suggest reading a book series if an author could put out a book every 2 or 3 years.

when it gets into 5 years plus though I'd say wait and see. Game of Thrones is a special case though because it has the TV show so I'd suggest reading before watching.

I'm not blessed with perfect recall or a photographic memory so when it's five or more years after reading a book, I have to reread an entire series again just to get up to speed again on all the plot lines (especially in an intrigue filled book like Game of Thrones).

There are plenty of great books out there to read so there really isn't a rush to finish a series imo. Wait for that shit to be done before starting. It's my general attitude toward tv shows nowadays also.

My jimmies get rustled by tv shows being canceled that I like, so I rarely watch a show that has less than four or five seasons any more.