The RPG Thread


Molten Core Raider
I've played 2 games on my Ninentdo..umm 3DS or wtf its called since I bought it a few years back. So i thought ok, with zero research or anythign i'll just buy Final Fantasy explorers; only have an hour into so no clue but sounds like there are some good mix of rpg elements and more monster hunter type game (i've never played MH so no clue).

Also i know its not RPG but FUCK YOU STEAM, FUCK YOU CHINA....I about cried in joy when i logged into steam to see Romance of the 3 Kingdoms ____. Then only to cry when not only did it not come in english but also was like not playable for 90% of people who bought it due to bugs and crap. I'm a very niche gamer, i haven't played 99% of games since I was like 12 (34 now). I buy 1-3 games a year and outside of that have had very long runs with various MMO's, Smite etc outside of recently having more time so more PC pick ups.

Romance of the 3 kingdoms was one of my top 5 gaming series of my entire life and i've sunk 300+ hours into every title they released in America. No clue why, i don't play or enjoy anything that is even remotely close to it but something about that game just fucking owns. So ya...fuck you Steam, bring me ENGLISH!!! Emperor Cao Cao is going to get beat down by Lord Turbo and his General's Jade & Myst (also lesbian lovers who Lord Turbo is on a personal quest to convert)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finally finished Bravely Default, and goddamn... I have never been so happy to see a screen with the word "fin" on it in my life. I liked the game for the most part, it just overstayed its welcome by about 40 hours. Still looking forward to Bravely Second just because I have to assume that they took so much shit for chapters 5-8 that they won't do anything that retarded again, plus the AR movie after the credits was pretty cool. It wasn't just the repetition, it was the fact that the main characters knew what was going on and yet they still kept derping along (unless you want the crap ending).

I'd also like to dickpunch the person who thought it would be cute to put a massive spoiler on the title screen. I saw that shit while I was still in like chapter 1 or 2. I don't think it's supposed to happen until like chapter 6, but I left the game on the title screen for like 10 minutes and when I came back... there it was.


Vyemm Raider
Still looking forward to Bravely Second just because I have to assume that they took so much shit for chapters 5-8 that they won't do anything that retarded again
I heard that Bravely Second has a completely different writer(s).


Avatar of War Slayer
I heard that Bravely Second has a completely different writer(s).
And its coming out soon (right?)! so where is the bump?!

I know when BD ended a lot was talked about second being more story and exploration...but from the previews its more "YAY MOAR MIN MAXING CLASSES!" and you had to super min max if you wanted to good ending while I understand that's inherent in its system and a lot of people like it, a lot of people didn't... so I hope Second is more story and exploration- but in the same breath that's kinda silly as its direct yet "oh yeah we just didn't go to this place of the world"


<Silver Donator>
Seems it has a lot of censorship. Pretty much every costume is censored on females(minor stuff but like, less skin, less sexy stuff and obviously the already well known indian costume being changed to a cowboy), and they removed a bunch of the sidequests endings because they were too dark or whatever. Or because they were lazy, it's not clear which.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah I heard about the removal of quest endings, not supporting that shit.
Seriously...why are things censored now days beyond extreme things that shouldn't be released anywho.. but cleavage and t-backs on silly chibi characters and "too dark" endings of subquests? seriously? oh yeah...that's right... its "animated" and "chibi" so parents and others pay no attention to actual rating or content and just go "oh look cartoons, here ya go kid!" oh yes, suppose I answered my own question on why censorship.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah I heard about the removal of quest endings, not supporting that shit.
I did not hear about that. Bravely Second was supposed to be the game that didn't get censored super hard. Removing game content is just



I honestly continue to care very little about Nintendo's proclivity for censorship because all it does is sterilize writing that's already too terrible to pass muster. Those Youtube comparisons of Fire Emblem jpn vs english dialog make a show of underscoring how 'adult' the jpn version is yet opt not to mention how fucking awful the original writing is.

I'd kill for some dialog that didn't make me cringe. Then and only then will I give a shit whether it's PG or R-rated


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah I wonder where the demand/pressure to do this is coming from... I thought Nintendo got over it when they pushed Bayonetta?

I would usually say "bah forget it on launch! I will pick it up once it goes on sale! or used" but from BD, it was a limited production run (only 1 or 2 "batches") and the used price, at least within the first few months did not drop that much... so that means I most likely will still buy this near launch.


Avatar of War Slayer
I think alot of this is naivety honestly. I dont like it. but, everyone seems to be acting like massive censorship in localization is a new thing. and its really not. Its been happening since day 1, back in the 80's. so this isn't Nintendo caving in or anything. this is standard procedure like it has always been. Its us, now suddenly, being really sensitive to this censoring in localization.

