The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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Let me guess ... You have been banging your head againt THAT wall yourr entire.

I have a creepy alcoholic neighbor who gets super angry that no one wants to be his friend, rails about how everyone is against him. You two should go out drinking together .... and drive really fast on deserted roads.
I don't give a shit whether people like me or not. I don't give a shit about the deluge of content-free shitposts my own posts tend to inspire. I don't even give a shit about "suicide?" memes. I'm clearly not looking for approval here.

What I give a shit about is that we have a standard here that applies to all posters equally. There was plenty of bitching about mods acting arbitrarily on the old board. The entire reason we voted on rules and elected our mods was to keep them accountable and ensure greater freedom for all posters. And yet, before the ink is dry on the mod certificates, they are arbitrarily enforcing harsh consequences that have nothing to do with the rules we decided on. We're back to enforcing safe spaces for posters who don't want to see certain points of view expressed. We're back to silencing people who challenge our beliefs instead of either engaging them in good faith or ignoring them entirely. We've apparently decided that we are not mature enough to handle words that make us uncomfortable and that we need the man to sanitize our message board for us so we don't have to suffer the horror of contrarian points of view.

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Oh, so if you're popular you can do whatever you like.
If you're unpopular you will be punished.

Sounds like a great system.

Again: Why the fuck did we vote on rules? We clearly don't need any if mods can base all their decisions on whether they personally like a poster or not.

...You were saying?
You missed out entirely that Woolygimp was RRPed in the exact same fashion and most of his posts he at least made a point but he was shitting up a thread in the process and no amount of gentle nudges could get him on topic.

Yes there is a bit of popularity to any punishment decision. There will be some bias. Are you an only child? I am one of 4 and each one was treated differently for the same "crimes" based on biases from each parent, whether they had done something similar before, and whether they had the capacity to understand the implications.

We didn't really vote on rules, I told you this. I made some up, you voted on some changes or omissions. I took those under advisement and then made my own up and posted them.

They didn't come after you.... You were in a debate actively with them. You came after them. :lumie:

You are the kind of person that pokes a bear and then are confused when it swipes back at you.
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Tanoomba Tanoomba one thing you keep forgetting is that until Sep 1st according to everything I am a defacto dictator and can do what I want. I can ban you, delete you, discourage you, RRP you, route all traffic from your IP to a HuCow porn site, merge your account into Woolygimp, or generally whatever amuses me.

I am trying to let you figure out your new life in a strange new land. Try to compose yourself and figure it out.
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I don't understand how some of you can hate each other so much. Ignore, don't engage, move on. Always worked for me. *shrug*
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Are adoptees treated differently?
Yes and boys from girls when you have a mother who starts off with a 4 and 5 year old boy and doesn't know at all how they tick.

I was never abused but punishments were not fair and I learned that young. Rewards were not always fair either and could swing in your favor if they were from dad who didn't know how to deal with the girls.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Tanoomba you want leniency and understanding, contribute something to the forum. When you contribute nothing but semantics arguments, deliberately misconstruing facts to attempt to be cute and "turn our arguments on us" and act smarmy when you think you've won (which you never have), you get treated like shit.

Don't like the community? Leave. It doesn't like you.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I don't understand how some of you can hate each other so much. Ignore, don't engage, move on. Always worked for me. *shrug*

Because some people are scumfucks and it shows through online. Every community has them. Youtube for instance has thousands of dipshit tanoombas worthy only of ridiculr and scorn
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What's even more astounding than people not ignoring each other is people fucking arguing about videogame misogyny.
  • 1SJW
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Tanoomba Tanoomba it is with a sad heart that I must regretfully inform you that a vote has been taken in response to your request for your sentence to be overturned.

A majority of 3 votes was cast against changing the sentence.

This vote was done publicly for the donors of the forum to see. If you would like to donate to verify you may do so.

You have three options available to you.

1.) Ask someone to create a poll for you to be released in the comments and suggestions section of the forums.

2.) Ask someone to gather 200 signatures for you in order to bring an admin into the discussion for a final ruling.

3.) Ride out your sentence.

When you come to a decision you need not contact me or any of the moderators. They will see the result of your decision. Any attempt to create alternate accounts to get around this decision will be dealt with harshly. Any further reports to the moderators on this topic might result in new warnings issued to your account, I cannot speak for them.
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You missed out entirely that Woolygimp was RRPed in the exact same fashion and most of his posts he at least made a point but he was shitting up a thread in the process and no amount of gentle nudges could get him on topic.

Yes there is a bit of popularity to any punishment decision. There will be some bias. Are you an only child? I am one of 4 and each one was treated differently for the same "crimes" based on biases from each parent, whether they had done something similar before, and whether they had the capacity to understand the implications.

We didn't really vote on rules, I told you this. I made some up, you voted on some changes or omissions. I took those under advisement and then made my own up and posted them.

They didn't come after you.... You were in a debate actively with them. You came after them. :lumie:

You are the kind of person that pokes a bear and then are confused when it swipes back at you.
I didn't "miss out" on Woolygimp. I don't give a shit about Woolygimp. If he didn't break any rules, then his being RRPed was also bullshit.

