The Walking Dead


<Prior Amod>
Also...just burn the giant zombie pit. Who the hell tries to pull a St Patrick and lead all the snakes...err zombies on an overland march out of town.

So dumb
Burn the pit how? Also, I'm sure a giant bon fire wouldn't attract more. *nods*

I am usually pretty critical of this show, I thought this episode was a pretty good lead in personally.


<Gold Donor>
I liked it, and the cliffhanger was good.

Even though it didn't fail, I did wonder at the super-duper plan to reinforce that corner that didn't involve piling a shitload of dirt behind it. A fucking Roman legion would have had that thing done in a few hours.


Molten Core Raider
I liked it, and the cliffhanger was good.

Even though it didn't fail, I did wonder at the super-duper plan to reinforce that corner that didn't involve piling a shitload of dirt behind it. A fucking Roman legion would have had that thing done in a few hours.
Kill a bunch of zombies at a tractor dealership...don't use any of those tractors to build the fence.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
If you can manage to turn your brain off and just enjoy the show as it's presented with no critical analysis, it's honestly not that bad. The writing and character interaction gets a little ham-fisted now and then, but I think it does a decent job of portraying relatable scenarios of how people act when experiencing extreme stress and tension.

It seems like some of you want to gloss over the fact that this is a show whose core tenets include the ability of dead people to have completely functional (or at least mobile) bodies after 6+ years of decay and exposure to the elements. In our world, a dead body left exposed to the summer sun would lead to a bacterial infection that would cause such extreme distension of the abdomen that it would explode after a few weeks. At best, this would rupture the abdominal wall and the zombie could no longer hold itself up. At worst, the body would literally separate into (at least) two pieces.

Remember that when you see a herd of a thousand walkers and feel inclined to bitch about the sturdiness of the make shift walls or whatever other minor detail that jumped out at you.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Also thought the episode was really good. Had a strong central aim "clear away that herd" that was fine when spaced out over the entire episode.

Neat scene when Morgan showed that he had picked up on Carol's alertness. Played out really well.

That horn:

Few seconds pause for my brain to click "Oh that fucking Priest!!"


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea I thought it was a decent premiere too. Considering I just slogged through 6 episodes of Fear the Walking Dead, this was great by comparison. Plenty of zombie action right out of the gate. It didn't take long for Alexandria to assimilate under Rick after the the season finale (except for the one guy).


<Gold Donor>
Remember that when you see a herd of a thousand walkers and feel inclined to bitch about the sturdiness of the make shift walls or whatever other minor detail that jumped out at you.
The entire premise of the show is that zombies exist and can walk around years later. If we couldn't accept that, we wouldn't watch the show. That doesn't mean that everything else has to be excused just because we allow zombies to exist. We should be fine with them all holding hands and singing kumbayah to ward off the zombies if we're going to use that logic. Everything but the zombies follows the laws of our universe, so if they are going to build a wall we can point out ways it would have made more sense. None of us are saying it ruined the episode, and if that is the only thing I really comment on I'd say we're way ahead of the game. But you can't use the "zombies shouldn't really exist, so stop bitching" argument on everything else.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I like that Rick is still trying to hit that, even after murdering her husband. The man has determination. The funny thing is, it's obviously gonna happen.


Two complaints:

1. Why move the herd when Rick and Co. + Alexandria citizens could take shifts whacking the zombies in the head while the zombs moved single-FUCKING-file through the narrow wedge between trailers; and
2. Nick Papagiorgio died too soon


Millie's Staff Member
Two complaints:

1. Why move the herd when Rick and Co. + Alexandria citizens could take shifts whacking the zombies in the head while the zombs moved single-FUCKING-file through the narrow wedge between trailers; and
2. Nick Papagiorgio died too soon
that narrow wedge was an illusion, after first zombie squeezed through, the shitload of zombies behind it pushed that truck out of the way like it was nothing.

i had no problems with that episode, was fine in every regard, which pissed me off that almost all of it was in frigging black & white. i have no problem with a movie like night of the living dead because monochrome film was all they could afford to use back in the 60s. color film was/is retarded fucking expensive in comparison. i used to mess around with a super-8 camera back in the 90s and 8mm color film cartridges were hella expensive to buy and then get developed just for the 2-5 minutes of run time. i get that. this isnt the 60s though, you dont need to use hipster gimmicks like black and white instagram filters for a narrative. a simple "2 weeks ago" line of text does the trick or omg present the episode chronologically, which they ended up doing anyway with the ending. why spend so much money on makeup and effects, film everything in HD and after all that present 90% of it with a shitty grayscale filter is beyond me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Guys they made a right turn onto the road when Papagiorgio was complaining if they overran the wall they would head right for the town and then the loud horn came from the right of the road heading leading them directly towards the town, the whole show is RUINED from this horrific oversight!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Two complaints:

1. Why move the herd when Rick and Co. + Alexandria citizens could take shifts whacking the zombies in the head while the zombs moved single-FUCKING-file through the narrow wedge between trailers; and
2. Nick Papagiorgio died too soon
Re: complaint #1, ultimately that wouldn't have worked even if they decided that was a good idea. One of the trucks on shaky ground fell off the cliff, which meant all the zombies had a way out. Even if they decided to drop a nuke on the site, their plans went to shit once thousands of zombies now suddenly had an exit from the quarry.


My main complaint is instead of the convoluted plan they could have spent what must have been days making the walls and planning it out etc taking turns standing on the trucks/rocks with poles and stabbing zombies in the head. This universe seem to have a complete lack of knowledge of spear type instruments. They are always using knives up close except for the few times they get smart and use tools etc. Hit up a GD hardware store and make some spear/halbard type weapons out of yard tools for christ sake. Also if the zombies walk that slow you could have people sit on the back of cars/trucks and stab the herd in the face as you lead them around picking them off 1 by 1 etc instead of just leading them away and hoping they won't just get turned around and come back


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The zombies don't just despawn when they die. You're talking about many thousands of zombies in that pit. Even if they did long shifts and rotated folks, it would have taken a really long time to actually kill all the zombies there. This factors in cleanup and queue management. People get tired. Stabbing zombies and hauling away hundreds of corpses is hard work and most of the Alexandria folks are worthless and probably couldn't even manage a managed zombie kill scenario.

The truck still would have fallen up on the hill, though, which still turns that plan to shit. So now instead of 5k zombies,you have 4k all busting loose.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is what they always do though. We saw this shit with the prison where they could have just kept stabbing every single fucker in the head through the fence or find some fucking construction equipment and just run them all the fuck over. Instead they come up with some Rube Goldberg machine inspired plan where something is bound to fuck up.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Construction equipment only works until the shit gets gunked up with dead zombies and gets stuck ;p