The Walking Dead


Trakanon Raider
I might take Daryl over Carol.
Yea.. those long locks and that steely stare of his... *swoon*


Seriously, though, I can't wait for Darryl, Rick and co. to deliver ragnarok on that group for save-napping Beth AND Carol. Shit.. soon as I wrote that I realized Carol alone will probably fuck them all up once she comes to and heals up. Those arrogant fucks have really screwed the pooch thinking Carol is some frail little thing. I don't know why, but I dislike the officers of that group more then the damn cannibals from Terminus. Something about their attitude of 'we're protecting you, so shut up do what we say!'. I mean.. y'know.. fuck the police.


Millie's Staff Member
has anyone been noticing the lolworthy commercials during the show? from matthew mconaghey(fuck it, i give up trying to get his name right) talking about driving lincolns to zombie themed car ads to AMC threatening to take off TWD due to some tussle with DirectTV over money, then a counterpoint ad from DirectTV telling you in a spooky voice that TWD isnt going anywhere and that AMC is basically full of shit. some funny stuff there.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Here's an Ad we get, made to only play during the Walking Dead. V drink is the most popular energy drink in Aus/NZ

If you see quickly, on the wall is a crossbow and a Samurai sword.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Lauren Conrad at an Event.

Dat Cleavage!!




Millie's Staff Member
how the fuck did abraham manage to not see those?


these AMC fucks just blanked out half the screen during the zombie fight to tell me DirectTv migt cancel TWD. what the shit?

edit edit
shit, that was pretty fast moving. good episode, though i kinda wished they would milk the reveal about washington a bit longer. now we are stuck with randy marsh again.


> Than U
Yup another pricing dispute coming. AMC wants like a extra 14 trillion dollars cause The Walking Dead from Direct TV.
I don't know the actual increase but I heard it was insane and stupid and Direct TV is broadcasting it early to try and turn DTV's customers against them to make them pay.

Probably worst episode of season but had to happen for storyline.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I did like the flashbacks and how it put into context Abraham and Eugene's relationship. Eugene gave Abraham a purpose after his family died and he was willing to turn a blind eye so long as he could believe in that purpose, thus the zealotry.


A Man Chooses....
Maggieboobs: niiice.

This episode was pretty terrible, and I liked every episode this season until this one(even the hospital drama they threw at us last week). The way they explained Abraham's backstory was godawful, I even went back and googled how he explained it in the comics and it made way more sense than what they showed us here. Also I was hoping/expecting to gtfo of Georgia if we followed the trail of the comics, but now I'm wondering with them revealing Eugene's bullshit so early if they end up staying in the metro Atlanta area for the rest of this season at least. It also feels like a scene was cut where they talk about Beth and all agree she's probably dead, otherwise this Maggie thing where she pretends she doesn't exist is even dumber. I mean she specifically talks to Glenn about the group but fails to mention her sister and only potentially surviving family member.


> Than U
Well I speculated earlier in thread about how this season is closing up rapidly to the comics. Alexandria may not happen, at least it may be another place in Atlanta.
I get they get some serious tax/film credits in Georgia but they may make those events take place elsewhere than outside DC. Since many of the characters alive should be dead or wasn't apart of the comics to begin with ( Beth killed herself on the farm I think she did the suicide thing and didn't survive and several other main people are dead, don't exist and so forth ) they may just do a stronghold by another name. Who knows.

I do agree it was the worst episode this season, but I also see it that it was needed due to the events. It still had some LOLsy moments though.


Millie's Staff Member
please explain why this was the worst episode of the season? the eugene reveal was bad, but otherwise i was enjoying it and the flashbacks.


> Than U
Well comparing it to all great episodes it was the worst of the season.
That doesn't mean it was shit, it just means it wasn't as awesome as the others.
It was still better than most of the previous 4 seasons, if you wanted a liberal spin on it.

Anyways in the spoilers below I just reveal the next 3 shows names and descriptions and some side thoughts.
3 episodes left before the 10 week break
All 3 will the following 3 Sundays, with Nov30th being the mid season finale.
Next week we are back at the hospital with the Daryl and Carol story on rescuing Beth.

Consumed-Nov 16th
Stakes are high when members of the group must go on a rescue mission in a familiar location.

I think they must find her and it catches up between the groups because the following week is obviously when Daryl returned back to camp we saw the scene with Daryl back at the Church with a unknown person by the following weeks details of...

Crossed Nov 23rd
Some members hold down the church while the others are on a rescue mission.

This carries over into the mid season finale I am pretty sure, as the final one this year is...

Rick wants to find a peaceful agreement, but the enemies seem to prefer a more violent resolution.

I am somewhat confused by this. I know they had more people than we saw at the Hospital but to basically even be a fight for Rick's group they would have to have more than 10 people left still.
I am thinking by this time DC group has probably returned back to Rick as they have no reason to continue to DC anymore. That would bring Rick's group back to 13-15 depending on what happens the previous 2 episodes.


> Than U
It was just weak in certain areas. It wasn't something I was glued to the entire hour as the previous episodes. It was almost as if I already knew everything about to happen or be said before it happened.
I blame the writer and direction for that.
Each episode has a different Director and a different Writer, it was just not as strong.

Truth be told the only part I rewound and laughed at was the Self Help comment.


Millie's Staff Member
It was just weak in certain areas. It wasn't something I was glued to the entire hour as the previous episodes. It was almost as if I already knew everything about to happen or be said before it happened.
I blame the writer and direction for that.
Each episode has a different Director and a different Writer, it was just not as strong.

Truth be told the only part I rewound and laughed at was the Self Help comment.
alright, was wondering why people were saying this wasnt very good, thought it had to do with stuff they were expecting to go down like the comic series. i like abraham and yes he is corny, but thats the point, he is supposed to be some ultra macho military type, or at least thats how he has been portrayed since he showed up.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Eh, I liked this last episode. The fire-hose tearing the zombies apart was awesome and old Autistic scientist reveal was a pretty big plot point.


Eugene watching Abraham and that one chick boink was pretty "". I thought it was better than the last episode (Beth).