If we have a problem with certain types of behavior, we need to MAKE A FUCKING RULE FOR IT. Is it the frequency of posts? "No more than X posts per hour in one thread." Is it length? "No posts longer than X words in a fast-moving discussion." Is it being contrarian? "No disturbing the shit when the circle is busy jerking." I didn't "poke the bear", dude. I made rule-abiding, on-topic, relevant posts IN RESPONSE TO posts directed at me.

I am not an only child. I am the oldest of 3 boys. I got into the least trouble by a wide margin because I don't look for trouble and I'm really good at following rules and guidelines.

Tanoomba Tanoomba one thing you keep forgetting is that until Sep 1st according to everything I am a defacto dictator and can do what I want. I can ban you, delete you, discourage you, RRP you, route all traffic from your IP to a HuCow porn site, merge your account into Woolygimp, or generally whatever amuses me.

I am trying to let you figure out your new life in a strange new land. Try to compose yourself and figure it out.
I'm not forgetting that either, I just don't know how it's relevant or what you expect me to do with that information. Is it a threat? Is it an invitation to conspire for my benefit? I get it, dude. You've got the power. Even after September 1st, you'll still be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, to whoever you want. So what? I'm supposed to cower? Is that what you want?

And I am "figuring things out" here. What do you think this is all about? I was perfectly happy keeping my more controversial posts in the Rickshaw on Rerolled, and I will be more than happy to do the same thing here. But I'm not just going to do it by default. I wanted to see if we'd grown, if we were capable of handling points of view we don't particularly like without authority figures abusing their powers to maintain safe spaces for a few vocal whiners. Apparently we're not. Lesson learned.
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I didn't "miss out" on Woolygimp. I don't give a shit about Woolygimp. If he didn't break any rules, then his being RRPed was also bullshit.

If we have a problem with certain types of behavior, we need to MAKE A FUCKING RULE FOR IT. Is it the frequency of posts? "No more than X posts per hour in one thread." Is it length? "No posts longer than X words in a fast-moving discussion." Is it being contrarian? "No disturbing the shit when the circle is busy jerking." I didn't "poke the bear", dude. I made rule-abiding, on-topic, relevant posts IN RESPONSE TO posts directed at me.

I am not an only child. I am the oldest of 3 boys. I got into the least trouble by a wide margin because I don't look for trouble and I'm really good at following rules and guidelines.

I'm not forgetting that either, I just don't know how it's relevant or what you expect me to do with that information. Is it a threat? Is it an invitation to conspire for my benefit? I get it, dude. You've got the power. Even after September 1st, you'll still be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, to whoever you want. So what? I'm supposed to cower? Is that what you want?

And I am "figuring things out" here. What do you think this is all about? I was perfectly happy keeping my more controversial posts in the Rickshaw on Rerolled, and I will be more than happy to do the same thing here. But I'm not just going to do it by default. I wanted to see if we'd grown, if we were capable of handling points of view we don't particularly like without authority figures abusing their powers to maintain safe spaces for a few vocal whiners. Apparently we're not. Lesson learned.
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"We" have grown don't assume that you are part of that equation.

The moderators were elected based on qualities the majority of the community agreed with. They are representative of what the community wants. They sentenced you, you appealed, they denied it.

Rattling the bars of the cage will do you no good. Bring it to the people to vote on and find out if "we" agree that you are being abused. You might win that.
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Tanoomba you want leniency and understanding, contribute something to the forum. When you contribute nothing but semantics arguments, deliberately misconstruing facts to attempt to be cute and "turn our arguments on us" and act smarmy when you think you've won (which you never have), you get treated like shit.

Don't like the community? Leave. It doesn't like you.
I don't want "leniency", fuckwit. I want to be held to the same standards as everybody else. When everyone can post whatever they want but I can't, because you don't like what I have to say, that's bullshit.

And before re-joining the GamerGate thread, I've been doing nothing but posting in video game threads, movie threads, and screenshot threads. None of that counts for anything? I don't have a tremendous number of likes, but I'm pretty sure none of them came from my GG posts. How are you deciding what constitutes "contributing"?

Tanoomba Tanoomba it is with a sad heart that I must regretfully inform you that a vote has been taken in response to your request for your sentence to be overturned.

A majority of 3 votes was cast against changing the sentence.

This vote was done publicly for the donors of the forum to see. If you would like to donate to verify you may do so.

You have three options available to you.

1.) Ask someone to create a poll for you to be released in the comments and suggestions section of the forums.

2.) Ask someone to gather 200 signatures for you in order to bring an admin into the discussion for a final ruling.

3.) Ride out your sentence.

When you come to a decision you need not contact me or any of the moderators. They will see the result of your decision. Any attempt to create alternate accounts to get around this decision will be dealt with harshly. Any further reports to the moderators on this topic might result in new warnings issued to your account, I cannot speak for them.
I don't even know how long my sentence is. Am I allowed to know that?
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