The Walking Dead


Could just be as simple as Sasha, the ultimate truth is, it really could be anyone and most likely the most logical and that all the clues point to won't be the one dying. Only a few more days.


Could just be as simple as Sasha, the ultimate truth is, it really could be anyone and most likely the most logical and that all the clues point to won't be the one dying. Only a few more days.
No way its Sasha, shes crazy right now which makes her immune to death. Its when you put all your personal demons behind you that you are in trouble. Zombies are nice that way, they let you work through your emotions before chomping on your face.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No way its Sasha, shes crazy right now which makes her immune to death. Its when you put all your personal demons behind you that you are in trouble. Zombies are nice that way, they let you work through your emotions before chomping on your face.
Wonder if that means Carol maybe on the block. Releasing her personal demons about her abusive past relationship.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Way I see it, to kill Daryl you need to introduce Negan. Easiest way to make the audience hate him is if he takes out a core long term member of the group, because that instantly escalates his threat status.


Potato del Grande
I'll never, ever criticize TWD writers again if they kill off Daryl in a way that isn't either an oh-no-zombie-ninja fluke or some bullshit WTF dues ex machina moment.

At this point, I don't really care who dies, I'm just sick of it being contrived bullshit and not happening often enough. It's time to cull the herd.


> Than U
So spoilers from a source came out and /face palm.
We do get the promo for the spinoff series this week on Talking Dead though.


<Gold Donor>
That's my cue not to click this thread until after the show then, thanks! Even if everyone is perfectly awesome about not spilling the details, I'd rather be safe than sorry just in case.


> Than U
That's my cue not to click this thread until after the show then, thanks! Even if everyone is perfectly awesome about not spilling the details, I'd rather be safe than sorry just in case.
Ya I wouldn't do that to you man I would spoiler anything.
Everything I said thus far was just my guesses and I threw out comic shit as they don't follow that anyways other than location / main plot.
I thought people would be interested in seeing the promo for the sister series though!


> Than U
Ya I said midseason they had 15 + baby now down to 13+baby but with all the Alexandria people in it gets a bit busy to fill out progression due to so many people.
Think of The 100 on CW the first season it was semi confusing due to so many people.
Next year or after they will run into another colony + Negan everyone keeps talking about and that is over 400 people to keep up with.
Will be interesting to see how they do that on TV because up till now all the groups/people/colonies combined wasn't anywhere near that.

Also looking back what in the living fuck a few years ago we saw that herd of 7k zombies and never another thing about it.


Molten Core Raider
I'll never, ever criticize TWD writers again if they kill off Daryl in a way that isn't either an oh-no-zombie-ninja fluke or some bullshit WTF dues ex machina moment.

At this point, I don't really care who dies, I'm just sick of it being contrived bullshit and not happening often enough. It's time to cull the herd.
Have him go over a speed bump without a helmet like Country Mac on Always Sunny.


> Than U
I've been enjoying carols crazy.
Carol has become the MVP no doubt, but I agree with Inque and once I saw the complete spoiler I was already meh but some people like the drama/talk aspect.

Anyways on to some real shit.
Fear the living, fight the walking dead has been this show's motto right. People are dangerous just kill the walkers( even though ninja silent child walkers totally rape shit on this show! )
The new show is Fear the Walking Dead. It is based in a huge city.

Is it a paradox where walkers outnumber people so bad the real danger is actually walkers and make us see this money raining world in a new light?


They chalked it up that some people we loved would die, I could give a flying shit less if ****** died. Who cares, it was a retarded catalyst to cement Rick's place. ****** showing up was predicted earlier in this thread and all but certain to have nothing of value until the very end. ****** being injured didn't mean shit, you know that guy's not going to get offed any time soon. All in all nothing of value for an hour and a half when I expected the hype to be much greater after that pre-finale build up.

And yes, Carol is so damn awesome, I've been enjoying her interactions a lot more after re-watching all the earlier seasons.


> Than U
What I don't get is the meeting was for everyone to speak about Rick and what happened right?
Why was everyone there cept like 4 Rick's group, where the fuck was the Alexandria people.


Millie's Staff Member
those spoilers i read were exactly right . except instead of carol killing porchdick it was rick. it was an ok episode. it didnt need to be 90 minutes, they padded the time with the wandering around.


> Than U
those spoilers i read were exactly right . except instead of carol killing porchdick it was rick. it was an ok episode. it didnt need to be 90 minutes, they padded the time with the wandering around.
I think it was extended to try and build up suspense drama to make the ending better since the final 4 minutes was really the highlight of it all. On a 60 minute show the suspense wouldn't have built enough.
Keep in mind a lot of people watch this shit with popcorn and candles burning, not while pwning noobs in BR's like I was doing.