Puff Puff - Dragon Quest Wiki - Wikia
Mortal combat, etc.. Nintendo censored HEAVILY everything on the NES and SNES. nintendo seal of approval. And, Nintendo's rep as the kiddie console, comes from it as well.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Is this even Nintendo's doing, though? Who's on translation for Bravely Second?
Nintendo is the publisher in the west. No idea why Square Enix decided not to do it themselves after the success of BD. My assumption is that they're retarded, and it was probably the same brainiacs who set up the Tomb Raider exclusivity deal with MS.

Binari Sonori did the localization, so it's the same company which did BD. Nintendo being the publisher instead of SE makes it a pretty safe bet on who is to blame, however. I put in a pre-order for the collector's edition when Gamestop got them back in stock a few weeks ago, right after finishing BD, but that shit's getting cancelled after reading this:Bravely Second localization has seemingly butchered the game

(Edit: I was wrong, it's not actually Treehouse.)

I think alot of this is naivety honestly. I dont like it. but, everyone seems to be acting like massive censorship in localization is a new thing. and its really not. Its been happening since day 1, back in the 80's. so this isn't Nintendo caving in or anything. this is standard procedure like it has always been. Its us, now suddenly, being really sensitive to this censoring in localization.
My opinion of Woolseyisms ranges from dislike to hate, so this is nothing new for me. I can ignore it for the most part though. I'm aware Atlus makes changes to their games, but it's very rarely worth mentioning and it doesn't stop me from buying every SMT game on 3DS.

Sticking internet memes into games is on an entirely different level than what Woolsey did though. Not to mention the smug faggot Treehouse employees on twitter who like to brag about how awesome it is that they get to fix all the "problematic" stuff in the games they work on.


Nintendo censoring stuff to make their games more family friendly is an entire new concept and something that has never happened before.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just finished oceanhorn on pc, gotta say I really liked it. Yes it is shallow but it scratched that pristine blue sky fantasy world itch that Zelda does so well. Can anyone recommend any other pc games in that same vein?


Vyemm Raider
Nintendo is the publisher in the west. No idea why Square Enix decided not to do it themselves after the success of BD. My assumption is that they're retarded, and it was probably the same brainiacs who set up the Tomb Raider exclusivity deal with MS.

Binari Sonori did the localization, so it's the same company which did BD. Nintendo being the publisher instead of SE makes it a pretty safe bet on who is to blame, however. I put in a pre-order for the collector's edition when Gamestop got them back in stock a few weeks ago, right after finishing BD, but that shit's getting cancelled after reading this:Bravely Second localization has seemingly butchered the game

(Edit: I was wrong, it's not actually Treehouse.)

My opinion of Woolseyisms ranges from dislike to hate, so this is nothing new for me. I can ignore it for the most part though. I'm aware Atlus makes changes to their games, but it's very rarely worth mentioning and it doesn't stop me from buying every SMT game on 3DS.

Sticking internet memes into games is on an entirely different level than what Woolsey did though. Not to mention the smug faggot Treehouse employees on twitter who like to brag about how awesome it is that they get to fix all the "problematic" stuff in the games they work on.
Okay, that article pissed me off. Getting rid of story-altering choices is crossing the line. RIP Bravely Second, I was really looking forward to this game but now I just feel cheated. I don't want to play another railroaded turn-based JRPG.


Avatar of War Slayer
That's kinda sad all in all because after BD all of the articles and interviews seemed to imply and state that they took all of the feedback "more story/better story" and "more exploration" within the story and subquests etc. and they said that, that is exactly what they would do! but it seems we get a neutered game that has a story that's there just to be there and let you play the battle system more with the new jobs.... those that just wanted more battle system and min/maxing loved last section of the first game - so the should be fine with this game as a mere excuse for more time to play in the system- and that's fine, but not for me...

that said I still will pick it up eventually... the art stuff we are used to coming out of nintendo, but the complete axe of choice based gameplay is sad and very dumb.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So I read dude's review. Then looked at his "review" list. Guy's a FPS player, not an RPG player. Fucking IGN has fallen to the same problem of having people who don't know the genre review it as the rest of the shit game reviewing media. Not surprised with their other reviews, but jesus.

Not to mention, the reviewer mentions how it doesn't hold up to the previous story. Not sure what game that dude played, but Bravely Default's story was pretty crap unless you did all the side missions and understood the variance between the worlds. Reviewer also didn't play with all the classes and still gave it a 7.1, because he doesn't JRPG.

I would -highly- question this dude's opinion of the game. He's clearly not the target audience (the audience that played the first game) and didn't do his due vigilance in regards to the job system at all.


Vyemm Raider
I really like BD's story. Yeah the repetition part was a drag, but I still really liked the character development and all that. I must be in the minority there.