The Walking Dead


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Could be any number of reasons. 9 seasons is a really fucking long time. For actors who are really into the job of acting, sometimes they just want stuff that is new. It could have also been contract negotiations. We don't have all the details, but I wouldn't have been surprised if he just wasn't happy with what AMC was trying to push and decided to cut out.

Show is fucking dead now. I would be shocked if season 10 isn't the final season. I mean, who headlines the show now? Daryl? Michonne? Daryl's character has become pretty lame past couple seasons and Michonne has been a pretty big non-factor this past season.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Hopefully they all die and Negan takes over for pure awesome. Every single one of these characters suck save negan.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That would be awesome, but how the fuck do they write that in without it seeming like total bullshit? lol
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Avatar of War Slayer
they should have a huge heard come through, kill everyone but like 5 people
Ga has a coastline, have them go visit the beach or something

but, they have just built some big set pieces so they will probably be in Alexandria till the show ends


Avatar of War Slayer
they are building stuff where Alexandria was

also, in the application for building permit, the
will only be there for 3 years


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I could understand if the guy had other gig's lined up, but why give up the cash cow? I haven't seen him in a anything else.
You’ve never worked somewhere that paid a lot but made you miserable?
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Molten Core Raider
You’ve never worked somewhere that paid a lot but made you miserable?

Sure. But I also know that with my experience if I wanted a job that paid equally as well I could find one with a little effort. His acting resume isn't that deep. What's he going to do buss tables?

He must have seriously hated it.


> Than U
Would not surprise me if it partially had something to do with Chandler Riggs. He and his father both came out and said AMC screwed him over. I would guess as it has been said that after 9 years he wants to do other things also. Would be funny if he shows back up in Strike Back alive somehow. After watching Fear this year, I have lost all interest in the characters of TWD anyways.


> Than U
I'm actually shocked Fear didn't pick up more this season. The format and story ( culling of the original cast one by one ) is worlds better than seasons 1-3 imo. With Travis and Nick dead and appears the Maddison may be as well. Once it is past how it all happened I think it'll be ok.


Looks like Daryl may become the TWD Morgan that he is now in Fear.

Here is TWD ratings
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Avatar of War Slayer
I'm actually shocked Fear didn't pick up more this season. The format and story ( culling of the original cast one by one ) is worlds better than seasons 1-3 imo. With Travis and Nick dead and appears the Maddison may be as well. Once it is past how it all happened I think it'll be ok.

i am little behind on FTW so been staying out of that thread.
think if Madison is dead, the ratings will tank
Her and Victor are the only 2 good characters
Nick was barely ok to terrible
Alicia is meh
Cowboy John is blah
Morgan is still a mess
Maggie Grace needs to be better eye candy

actually surprised S3 was so stable


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They are saying that AMC is throwing money at Norman Reedus to keep the show going. As much as I like Daryl's character, he isn't anything w/ out Rick. Their dynamic is what made each character special. Not only that, but Daryl is waaay too stoic to fill in Rick's boots.


Avatar of War Slayer
apparently Michonne contract is up at end of season 9 too

guess she is in a good place to demand a big check or happily walk away


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
She is going to be busy with Black Panther 2 and Avengers 4 as well, so I suspect she'll be limited in availability unless AMC backs up the Brinks truck.


> Than U
I doubt they will. I am already shocked they offered Norman that much money. AMC loves their money.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Right, if ratings continue to go into the toilet, they'll probably decide to cut their losses and end it vs. overpaying.


Avatar of War Slayer
show could still loose another 60% of the live viewers and it would still be AMC's biggest show.
75% if you don't count FTWD
that would be like 85% loss from season 5
would think it has another 3 years at least, maybe less if they follow the book
they could break from the books and go to being action/adventure and do better
than enter into yet another "epic" war / society building
Daryl is an ok actor, the writing for him this last season or so has been shit
Michonne seems terrible and wooden, reportedly she make less than a million per season
she is talking about making African films or something now

after Daryl and Michonne, who do they have left

Carol, Tara, Eugene, Dwight, Rosita, Ezekiel, and Gabriel are all weak/minor/annoying

Aaron and Jesus seem to be the best candidates and have the most charisma,
sorta funny, for next season, appears Aaron is going rugged while Jesus is cleaning up.

Negan probably 2nd or 3rd in currently popularity
already hearing fanfic hope, that when rick dies, Negan can come in and save the day to redeem himself
but don't think he would work with Daryl around