The Science Video Thread

I was at that Storytelling of Science event at ASU with Lawrence, Richard, Neil, Brian, and Bill fucking Nye... it was amazing. You should all take some time and watch those videos posted earlier in the thread. In related awesomeness: v=DhcxffIENBU


shit....that archive is so full of interesting stuff....and i dont even understand 1% of it


Trakanon Raider

Two papers, published in the European Physics Journal D in March, attempt to derive the speed of light from the quantum properties of space itself. Both propose somewhat different mechanisms, but the idea is that the speed of light might change as one alters assumptions about how elementary particles interact with radiation. Both treat space as something that isn't empty, but a great big soup of virtual particles that wink in and out of existence in tiny fractions of a second.
Good read.


This is scary
The new chair of the House of Representatives science committee has drafted a bill that, in effect, would replace peer review at the National Science Foundation (NSF) with a set of funding criteria chosen by Congress. For good measure, it would also set in motion a process to determine whether the same criteria should be adopted by every other federal science agency.

The legislation, being worked up by Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), represents the latest-and bluntest-attack on NSF by congressional Republicans seeking to halt what they believe is frivolous and wasteful research being funded in the social sciences. Last month, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) successfully attached language to a 2013 spending bill that prohibits NSF from funding any political science research for the rest of the fiscal year unless its director certifies that it pertains to economic development or national security. Smith's draft bill, called the "High Quality Research Act," would apply similar language to NSF's entire research portfolio across all the disciplines that it supports.

ScienceInsider has obtained a copy of the legislation, labeled "Discussion Draft" and dated 18 April, which has begun to circulate among members of Congress and science lobbyists. In effect, the proposed bill would force NSF to adopt three criteria in judging every grant. Specifically, the draft would require the NSF director to post on NSF's Web site, prior to any award, a declaration that certifies the research is:

1) ". in the interests of the United States to advance the national health, prosperity, or welfare, and to secure the national defense by promoting the progress of science;

2) ". the finest quality, is groundbreaking, and answers questions or solves problems that are of utmost importance to society at large; and

3) ". not duplicative of other research projects being funded by the Foundation or other Federal science agencies."

NSF's current guidelines ask reviewers to consider the "intellectual merit" of a proposed research project as well as its "broader impacts" on the scientific community and society.

Two weeks ago, Republicans on the science committee took to task both John Holdren, the president's science adviser, and Cora Marrett, the acting NSF director, during hearings on President Barack Obama's proposed 2014 science budget. They read the titles of several grants, questioned the value of the research, and asked both administration officials to defend NSF's decision to fund the work.

On Thursday, Smith sent a letter to Marrett asking for more information on five recent NSF grants. In particular, he requested copies of the comments from each reviewer, as well as the notes of the NSF program officer managing the awards.

In his letter, a copy of which ScienceInsider obtained, Smith wrote: "I have concerns regarding some grants approved by the Foundation and how closely they adhere to NSF's 'intellectual merit' guideline." Today, Smith told ScienceInsider in a statement that "the proposals about which I have requested further information do not seem to meet the high standards of most NSF funded projects."

Smith's request to NSF didn't sit well with the top Democrat on the science committee, Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX). On Friday, she sent a blistering missive to Smith questioning his judgment and his motives.

"In the history of this committee, no chairman has ever put themselves forward as an expert in the science that underlies specific grant proposals funded by NSF," Johnson wrote in a letter obtained by ScienceInsider. "I have never seen a chairman decide to go after specific grants simply because the chairman does not believe them to be of high value."

In her letter, Johnson warns Smith that "the moment you compromise both the merit review process and the basic research mission of NSF is the moment you undo everything that has enabled NSF to contribute so profoundly to our national health, prosperity, and welfare." She asks him to "withdraw" his letter and offers to work with him "to identify a less destructive, but more effective, effort" to make sure NSF is meeting that mission.

Smith's bill would require NSF's oversight body, the National Science Board, to monitor the director's actions and issue a report in a year. It also asks Holdren's office to tell Congress how the principles laid down in the legislation "may be implemented in other Federal science agencies."


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pitch, a substance once used for waterproofing, appears at room temperature to be a brittle solid. It is actually an extremely viscous liquid. In this experiment, pitch has been left to drip out of a funnel for 83 years. The pitch has dripped only 8 times over those 83 years and no one has ever witnessed it. The ninth drop should be soon and a live feed is at the link above. More exciting than watching paint dry!


Trakanon Raider
Cold fusion reactor independently verified, has 10,000 times the energy density of gas

This will change everything...
The cold fusion device being tested has roughly 10,000 times the energy density and 1,000 times the power density of gasoline. Even allowing for a massively conservative margin of error, the scientists say that the cold fusion device they tested is 10 times more powerful than gasoline ? which is currently the best fuel readily available to mankind...
read more...{%2210

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Surprised there aren't any mentions of Numberphile and Sixty Symbols here. Guy publishes awesome shit. Also has a bunch of chemistry videos but I never watched it as chem puts me to sleep.


well....fuck. i was the one who opened the thread in the FoH's general forum about the E-Cat like 2 years ago. Almost everyone was sceptic of course

so........fuck yeah. This could be the single greatest invention in human history after the wheel

fuck yeah


Trakanon Raider
well....fuck. i was the one who opened the thread in the FoH's general forum about the E-Cat like 2 years ago. Almost everyone was sceptic of course

so........fuck yeah. This could be the single greatest invention in human history after the wheel

fuck yeah
Another article here:

And here:

There's plenty of reason to be skeptical. Rossi has a history of blocking even simple tests of the E-Cat. Many established experts are skeptical of his invention and with the idea that cold fusion is even possible. Even among those who work on cold fusion-often tinkerers not associated with major research institutions-Rossi doesn't necessarily inspire confidence. He has previously passed off spurious inventions, including a machine that was supposed to turn waste into oil.
Still seems like there's a lot of questions about this.


guess you're right. i was reading also another article and it seems the scientists had not access to part of the machine due to industrial rights.

at this point the options are 2: this is a very elaborated hoax, or this guys is Lumie level batshit paranoid.

Just make a fucking public demostration where you lay down everything and be done with it