The Walking Dead


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I thought it was better than the last episode (Beth).
Agreed. The Beth episode was the weakest this season. They tried to cram weeks(months?) of her being in that hospital into a single episode. Came off very strange.


<Bronze Donator>
I like Michael Cudlitz a lot. I have no issues with this episode. Not every one of them can be 100% action packed. Even this episode was noticeably better than anything in season 1-4.


A nice asshole.
The sound Mullet boys face made hitting the ground was so over the top I laughed, 5 people in the scuffle and no one even tried to stop him from falling.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I liked the Beth episode more than last one. Possibly because I already read the comics so I knew Gene's secret already so it wasn't very shocking.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It felt obvious to me as well but like I said knowing the secret it is pretty easy to pick at it saying it was obvious. Since both my wife and I have read up on the comics and both knew we weren't very good tests to know if he was being overt about him being a scam artist or not.


Trakanon Raider
I didnt read the comics and it was pretty fucking evident he was a scam.
I think it was spoiled in this thread or on FoH that he didn't know shit. It feels like they have been slightly foreshadowing that reveal for quite a long time now and I think I would have picked up on that spoiler or not.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My Bonedar (tm) is constantly going off with the lesbian chick and almost every male she interacts with on this show. I know she is a box diver but it feels like she's giving off sexual tones in almost every conversation she has with the dudes.


<Gold Donor>
It just does not make any sense from the "its classified" angle. The obvious thing to do is to write it down and give it to as many people as possible. So if he dies the world still has a chance, right? The giveaway for me was in the train car when they were going to be eaten, he still does not give it up. I knew then it was a bunch of shit.


<Prior Amod>
Even while reading the comics, you knew he was full of it, it's just that Abraham is such a big personality and a near force of nature (not really shown here) and so broken, that he HAS to believe in him, or else...

Ppl just follow Abraham and just don't think


Vyemm Raider
He just wanted out of Texas. Who can blame him?

And lol at them only making it 15 miles before running into The Herd. Houston to Atlanta? Np. Getting out of Georgia? Good fucking luck.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think the herd was more than 15 miles out. Wasn't the 15 miles where their bus crashed? Not sure how long then went in the fire truck.


<Bronze Donator>
Well, in a year and a half, Rick's group has traveled a whole 2 miles outside of Atlanta so at least it's consistent.

Maybe it's just that once you hit the black hole that is Georgia the time dilation makes things seem longer.


Vyemm Raider
They may be getting more and more boxed in and don't realize it. The pockets of relative safety are shrinking as the zombie population rises. It'd be interesting if they ever bothered making a map and discovered that they are inside of a shrinking circle, with no choice but to pick a direction and bust through before they get overrun.

Of course, it's also possible for the rapecops to drive in and out of Atlanta without training a million zombies onto themselves. Sure, sound really echoes around in a city. But ffs, they are fucking feeding the things, on purpose. All it took to lose the prison gate was a few rat snacks.

Or maybe reading WWZ and the occasional smart bits thrown into the show have made me apply too much logic to all this and it's really just "hey, lets have some zombies show up here." But they've teased us with the zombie walls several times now as a way of explaining why they are stuck inside the same five mile radius. But they can't keep doing that, because the plausibility of their safe little donut hole outside Atlanta is getting stretched a bit thin when there are these giant roaming herds all around.


> Than U
Thought it was interesting the Beth episode showed the flashbacks of Atlanta being bombed/rocketed, I am guessing early on in a attempt to control the outbreak. That alone probably removed or scattered the walkers from concentration but now they seem to be all coming back to focal points. This makes twice now we have seen massive groups close to the city. You may be on to something Kreugen.


A nice asshole.
They may be getting more and more boxed in and don't realize it. The pockets of relative safety are shrinking as the zombie population rises. It'd be interesting if they ever bothered making a map and discovered that they are inside of a shrinking circle, with no choice but to pick a direction and bust through before they get overrun.

Of course, it's also possible for the rapecops to drive in and out of Atlanta without training a million zombies onto themselves. Sure, sound really echoes around in a city. But ffs, they are fucking feeding the things, on purpose. All it took to lose the prison gate was a few rat snacks.

Or maybe reading WWZ and the occasional smart bits thrown into the show have made me apply too much logic to all this and it's really just "hey, lets have some zombies show up here." But they've teased us with the zombie walls several times now as a way of explaining why they are stuck inside the same five mile radius. But they can't keep doing that, because the plausibility of their safe little donut hole outside Atlanta is getting stretched a bit thin when there are these giant roaming herds all around.
They are in pro NBA territory, all the need to do is find the nearest gangbangers mansion with 6 foot high brick walls and with metal stakes above that, restore some power long enough to open the panic room and live like kings. 1 fucking shoe closest will give them enough clothes for years.

But this is walking dead so zombie ring of death will stay convenient until plots needs it not to be.


They are in pro NBA territory, all the need to do is find the nearest gangbangers mansion with 6 foot high brick walls and with metal stakes above that, restore some power long enough to open the panic room and live like kings. 1 fucking shoe closest will give them enough clothes for years.

But this is walking dead so zombie ring of death will stay convenient until plots needs it not to be.
Why haven't I seen any fast food stores in this show yet? They could be surviving on mild sauce dude.. no one takes the mild sauce.


Molten Core Raider
They are in pro NBA territory, all the need to do is find the nearest gangbangers mansion with 6 foot high brick walls and with metal stakes above that, restore some power long enough to open the panic room and live like kings. 1 fucking shoe closest will give them enough clothes for years.

But this is walking dead so zombie ring of death will stay convenient until plots needs it not to be.
Perfect time to have a celebrity cameo, we can find out how Outkast has been doing during the apocalypse.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been meaning to ask, what was that on the highway where the firetruck broke down and hundreds/thousands of zombies?, a refugee camp?


Vyemm Raider
It looked like a large animal farm. So the first few waves probably had themselves a huge feast, and lots of other zombies kept showing up to see what the hubub was about, and now they are just kind of stuck hanging around because nothing has drawn them off.