The Red Letter Media Appreciation Thread


<Bronze Donator>

We missed out on that Anklebiters movie not being viewable. Copy and pasted as is from the web description.

A small town is overrun by ankle-biting, blood-sucking dwarf vampires. Things get complicated when the vertically-challenged coffin-creepers get their itty-bitty hands on a sword with the blood of the last slain tall vampire. With this relic, they can create a super-race of Shaq-sized Draculas out of any tall human. Now, the half-Vampire, half-human Drexel is the town's - and the world's - only hope to stop the invasion of the mini demons. There are no SHORT fixes to this TALL problem.
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Tranny Chaser
That 3rd movie's cover really should be illegal.

Given that video stores don't exist (and if they did you could look at the back of the case and see it was trash) that must be a Redbox phenomenon? Even on a streaming service I can't see that getting more than a click. Fifteen seconds of viewing time isn't going to mean shit on the metrics.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
We missed out on that Anklebiters movie not being viewable. Copy and pasted as is from the web description.

A small town is overrun by ankle-biting, blood-sucking dwarf vampires. Things get complicated when the vertically-challenged coffin-creepers get their itty-bitty hands on a sword with the blood of the last slain tall vampire. With this relic, they can create a super-race of Shaq-sized Draculas out of any tall human. Now, the half-Vampire, half-human Drexel is the town's - and the world's - only hope to stop the invasion of the mini demons. There are no SHORT fixes to this TALL problem.

No kidding. Was seriously disappointed by the lack of Anklebiters.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Someone needs to get them a copy of Anklebiters so we can all see this.

Loved that description.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Holy fucking shit, I hadn't heard Ankle biters since I would spend a lot of time on this mom and pop video store that still had mostly VHS back in 2003/4. They had a white board with upcoming releases and dates, and they were getting Ankle biters. I was like, the fuck is that? "Oh, some midget vampire movie, direct to VHS."

Granted, this place was a connoisseur of off the rim horror. Had all the Faces of Death videos, and the various knock offs, virtually anything you could imagine. Also had a wild porn collection - where I learned about Edward Penishands.

So anyway, I never actually watched Ankle biters, but now I'm curious to see what they said about it.

Edit: Aww, dammit.
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Molten Core Raider
How did they not notice how much Robowomans trainer looked like Rich Evans?
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Millie's Staff Member
How did they not notice how much Robowomans trainer looked like Rich Evans?

Also, that face squash scene was probably the best in the movie, how could it be removed lol.

One final point - That Best of the Worst gave me hope that the Boyz are returning to pre-Covid form - they have been really dragging ass for the last 18 months and this gives me hope.

They really need to keep that fucking hobo off the show, though, he is incoherent and an actual detriment to the group discussion, and pales in comparison to any other people they have EVER had on the show.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
holy shit, why would they keep that scene in the movie of the stuntman's face being run over by the ATV?

It's in poor taste if the guy got seriously hurt, but it's not uncommon to use accidents or stunts that didn't quite go right in a finished movie. If you're fake fist fighting all day, you're eventually going to accidentally hit someone for real. The scene where Gandalf hits his head on the ceiling in the beginning of Lord of the Rings wasn't planned, Ian McKellan really did bump his head by accident. You can see he looks directly at the camera afterwards.

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Millie's Staff Member
It's in poor taste if the guy got seriously hurt, but it's not uncommon to use accidents or stunts that didn't quite go right in a finished movie. If you're fake fist fighting all day, you're eventually going to accidentally hit someone for real. The scene where Gandalf hits his head on the ceiling in the beginning of Lord of the Rings wasn't planned, Ian McKellan really did bump his head by accident. You can see he looks directly at the camera afterwards.

yeah there are a lot of those oopses like that they keep in finished films, but i dont think that ranks with having your face run over by an ATV. i mean they didnt show Uma Thurman have that bad accident in Kill Bill vol2. they edited that part out right before it happened.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm

Well, remember Road Warrior? At 3:16, that dude broke both legs and they kept that scene.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Road warrior is just on another level. They were firing live ammunition as well
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Avatar of War Slayer
do either of them know anything about Doom or 40k?

oh boy they have some hot takes in this one.
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